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Anti-inflammatory foods

What to Expect from Sourdough?

Sourdough… it is not what you are thinking.

But there is something real about how sourdough rises.

sourdough bread
Yes, Sourdough bread naturally rises and there’s a reason

Diet, Gut Health, Weight Loss.

The connection between sourdough and your mood...

Including the hidden secret to gut health and weight loss.

10-15% of people worldwide suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Commonly referred to as IBS.

But only half of people who experience pain, fatigue of IBS are diagnosed.

It;s the most important pieces of the missing puzzle.

The gut communicates with your brain.

Is obesity linked to poor gut health?

The stomach releases a hormone called ghrelin.

Ghrelin stimulates appetite by telling our brain it is time for food.

The gut is a major gateway to the rest of the body.

And it’s more than a supporting role in health and well-being.

  • 1 in 7 people are linked to poor gut health
  • The gut plays an essential role in health and wellbeing
  • Poor food choices can upset the gut microbiome

Have you experienced any of these three gut health symptoms?


Why people are using natural remedies…

And to better their lives in ways no other path can do for them.

Sustained energy

Increased energy, not the ups and downs of blood sugar.

No more feeling tired in the morning and wired at night

Renewed desire

Confidence knowing what are good anti-inflammatory foods to eat.

Clarity about what’s good for you with less cravings for bad food.

Less aches and pain

Relief from body pain and aches associated with inflammation.

Zest for life

Healthy brain and gut connection by addressing gut health without brain fog.

And I’m here to help you improve your gut health for a healthier life.

Let me tell you a story behind Sourdough

It might be the greatest UNTOLD sourdough story.

This came to mind when I received a phone call today.

It was from someone who wanted advice about sourough.

Sure, I said…”what IS your story?”

Tell me about the moment you knew you’re overwhelmed?

As you know, there’s so much that goes on from day-to-day.

And it’s so easy to get lost in the forest...

This short article helps you to focus.

You’ll take ONE action, which is the most important first.

So you can make a choice with the most impact…

gut health

What is sourdough bread?

Glad you asked…

Sourdough is a leavened bread.

And the dough naturally rises as a result.

“Naturally rises as a result”…

Please keep this in mind as you keep reading.

Now here’s the #1 question that people ask…

“Is sourdough sour.”

So why would someone want to eat sour bread?

Maybe there is a hidden and deeper meaning.

Is life going to be a bitter, sweet or sour?

Because fear of the unknown is a limiter…

What does limit mean?

It’s a point beyond where someone cannot or is not permitted to go.

And it’s worse than you imagine.

Fear always gets in the way of change...

It’s got less to do with fear of failure.

And also fear of success.

Actually, it’s fear of both.

Let me explain…

Let’s say you want to go on a diet to lose weight.

But what if it doesn’t work?

You spend money on a product.

You may struggle, suffer and starve…

Only to gain ten more pounds in the end.

And feel like a loser.

But what if it all works for you?

You lose all the weight you want...

And then some.

But now you have another problem.

Do people actually like you or your appearance?

Maybe before you didn’t get much attention in social situations.

And now you’re overwhelmed with attention…

Some of it far more aggressive than you can stomach.

That’s also scary.

And you don’t know which direction it’s going, right?

So that uncertainty is scary, too.


fast food

Real change happens when you can get past fear...

And what is the ultimate fear killer?


Loving the idea of new possibilities.

Love who you’ll become.

As you go about experiencing self discovery…

Love of the curiosity.

And love of fascination.

You’re able to face and open up to the real you.

Listen, the goal isn’t to avoid or get rid of fear...

You just have to love ringing a bell so much louder.

So the noise of fear is harder to hear.

And it’s not as simple as feeling the fear...

To be uncomfortable and do it anyway.

It’s you feeling, taking care and nurturing love.

And action happens without fear.

Because sourdough naturally rises as a result

And extra credit if you love who you are right now.

Especially to encourage love for the future you.

You’re ready to finally put an end to discomfort.

Remember life is your personal sourdough journey...

You’re declaring you have risen.

And deserve to enjoy a new life.

To love you, feel good, energised and empowered.

POWERFUL is your love and I am so excited for you…


We want to know how to improve our health.

Especially knowing how to reduce the risk of disease.

Today choose to upgrade your quality of life...

And the lives of those you deeply love.

Remember sourdough naturally rises as a result.

In the last couple of decades…

Science confirms inflammation causes damage.

And the cause for most of our health problems.

Food is integral in the fight against inflammation in our body.

Food is an important part of our lifestyle…

And diet is only one tool in the box.

There are numerous nutrients and natural remedies.

Including foods which are critical in reducing inflammation.

All foods we choose to eat can increase inflammation…

Or they can combat the effects of inflammation.

In fact, research shows some foods are as effective as medicine.

We all want to reduce inflammation in our body…

But without unwanted and often detrimental side effects.

May I ask… do you want to recharge your gut health?

You’ll need to figure out which foods are ideal for digestion.

Which brings us to the Gut Health Guide...

Your gut health is serious, really important and a priority.

What if you want to move forward with confidence?

Click here for foods you love to boost gut health and digestion.

19 Natural Remedies to Combat Inflammation and Restore Your Gut Health

restore gut health

Restoring and Recharging Gut Health…

As you read, you’ll wonder “what would happen?”

Please don’t make is way harder than you think.

Just learn and apply it to your own life.

And there are a few good reasons why.

Stop talking yourself out of winning before getting started

You don’t need money or a college degree to enjoy healthy life.

We’ll show you STEP by STEP how to position yourself to win.

Education is important…

But knowing how to position yourself is more important!

Inflammation holds answers to some of the most pressing gut problems…

What others are scared to tell you, but this is crucial for success.

Natural remedies reinforce how much people need fresh eyes on their health.

Always listen to your body.

And where applicable use your own best judgement.

Prebiotic Fiber

Prebiotic fibre passes through our digestive tract undigested.

Prebiotic fibre passes through our digestive tract undigested.

And arrives in the colon where it is a prime food source for the microbiome.

When bacteria in the gut are nourished with prebiotic fiber…

They produce metabolites that support health within.

As well as beyond the gut.

While we can get prebiotic fiber from certain foods.

Many of us just don’t eat enough food sources of prebiotics.

Supplemental prebiotic fiber is one of the top recommended gut supplements.

By adding isolated prebiotic fiber to your diet.

You can optimize your microbiome and improve your health.

Prebiotic fibre health benefits

★ Supports a healthy microbiome
★ Improves immune function
★ Reduces the incidence of upper respiratory infections
★ Supports healthy weight management
★ Improves blood sugar balance
★ Promotes bowel regularity
★ Relieves gas and bloating

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL)

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice relieves inflammation and restores the mucosal lining of the gut.

DGL is an ancient remedy for ulcers and indigestion.

It relieves inflammation and restores the mucosal lining of the gut.

Licorice root naturally contains a compound if consumed in excess…

Can raise blood pressure levels.

DGL refers to deglycyrrhizinated licorice, which has had this compound
removed and is safe to be consumed on a regular basis.

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice health benefits

★ Reduces the symptoms of acid reflux
★ Soothes the lining of digestive tract
★ Reduces inflammation
★ Promotes healing of the gut lining
★ Supports balanced blood sugar
★ Supports a healthy immune response

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is helpful for inflammatory gut problems. Including colitis, gastritis, mouth sores, and stomach ulcers.

Marshmallow root is helpful for inflammatory gut problems...

Including colitis, gastritis, mouth sores, and stomach ulcers.

Recent research shows dried marshmallow root contains proline compound.

Proline is an amino acid that helps build protein in the body for tissue repair.

Marshmallow root helps us recover from leaky gut.

The compound creates a protective layer around GI cell junctions.

Marshmallow root health benefits

★ Relieves constipation, colic, and heartburn
★ Stimulates cells that promote tissue growth
★ Helps to heal leaky gut
★ Supports respiratory health
★ Improves hormonal balance
★ Relieves discomfort of indigestion


Meadowsweet is an herb part of the rose family.

Meadowsweet is an herb part of the rose family.

Meadowsweet has been used medicinally for centuries.

The herb soothes lining of the digestive tract.

And protects the mucus membranes.

It has been used to treat chronic stomach ulcers...

And stop lesions in the stomach.

It contains salicylates, which help to reduce inflammation.

In combination with mucilage to protect the stomach from salicylic acid.

Meadowsweet health benefits

★ Soothes upset stomach
★ Relieves ulcers
★ Soothes, protects mucus membranes of digestive tract
★ Prevents bacterial infections
★ Provides antioxidant protection
★ Relieves colds and coughs
★ Reduces joint pain and inflammation


Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Turmeric is a powerful and potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant...

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that heals inflammation.

And stops oxidative damage.

Curcumin has poor bioavailability…

As a result, eating turmeric by itself doesn’t active health benefits.

Because it is poorly absorbed, rapidly metabolized…

And rapidly eliminated from the body.

There are multiple components that can be added to turmeric.

These make it much more effective and bioavailable.

Piperine being the most popular option…

Piperine is the active component of black pepper.

And when added to turmeric it increases the bioavailability.

The boost of curcumin is increased by 2,000%.

Turmeric soothes inflammation, restores gut, relieves symptoms of IBS.

Turmeric health benefits

★ Reduces bodywide inflammation
★ Improves cognition
★ Supports digestion
★ Provides antioxidant protection
★ Supports cardiovascular health
★ Reduces joint pain and inflammation
★ Improves energy levels

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has the same calming and healing effect on the digestive tract.

Aloe vera has the same calming and healing effect on the digestive tract.

This makes it a go-to treatment for topical wounds and burns.

Aloe vera also relieves constipation, soothes inflammation.

And stops stomach ulcers…

When shopping for aloe vera juice, choose between whole plant or inner filet.

The inner filet is amazingly good for anti-inflammatory...

And powerfully effective at soothing irritation.

The whole plant has the same benefits as the inner filet.

Along with additional healing properties.

Whole leaf aloe vera juice contains bitter components of the rough outer skin.

Which are truly beneficial for our digestive tracts.

Aloe vera health benefits

★ Relieves constipation by stimulating gut motility
★ Reduces irritable bowel, diarrhea, and colitis
★ Soothes gut inflammation
★ Reduces bloating
★ Supports microbial balance
★ Relieves symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
★ Improves blood sugar balance

Slippery Elm Bark

Slippery elm bark is derived from a tree native to the US and Canada.

Slippery elm bark is derived from a tree native to the US and Canada.

It was used by Indigenous Americans to treat many common ailments.

Including fevers, wounds, and sore throat.

Slippery elm bark is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant…

It contains a rich mucilage that coats mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines.

Slippery elm bark is used to treat inflammatory bowel conditions.

This includes colitis, enteritis, gastritis, and IBS.

It can also be used to relieve diarrhea and reflux.

Slippery elm bark health benefits

★ Soothes the lining of the digestive tract
★ Reduces the symptoms of Crohn’s, colitis, and IBS
★ Relieves GERD and heartburn
★ Soothes coughs and relieves sore throats
★ Promotes bowel regularity
★ Prevents oxidative stress


L-glutamine is an amino acid. It is the main source of energy for the cells of small intestine.

L-glutamine is an amino acid...

It is the main source of energy for the cells of small intestine.

And is the most popular supplement for healing leaky gut.

L-glutamine Supplemental

L-glutamine gives the gut energy it needs to repair.

And maintain its barrier function.

It nourishes some of the beneficial bacteria in the microbiome.

While L-glutamine is naturally produced in the body…

We cannot always produce enough to keep up with our needs.

Supplemental L-glutamine gives us the boost we need.

It is particulary good for times of stress, illness, or injury.

Please note some people with certain genetic mutations…

React and do not feel well while on L-glutamine supplements.

If you feel nauseous or anxious while on L-glutamine, discontinue use.

L-glutamine health benefits

★ Accelerates the healing of leaky gut
★ Promotes microbial balance
★ Relieves abdominal, gas, and bloating
★ Soothes inflammation
★ Promotes bowel regularity
★ Supports recovery from injuries and infections
★ Improves immune function

Butyric Acid

Butyric acid is a short-chain fatty acid. This fatty acid serves as primary source of fuel for cells of the colon.

Butyric acid is a short-chain fatty acid...

This fatty acid serves as primary source of fuel for cells of the colon.

Butyric acid is produced in the microbiome.

This happens when beneficial bacteria break down certain forms of fiber.

Butyric acid supplementation improves symptoms of IBS.

And supports healing of the lining of both colon and small intestine.

Butyric acid health benefits

★ Prevents leaky gut
★ Promotes healthy balance in the microbiome
★ Relieves the pain and symptoms of IBS
★ Reduces bodywide inflammation
★ Induces the death of colon cancer cells
★ Prevents metabolic syndrome
★ Reduces abdominal fat

Zinc Carnosine

Zinc Carnosine, people with deficient levels of zinc are associated with intestinal inflammation.

Deficient levels of zinc are associated with intestinal inflammation.

Including dysbiosis, poor wound healing, and impaired immunity.

This particular formulation of zinc has been shown to be especially effective.

Zinc Carnosine is powerful for improving gut health...

In fact, the combination of zinc and carnosine is three times as effective.

It speeds up healing more than zinc and carnosine used individually.

Zinc Carnosine health benefits

★ Reduces inflammation in the gut
★ Supports the mucosal lining
★ Prevents oxidative damage to gut cells
★ Supports the healing of ulcers
★ Relieves colitis
★ Balances levels of H. pylori


Quercetin is a powerful, well-studied antioxidant. Naturally found in apples, onions, grapes, citrus fruit, green, leafy vegetables.

Quercetin is a powerful, well-studied antioxidant...

Naturally found in apples, onions, grapes, citrus fruit, green, leafy vegetables.

Quercetin not only soothes inflammation…

It restores the lining of gut.

Acts as a natural antihistamine, which decreases the body’s reaction to allergies.

And food sensitivities.

Quercetin health benefits

★ Promotes the healing of leaky gut
★ Enhances diversity in the microbiome
★ Reduces inflammation
★ Improves immunity
★ Eases allergies
★ Supports respiratory health

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium Glycinate. Magnesium is a vital nutrient. 2 out of 3 people are deficient. Suboptimal magnesium levels compromise health.

Magnesium is a vital nutrient for our body in order to function…

Matter of fact, 2 out of 3 people are deficient.

Suboptimal magnesium levels compromise health.

And set the stage for serious and chronic diseases.

Magnesium glycinate is the preferred form of supplemental magnesium.

Because its superior absorption and effectiveness.

Magnesium is needed for over 300 bodily processes.

Including energy production, nerve signaling, blood sugar balance…

Mood regulation, and hormone production.

Magnesium is awesome nutritional supplement to assist with constipation.

It helps to relax nervous system.

And smooth muscles to be able to complete a proper bowel movement.

Low magnesium levels are linked with increased inflammation.

And supplemental magnesium reduces markers of inflammation in the bloodstream.

Magnesium glycinate health benefits

★ Promotes bowel regularity
★ Improves sleep
★ Relieves stress
★ Supports hormonal balance
★ Improves digestion
★ Supports mental health

Fulvic Minerals

Fulvic minerals are naturally occurring organic compound. It is found in special soil deposits around the world.

Fulvic minerals are naturally occurring organic compound...

It is found in special soil deposits around the world.

Fulvic minerals bind with nutrients.

And usher them into the cell, enhancing cellular nutrition.

They bind to toxins so they can be excreted from the body.

Fulvic minerals improve microbial balance in the microbiome.

And reduce Candida over growths.

Fulvic mineral supplements are powerful anti-fungal…

And anti-inflammatory agents.

Studies have shown them to be more effective.

And faster acting than other conventional antifungals.

Fulvic minerals health benefits

★ Improves nutrient absorption
★ Supports gut health
★ Reduces inflammation
★ Enhances immune response
★ Supports metabolism
★ Improves energy levels
★ Supports detoxification

Saccharomyces Boulardii

Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic-acting yeast. And is most well-known for its role in stopping traveller's diarrhoea.

Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic-acting yeast...

And is most well-known for its role in stopping traveller’s diarrhoea.

This makes it a great choice to take on a holiday.

Saccharomyces boulardii has ability to regulate the balance in your gut…

This happens by inhibiting pathogenic bacteria.

Including Candida albicans and Salmonella Typhimurium.

Saccharomyces Boulardii can shorten duration of time for diarrhea.

As well as improve the consistency of stools…

Improves absorption of nutrients supporting production and secretion of digestive enzymes.

Saccharomyces boulardii health benefits

★ Relieves diarrhea
★ Restores balance to the microbiome
★ Helps to heal leaky gut
★ Reduces overgrowths of H. pylori
★ Reduces inflammation
★ Balances Candida overgrowths


Ashwagandha studies have shown microbiome suffers when we are stressed out. And when we don’t sleep well.

Studies show the microbiome suffers when we are stressed out.

And when we don’t sleep well.

Staying up late or lying in bed tossing and turning for just one night…

Triggers problematic shifts in the microbiome.

This creates inflammation and set the stage for a leaky gut.

When we feel stressed, our bodies surge a release of cortisol.

Cortisol helps us rise to the challenging occasion.

Unfortunately, stress we experience is ongoing and unavoidable.

Chronically high levels of cortisol deplete beneficial microbes.

And allow pathogenic species to dominate the gut.

High stress and poor sleep disrupt the gut-brain axis.

This interferes with healthy digestion resulting in reflux…

Constipation, gas, and bloating.

Being stressed and not getting enough sleep often go hand in hand.

Stress keeps us up at night.

Sleepless nights sets us up for a stressful day.

Ashwagandha is the herbal remedy of choice...

We get much better at handling stress.

And unwind, so we get the rest we need at the end of a long day.

Ashwagandha health benefits

★ Promotes bowel regularity
★ Improves sleep
★ Relieves stress
★ Supports hormonal balance
★ Improves digestion
★ Supports mental health

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive Enzymes play an essential role in physiological processes throughout the body. Natural digestive enzymes, lipase, amylase, and protease

Enzymes play an essential role in physiological processes throughout the body.

Natural digestive enzymes, lipase, amylase, and protease…

Help in breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

If we lack digestive acids our food will putrefy in our stomachs.

This creates toxins that irritate and inflame our entire body...

Enzyme supplements can be taken to help improve digestion.

There are a few reasons our body may need assistance.

Digestive enzyme supplements help for digestive disease, liver disease…

Pancreatic disease or simply with the aging process.

In these cases, digestive enzymes may decrease the burden of digestion.

It lightens the load on the digestive organs.

And in turn reduces inflammation which heals leaky gut.

Some digestive supplements are intended to be taken with a meal.

While others should be taken shortly before eating.

Digestive enzymes health benefits

★ Supports healthy digestion
★ Promotes optimal nutrient absorption
★ Reduces gas, bloating, and constipation
★ Improves colon health
★ Helps to prevent nutritional deficiencies
★ Improves microbial balance

Betaine Hydrochloride

Betaine hydrochloride supplements help support healthy gut function.

Betaine hydrochloride supplements help support healthy gut function…

And digestion by restoring normal levels of gastric acidity.

They help support in protein digestion.

Betaine hydrochloride activates protein-digesting enzyme pepsin...

And combats overgrowth of bacteria in stomach and small intestine.

And encourages natural flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes.

Always take HCL either during the meal or right at the end of the meal.

Taking before a meal may create a false experience of heartburn.

And can turn off stomach acid production for this meal.

Do not take HCL if you are on any NSAIDs (ibuprofen or aspirin).

Betaine hydrochloride health benefits:

★ Promotes healthy stomach pH
★ Reduces symptoms of GERD
★ Improves the absorption of nutrients
★ Reduces inflammation
★ Reduces the risk of heart disease
★ Promote healthy weight management
★ Improves liver function

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Supplemental omega-3 fatty acids are powerfully effective for combating inflammation.

Omega-3 fatty acids are powerfully effective for combating inflammation…

Omega-3’s supports healthy gut by promoting diversity and abundance in microbiome.

In fact, omega-3 can repair stress-induced derangement in microbiome.

And in a matter of days…

The anti-inflammatory benefits of omega-3s…

Help to reduce risks of cardiovascular, neurodegeneration, autoimmune disease.

Omega-3 fatty acids health benefits

★ Reduces inflammation
★ Improves the microbiome
★ Promotes mental health
★ Reduces the risk of autoimmune disease
★ Improves vision
★ Improves heart health
★ Reduces cancer risk


Valerian has centuries of use for reducing anxiety, improving sleep, easing menstrual cramps, soothing digestive system.

Valerian has centuries of use for reducing anxiety…

Improving sleep, easing menstrual cramps, soothing digestive system.

Best known for relieving insomnia.

Valerian is safe and effective sleep aid...

It can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

It helps with constipation and stomach cramps.

And enhances ability to digest food and absorb nutrients.

Valerian contains several compounds to reduce inflammation.

And soothe pain…

If stress is taking a toll on your digestive system.

Maybe you’re not getting the quality sleep you need.

If you’re not at your best, try valerian for gentle relief.

Valerian health benefits

★ Improves sleep
★ Reduces stress
★ Lowers inflammation
★ Soothes pain
★ Eases anxiety
★ Relieves headaches and migraines
★ Improves hormonal balance

Frequently Asked Questions

What strategies can I implement to quickly restore my gut health?

To quickly restore gut health, you can start by adopting a balanced and nutritious diet that includes plenty of fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Avoiding processed foods, added sugars, and artificial additives is crucial.

Include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kefir, as well as probiotic supplements, can help replenish beneficial gut bacteria.

Managing stress through practices like meditation, exercise, and quality sleep can further support gut healing.

How long does it typically take to restore a healthy gut?

The timeline to restore a healthy gut varies depending on individual factors.

In general, it may take several weeks to a few months of consistent dietary.

And lifestyle changes to notice improvements.

However, more severe gut issues or underlying health conditions might require longer periods for complete restoration.

Which three superfoods are beneficial for improving gut health?

Three superfoods that promote gut health are fermented foods.

Sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha, which are rich in probiotics.

Prebiotic foods like garlic, onions, asparagus provide nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria.

Fiber-rich foods like oats, flaxseeds, legumes support healthy gut environment.

And regular bowel movements.

Is it possible to reset my gut in just three days?

Completely resetting the gut in just three days is unlikely.

As gut health restoration is a gradual process.

But you can make positive changes in short time by following certain methods.

This includes eliminating inflammatory foods and prioritising a whole food, plant-based diet, staying well-hydrated with daily exercise.

Get sufficient sleep, and managing stress levels.

These all can help create a favorable environment for gut healing.

What are the common signs and symptoms of poor gut health?

Common signs and symptoms of poor gut health include digestive issues like bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea.

Food intolerances, frequent infections, skin problems, fatigue, mood swings.

And weakened immune function can also indicate compromised gut health.

If you experience persistent or concerning symptoms…

You should consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis.

And personalised treatment plan.

Can a 24-hour fast help in resetting the gut?

While a 24-hour fast can provide a brief period of rest for the digestive system.

It may not be sufficient to fully reset the gut.

Extended fasting or intermittent fasting protocols help.

Its better to get professional guidance.

This may have more significant impacts on the gut microbiome.

It’s essential to ensure adequate hydration.

And nutrition during fasting periods to support overall health.

Are there any natural remedies or foods that can effectively eliminate harmful bacteria in the gut?

Several natural remedies and foods can help eliminate harmful bacteria in the gut.

Eat foods with natural antimicrobial properties, garlic, ginger, oregano, coconut oil.

All these foods can support in combating pathogenic bacteria.

Certain herbs like berberine and goldenseal are known to have antimicrobial effects.

Natural remedies do work for serious gut infections or conditions.


Lets face it, it is a lot, isn’t it?

Undoing the habits of a lifetime.

Dealing with intense digestion pain.

Battling inflammation and problems…

Temptations causing you to crave treats.

Sometimes you just need a break

But was it a massive breakthrough for you?

Has it changed the path of your life?

Don’t let anything get in the way.

You can achieve short and long term results…

While some people can enjoy results in less than 30 days.

Some people may take longer and that’s good too.

The information helps to restore and revive your gut.

And overcome inflammation, so you can recharge your gut.

Small change makes all this work for your good…

Improve your immune and digestive problems.

And enjoy better health for years to come.

But we’ve only just scratched the surface…

Look for daily emails to stay informed on topics that matter most to you.

There are more life-changing reports for gut health and holistic wellness.

Including feeling healthier and more active than ever before…

P.S. If I were to put together a group what’s the biggest challenge in your health?

Click here if you want to download this special report to your desktop…

The Top 7 Catalysts of Gut Inflammation

gut inflammation

How to Take Back Control of Your Gut Health

As a gut specialist, I want to share this information with you…

Right now I want to emphasise the critical role of a healthy gut.

This actionable step is all about helping you to improve your well-being.

Actually, we want to focus on reducing the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Please take a look at this gut inflammation special report…

We will delve into the top seven catalysts of gut inflammation.

And explore actionable steps you can take to take the edge off these triggers.

Unless…you don’t want to improve your health?

But you’re here reading this because you have a reason.

You want to understand the factors which contribute to chronic inflammation…

You want to make informed choices to support your body’s natural healing.

Chronic Infections

chronic infections

Some microorganisms can evade our immune defences.

The result is persistent infections and chronic inflammation.

Examples include:


Epstein-Barr virus

Hepatitis C virus

Candida overgrowth

Seeking appropriate treatment

Today we will be addressing underlying infections.

This is crucial for reducing inflammation.

Toxic Exposures

toxic exposure

Exposure to daily toxins in air pollutants…

Including heavy metals, prescription drugs, pesticides.

There are a vast array of chemicals in everyday products.

Each one can contribute to chronic inflammation.

Minimising exposure and using natural products is a choice.

And a toxin-free lifestyle can help reduce inflammation.

Poor Quality Sleep

poor quality sleep

Inadequate sleep disrupts the body’s stress response system.

And elevates inflammatory response and molecules.

Prioritising quality sleep is often neglected.

We all need to establish a consistent sleep routine.

This creates a sleep-friendly environment.

And allows us to better manage stress which can help reduce inflammation.

Chronic Stress

chronic stress

Long exposure to psychological stressors.

We live in a demanding world.

High-demand jobs or challenging relationships can increase inflammation.

Implementing stress management techniques is crucial.

Practice meditation, exercise, and get support.

All these can positively impact inflammation levels.

Lack of Exercise

lack of  exercise
Lazy sad overweight woman lying down on the floor and doesn’t want to exercise.

Physical inactivity contributes to higher levels of inflammatory markers.

Regular daily exercise reduces inflammation.

And promotes overall health and well-being.

Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

Inflammatory Foods

inflammatory foods

We all know a typical Western diet is high in processed foods.

We are all eating too much refined grains, and unhealthy fats promotes inflammation.

Opt for an anti-inflammatory diet…

Eat rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins.

And healthy fats to combat inflammation.

Gut Problems

gut problems

Imbalances in gut bacteria (dysbiosis)

This compromises the gut barrier function.

And can trigger inflammation.

Supporting gut health through probiotics and lifestyle changes.

It is simple to do and can help restore gut health and reduce inflammation.


Lets consider the underlining problems.

And continue to address these seven catalyst of inflammation.

You can take a significant step right now…

This helps move you towards reducing your risk.

None of us deserves to suffer from painful chronic inflammatory diseases.

You can get a jump start on improving your overall well-being.

As a gut specialist, I encourage you to seriously get the special report.

Please think and do something about prioritising a healthy gut.

We know we all get caught up in the daily problems and dramas of life.

But you know gut health plays a crucial role in modulating inflammation.

Remember to improve sleep, manage stress, eat anti-inflammatory diet.

Every tiny step helps in supporting gut health,.

It is within reach and within your ability.

You can take back control of your gut health...

This can have a profound impact on your health outcomes.

Proactive measures relieve these painful inflammatory triggers.

And consult with a healthcare professional for personalised guidance.

Together, let’s create a healthier lifestyle by empowering ourselves.

You can get the actionable steps so you can combat inflammation…

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