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Belly Fat vs. Bloating

get rid of belly fat

Understanding Differences Between Fat vs Bloating

How to lose weight for women…

We’ll look at finding solutions.

Are you struggling with a protruding abdomen?

Are you wondering if it’s belly fat or bloating?

Many people find themselves confused between the two.

In this comprehensive guide…

We’ll explore the differences between belly fat vs bloating.

Delve into the causes behind each.

And provide actionable tips to address both.

Let’s get started…

What is Belly Fat?

Belly fat is a concern for many people striving for gut health.

And healthy lifestyle with a trimmer waistline.

Understanding belly fat is key to effectively addressing it.

Belly fat is known as visceral fat…

how to lose weight fast

The fat accumulates around abdominal organs.

It is considered a deeper body fat.

And more dangerous type of fat than subcutaneous fat.

This type of fat lies beneath the skin.

Visceral fat has been linked to various health risks

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer

What Causes Belly Fat?

Body composition and abdominal health contribute to belly fat.

It’s essential to understand causes to effectively combat stubborn fat.

One of the primary culprits behind belly fat is a poor diet…

Foods high in refined carbohydrates, added sugars, unhealthy fats.

Including a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise.

And hormonal changes during menopause.

Each can contribute to the development of excess belly fat.

How Can We Reduce Belly Fat?

Combating belly fat requires a comprehensive approach.

This includes lifestyle modifications and healthy habits.

Here are weight management strategies to help reduce belly fat:

Adopt a Balanced Diet

Focus on eating whole foods.

These are nutrient-dense foods.

Limit processed and high-sugar foods.

Include lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

And healthy fats in your meals.

Engage in Regular Physical Activity

Use a combination of aerobic exercises, brisk walking or cycling.

And strength training exercises to help burn calories.

This is really good to build muscle, and boost metabolism.

Manage Stress Levels

High stress levels can contribute to belly fat.

Practice stress-management techniques, meditation, yoga.

Deep breathing exercises reduce stress.

And promote health with better well-being.

Get Sufficient Sleep

stress, sleep

Lack of sleep is known for weight gain and increased belly fat.

Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.

Quality sleep supports healthy weight management.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking adequate amount of water can help metabolism.

And digestion with overall well-being.

Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water per day.

What is Bloating?

Bloating is a commonly characterised by a feeling of fullness.

And tightness in the abdomen.

It’s often caused by excess gas production.

Also imbalance or disturbances in digestive system.

What Causes Bloating?

gut health

Bloating can have various causes…

Gas and Digestive Issues

Excessive gas production caused by certain foods, can result to bloating.

Common culprits include…

  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Cabbage
  • Onions
  • Sugary carbonated beverages

Poor Digestive Health

Imbalances in gut bacteria and slow digestion.

There are conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can contribute to bloating.

Food Intolerance

Some people may experience bloating because of food intolerance.

These foods can be specific to lactose or gluten intolerance.

How Can You Reduce Bloating?

Bloating involves identifying underlying causes…

And making targeted healthy lifestyle changes.

Here are some strategies to help reduce bloating…

why do you really want to lose weight

Identify Trigger Foods

Keep a food diary to identify foods that may cause bloating and discomfort.

Consider eliminating or reducing intake of known triggers.

Eat Mindfully

Slow down while eating, chew thoroughly, and avoid gulping air.

Eating smaller, more frequent meals can also help stop bloating.

Stay Active

Regular physical activity can help stimulate digestion to stop bloating.

Include basic light exercises or activities like walking after meals.

Manage Stress

Stress is a big one and can aggravate digestive issues and bloating.

Take advantage of stress-management techniques.

Daily 5-10 minute walks, exercise, meditation, hobbies.

Bloating and Gas

Gas and bloating can occur from swallowing air.

This can create a feeling of pain in the stomach…

It can occur when the body does not break down certain types of carbohydrate in intestines.

What your body doesn’t digest, gut bacteria will.

The by-product is gas.

The reasons why gas and bloating are more common are not fully understood.

But it has been shown less of the food you eat is broken down.

And absorbed leaving more for your gut bacteria.

Certain foods, ways of eating and drinking tend to cause more gas.

Changing your diet and eating behaviors may help.

Try the following tips…

how to lose weight fast

Avoid sugar alcohols and fructose

Sugar alcohols, sorbitol, maltitol, xylitol, and other ingredients ending in “ol.”

These are altered sugars used in some sugar-free products and protein bars.

They’re used because of delayed impact on blood glucose for people with altered glucose metabolism.

However, they are metabolized by gut bacteria and can cause gas.

They also can cause diarrhea.

Foods high in fructose (such as large amounts of fruits) can also cause gas.

Lactose intolerant

Lactose is a sugar naturally found in milk and in other dairy products.

It may be found in protein supplements.

And can be used as an additive in processed foods.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance include gas and bloating.

If you are lactose intolerant, switch to lactose-free milk.

Try a lactose enzyme, or choose soy, almond, rice, or coconut milk.

Use probiotics

Probiotics help to maintain healthy bacteria.

And natural digestive process in our intestinal tract.

Avoid swallowing too much air

People can swallow air by…

  • Drinking from a straw or bottle
  • Chewing gum or sucking on mints or candies
  • Drinking carbonated beverages, soda, sparkling water
  • Gulping
  • Eating or drinking too fast
  • Eating quickly, gulping food or beverages
  • Swallowing excessively

Limit fat intake

Fat is not always well absorbed and should be limited.

Use products to reduce or treat gas-related symptoms.

Examples include:

Beano, natural enzyme can reduce gas after eating gas producing foods.

Like cabbage, beans, foods that cause you to bloat and feel gassy.

The recommended dose is 1 tablet per ½ cup of gassy food.

Take with your first bite…

Simethicone products, such as Gas-X strips.

Devrom, internal deodorant used to reduce unpleasant odor of flatus.

Limit soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is fermented by bacteria in the gut.

Types of soluble fiber include oats, oat bran, soluble fiber supplements.

Barley, beans and dried peas.

These types of fiber can lower cholesterol levels.

And provide other beneficial health effects.

But, if gas is problematic and unresolved by other means…

Limit soluble fiber may be an option to explore.

Avoid foods that may cause gas

Examples include

  • Vegetables
  • Beets
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn
  • Cucumbers
  • Greens (kale, turnip or beet greens), green peppers
  • Leeks
  • Lettuce
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions
  • Parsley
  • Tomatoes
  • High-fiber cereals and grains (increase gradually)
  • Beans (pinto beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, lima beans, fava beans, lentils, soybeans)
  • Peanuts and peanut butter
  • Soy milk
  • Soy protein isolate (ingredient in protein bars and other high-protein supplements)


Understanding the differences between belly fat vs bloating

It is crucial for effective weight management and weight loss.

While belly fat is a result of excess visceral fat accumulation…

Bloating is often caused by gas, digestive issues, food intolerance.

Healthy diet, daily physical activity, manage stress levels…

Address trigger foods so you can reduce belly fat and bloating.

There’s a huge list of trigger foods for belly fat and bloating.

Here are some culprits that may cause issues


Carbonated beverages

The bubbles in carbonated drinks can result in gas and bloating.

Choose water or herbal tea instead.

Cruciferous vegetables

Vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage contain complex sugars.

These complex sugars can cause painful gas and bloating.

Cook thoroughly or try digestive-friendly alternatives like spinach or zucchini.


Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are high in fiber.

And carbohydrates can produce gas.

Soak overnight before cooking.

And gradually increase your intake can help improve digestion.

Fatty and fried foods

High-fat foods take longer to digest.

The result can cause bloating.

Limit eating fried foods, fatty cuts of meat, and processed snacks.

Dairy products

Lactose intolerance can cause bloating and discomfort.

If you’re sensitive to lactose, consider trying lactose-free dairy products.

There are non-dairy alternatives like almond or oat milk.

Artificial sweeteners

Sugar substitutes like sorbitol, xylitol, and mannitol can be difficult to digest.

Sugar substitutes can cause excessive bloating and gas.

Check food labels for additives…

And consider natural sweeteners like stevia or maple syrup instead.

Wheat and gluten

Some people may experience bloating and digestive because of gluten intolerance.

Sensitivity may also be a cause, consider gluten-free alternatives.

Quinoa, rice, or gluten-free oats.

Onions and garlic

These flavourful ingredients can cause bloating and gas in some people.

Especially when eaten in large amounts.

Experiment with cooking techniques.

Use milder alternatives like herbs and spices.

It’s important to know everyone’s digestive system is unique.

And trigger foods can vary…

Keep food diary to record how our body reacts to different foods.

This can help you identify your personal triggers.

And make dietary adjustments accordingly…

If you have food intolerance, persistent bloating or digestive issues.

Remember, its all about choices to support healthier digestion.

Also its important to consult with healthcare professional.

You can discuss personal issues for your specific situation and proper evaluation.

The TOP Tip How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast

Stop! There’s no need to keep beating your head against stone walls…

Finally: “How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast (Get Your Life Back On Track)”

Call me crazy, I’m a little surprised you’ve still not lost your belly fat…

I know you’re probably wondering…

What’s it costing you in your enjoyment of life?
How much worrying are you doing now?
How much of life are you missing out on? 

I’m not going to do a ton of “convincing”…
YOU know if you really need it or not.
As you’re reading, do keep and open mind.

Allow that gut feeling you’ve got right now be your guide.

Depressed, trapped and ashamed the story begins decades earlier…

As a little girl, I grew up in a desperate, angry and poor home.

There was never enough money, food, clothing, freedom, love.

Everyone was overworked, stressed, sick, tired and upset…

Each person would take out their frustrations on me.

They made me feel I was at the bottom of the food chain.

And it wasn’t fair putting all that pressure on myself.

What if the only time you can eat is when you’re alone…

I didn’t want to be judged…

And didn’t know how to let go.

I felt like I was in emotional quicksand.

And walking on eggshells.

I was so scared to talk about how I really feel…

It always feels complicated and I’m over thinking.

And all these thoughts was driving myself crazy.

From despair, feelings of helplessness, confusion…

Anger, guilt, anguish to overall lack of confidence.

I needed to take care of myself and felt guilty for doing so.

Maybe you’ve felt this way too…

Let me guess: You’ve been spinning your wheels.

Playing the yo-yo dieting ‘cat and mouse’ game…

We both know it takes lots of willpower, time and effort.

You know something, it often strikes me…

How often and how long we go struggling with our pain.

And scary problems before we’ll ask for help. 

Imagine if you could make a huge step forward.

Realize your dream and take back control of your life.

Listen, I’m going to show you weight loss success…

The most effective and proven way.

You don’t need to rely on a diet quick fix.

And you don’t want to rely on drugs or prescriptions.

(More details in just a minute).

You’ll see how to lose stubborn belly fat and (get your life back)…

Imagine if you knew how to do that!

Look, there’s a reason why most people are never able to do it.

If you’re reading this message…

There’s a good chance you know at little bit about how diets work.

Firstly, this is probably one of the hardest messages I’ve ever had to write.

And I must apologize in advance if this sounds brash and uncaring…

You see, I’m on your side and really want what’s best for you.

Hopefully you can feel my passion, warmth, care and nurturing side.

And feel it’s coming from the heart (as trusted friend or family member).

Of course, you’re skeptical, I didn’t expect you to believe me…

Okay, according to science backed and evidence based research.

Here we go ready or not…

The absolute truth without sugar coating it.

The key to effective short and long term success…

In order to lose weight, the key is:

“Every diet works if you let it”

But it comes to behavioral change (can see you rolling your eyes).

The truth is…

It doesn’t matter which diet plan you’re following right now.

Even the latest trendy so called “science based diet plans”…

Claiming to provide the fastest way to lose body fat…

But, not one diet can prove or stand the test of time.

Not one diet because you can’t escape the food you eat.

Now, if we’re all truly honest with ourselves…

The “secret” to sustainable success is much deeper.

So, while every diet works if you let it…

Some diets work “despite yourself” as I like to say.

They’re so effective when done properly… 

The reality is if you’re testing new diets!

And (like all new diets) there’s lots of failures.

Yes, and no one escapes the “nutrition commitment”

You do want to get rid of belly fat naturally right?

Lose weight (5 to 20 pounds or more) and keep it off.

And you get your sanity and happier life back…

That’s crazy talk, right?

It’s simply power to make the right choice.

And you want to make your life better.

I’m confident you do or you wouldn’t be here.

What if you’re unable to do this one crucial step…

This one crucial step is the nutrition commitment.

Simply means staying consistent with your nutrition.

Are you willing to commit and do it consistently?

Yes, we all need desire, incentives and accountability as well.

Achieving anything worthwhile in life takes time and practice…

Nutrition, working out, eating healthy foods, etc.

Everything requires practice so you get better with time.

Whether you want to change habits, health, body, relationship…

Even your finances…

Understanding nutrition makes it easy for you to reach your goals.

Because we both know without consistency…

Your chance of keeping off the weight you’ve lost is almost zero.

So, there you have it.

Let’s keep this for real…

Don’t believe me?

When it comes to losing fat…

Most women can make it so much harder!

Let me show you what I mean:

Yo-yo dieting is a cycle of short-term changes in eating and activity.

For those reasons, it leads to only short-term benefits.

After losing weight, appetite increases…

And the fact is your body hangs on to fat.

This leads to even more weight gain.

And many dieters end up back where they started or worse.

Question: What causes “big stomach” in females?

Some women gain more belly fat than others…

This may be due to genetics, and when menopause starts.

Hormonal changes at menopause result in a shift in fat storage mode.

Fat forms on hips and thighs…

And the most dangerous which is visceral fat in the abdomen.

There are literally hundreds of diets created for losing weight…

But there are common threads which tend to help just about everyone.

No matter if you want to take off 10 or 20 pounds…

And if there’s the need to lose a great deal more of extra weight.

There are simple steps you can do to make it happen…

The key is to start with a clear goal and end result in mind.

Do it daily, step-by-step until you lose the extra pounds.

The best and safest way?

These tips help you get into the swing of a healthy routine.

And accomplish your goal.

Get a Physical…

See your doctor and find out exactly what type of shape you are in.

The information you get from the physical should be a guide.

It can make it easier to plan and stay focused to take off the pounds.

A plan within your ability to manage.

Addressing the way you eat…

Your diet needs to accomplish two results.

First, must provide your body with nutrients.

Your body needs quality nutrients to function properly.

Second, you need to eat real wholefoods.

Preferably foods which are healthier choices.

It means you to make some changes in what and how you eat.

For the most part….

Forget about battering and frying foods.

Meats should be grilled, baked, or broiled.

Grilling and broiling are especially good.

Because it allow excess fat to cook out of the meat.

And for foods like chicken, remove skin before you begin to cook.

Basically there’s a lot of toxins and hormones in the skin.

And eating a mix-match of all the wrong kind of fats…

You don’t need any of it for the chicken to taste good.

Eat vegetables with lean meats which provides nutrients and protein.

A serving of beans is excellent, include some dark green leafy vegetables.

Your goal is to focus on enjoying a variety of foods…

Food which are low in fat and carbohydrates.

Also loaded with vitamins and minerals.

For example:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Kale

Instead of baked beans laden with sugar.

Or baked potatoes laden with a lot of fatty toppings.

Portion control is another successful way to eat.

Allow yourself more of the foods which are low in calories and carbohydrates.

And include smaller portions of foods.

That way you can better control of nutritional value.

You’ll still feel satisfied…

And your body has an easier time absorbing the nutrients.

Keep in mind you don’t have to do without all your favorite foods.

It is fine to allow yourself a sliver of cake once a week.

Just make sure you understand why so you don’t go back for seconds.

Getting Off the Couch…

If you’re serious about getting rid of those extra pounds…

You’d want to be more physically active.

The big mistake many people make is jumping in too fast.

The best and safest way is to slowly increase physical activity.

Build up towards making exercise a daily routine.

NOT jump into a routine that is clearly beyond current fitness abilities.

It’s of more benefit and easier to start slow and build up over time.

For example…

If you hardly ever get any exercise, start with a daily five minute walk.

As this routine begins to feel good, add another five minutes to the mix.

Gradually work your way up to walking thirty minutes each day.

You’ll feel better and more likely to keep doing walks around the block.

You know, cardiovascular exercises is just like riding a bike.

Even if you don’t get get to the gym…

Walking and doing light exercises begins to make an impact on the spare tire.

Remember you want to lose the belly fat permanently.

That means making changes to your lifestyle.

Even small changes over time help you to stay on track.

And you’ll continue even after you reach your weight goal.

Along with health and feeling happier with the way you look.

You’ll also notice your energy and mood has improved.

And you really have a desire to exercise…

And continue eating healthy new foods you discovered along the way.

Question: What’s the best way to burn belly fat and get rid of muffin top?

How to Control Cortisol Levels…

1. Eat regularly. 

Missing meals increases cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

You don’t want to add more stress to your system, right?

Simply eat every three to four hours.

This may be the single best diet tip ever…

Not only helps manage your stress hormones…

You’ll avoid overeating later in the day.

2. Get enough sleep… 

This is common mistake.

You may have noticed you’re drawn to sugar when you’re exhausted.

Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels.

And high cortisol means your body will crave fatty, sugary foods…

Making it a battle of wills to stay on track.

3. Work out harder, not longer… 

Avoid too many moderate-intensity, lengthy workouts like jogging.

Instead, focus on shorter bursts of high-intensity exercise…

For example: Weight training and sprint intervals.

It’s true intense exercise is stressful on your body…

But this type of training ultimately helps slow the effects of cortisol.

Because you’re increasing your fat burning hormones.

These are growth hormone and testosterone.

Remember: It’s very important to activate these hormone.

Equally if not crucial to reduce levels shortly after an intense workout.

This is where nutrition helps you to control and comes into play.

Plan ahead so you’ve a post-workout recovery drink or snack ready.

Smoothie: 25-30g of whey protein, 1/2-cup berries, 1 tsp of honey, water, ice.

How to Manage Insulin…

1. Don’t be fooled by alluring headlines. 

“Flat Belly Foods” is a great way to get your attention…

Yes, but it’s a little misleading.

Eating a larger amount of specific superfoods can have adverse effect.

Let’s face it, it will not rid you of your muffin top.

And simply skipping meals isn’t the answer to get rid of the muffins.

If your goal is maximum fat loss…

Limit your intake of starchy carbohydrates.

  • Cereal
  • Rice
  • Bread
  • Reduce to 1/3 or 1/2 cup per meal.

Once you reach your ideal body fat level…

You can get into a “lifestyle maintenance phase”…

Simply it means you’re free to enjoy and experiment.

Add more vegetable or carbs into your diet.

But it’s important to understand while you’re wanting to lose body fat…

Keep your carb intake low.

Note: I didn’t say no carb, I said low carb.

2. Eat a breakfast to promote fat burning, not fat storing… 

Experiment with a low-insulin protein type meal like eggs.

Eggs, vegetables, and some healthy fat like avocado.

3. Fill up on fiber and high-quality, lean protein…

High fiber and protein are good “flat belly foods.”

And I’m talking about vegetable fiber, not grains.

Fibrous vegetables help you to feel fuller on fewer calories.

Just be adding more fiber to your diet…

This slows down insulin response because fiber decreases digestion rate.

In other words, food entering your bloodstream too fast.

This slowing down of digestion controls drastic dips in blood sugar.

Low blood sugar triggers cortisol and carbohydrate cravings.

You’ve heard about the dangers of heart disease all the time…

Need some motivation to lose the muffin top?

The 3 BIG Problems you need to beware…

Could these pose SERIOUS risk to your health?

You’ve heard about cancer…

And diabetes…

Did you know lots of people’s liver functions at 10% to 20%?

Have you ever heard about a fatty liver?

What about fatty liver disease?

Truth is, most people wouldn’t have a clue…

Still 1 in 3 people struggle with fatty liver disease.

And it’s precursor to almost all chronic diseases:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Sleep problems
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Underactive thyroid
  • Skin issues

How is this possible?

Your liver is one of the largest internal organ…

And what is the reason it’s so big?

Because liver is involved in over 500 bodily functions.

So when your liver is compromised it affects every organ.

Including entire detoxification and cleanse system in your body.

Hmm…what if someone is considered overweight or obese?

No wonder so many people are sick and feel fatigued these days!

If left unchecked…

Fatty liver can lead to Metabolic Syndrome.

And/or chronic kidney disease.

My purpose as a women’s health coach is to help you…

And provide you with proven and real everyday life…

Easy to apply practical solutions for your health and wellness.

What if almost any effort, no matter how imperfect…

Could result in real, measurable step-by-step success?

Do you truly want to succeed with your own weight loss?

Maybe you don’t know if you can do the same?

Make an educated decision if you want a better life.

Ready to get started?

Question: Want to join my Women’s Health Inner Circle?

You’ll get a ton of daily value because I want to help you.

Top tips, advice and information which I share with you.

Including instant access to FREE special reports.

First one – How to Get Rid of Belly Fat for your success.

Click here if you’re ready to get started…

Join us in a body transformation which shifts the way you feel.

And how you think about weight loss.

More importantly improvement in your health and life forever. 

Don’t miss out, get instant access while it’s still available!

The Top 3 Cheat Foods For Flatter Belly | Get Rid of Belly Fat

“Are You Cheating On Your DIET?”

Everyone knows every diet has a weakness, last night I was cooking dinner for my family and was just fed up with the same meal I was going to eat…

What happens in that moment of weakness?

I craved the forbidden foods that I swore off when I started the plan…

Then I did what many others have done before me…

I cracked.

And then I did something that many others don’t.

I ate it and forgot it.

I indulged in what seemed like the BEST meal I have had in a long time!

And that’s the beauty of cheat meals, days, or weeks…

You give your body what it needs, then you move on.

You don’t let it fester…

You don’t feel guilty…

You just eat it, forget it…

And keep moving forward!

Now, getting back to the topic at hand.

Cheat meals may be important for more than just your brain…

Cheat Meals and Progress

No matter where you go, there is temptation lurking around every corner…

Especially when you’re dieting.

(Candy, cakes, doughnuts, junk food may quietly call your name)

Until one day it becomes a loud shout.

If you follow 90/10 rule…

You’re allowing yourself to indulge in a cheat meal, snack or day every so often may be ok.

Now, before you think you can go nuts on a cheat meal, think again!

In order to use a cheat meal to your benefit, there are certain things you need to look for.

First, they should be low to moderate in fat…

And should have good carbs…

Carbs that will help fat burning and normal digestion.

Helps you burn fat instead of putting it on.

Here are 6 evidence-based ways to lose belly fat…

Don’t eat sugar and avoid sugar-sweetened drinks

Eating more protein is a great long-term strategy to reduce belly fat

Cut carbs from your diet

Eat foods rich in fiber, especially viscous fiber

Exercise is very effective at reducing belly fat…

So what are some great snack options?

Well, I’m so glad you asked…

1. Plain Pizza

Now, before you second guess this one, hear me out.

A plain cheese pizza may provide healthy carbs and other nutrients that are important for health.

For example, take the tomato sauce.

Tomatoes are a natural source of the vitamin lycopene, which has been shown to boost heart and eye health.

Skip processed meats, sausages and pepperoni…

Top up with veggies and you may be adding a whole new dimension to your meal.

Have one or two slices to keep your total calories lower.

And still provides your body with vitamins and minerals it needs for proper functioning.

2. Strawberries – the Chocolate Covered Ones

Strawberries in and of themselves are a great low-calorie and low-fat food.

Packed with vitamins and minerals needed for overall cellular function.

Add a little bit of dark chocolate, and you may find a snack worth relishing.

Dark chocolate may possess powerful antioxidants and flavonols…

Perfect for fighting free radical damage (associated with normal cellular function)

Plus a diet high in refined carbs therefore promoting better cellular health.

And the vitamins and minerals already found in strawberries may give your body the one-two punch it needs to fight inflammation and protect cells in your body.

3. Guiness (dark beer)

Now, this one does not just mean Guiness itself, but dark beers in general.

Dark beer may contain more flavonols and antioxidants than light beer.

It could provide more clot-fighting, free radical scavenging and health-promoting benefits to your body.

Keep this in mind…

One beer should be all you need to gain all the benefits of the powerful nutrients in dark beer.

Too much beer may cause dehydration, hangovers, and even weight gain.

If You’re Going To Cheat…

When you’re dieting, some days are harder than others when it comes to sticking with the plan!

This rough patch is usually when it’s the hardest not to cheat on your diet…

Meaning eating that forbidden food that you’re not supposed to.

However, these types of days often called cheat days…

Are good and should be sporadically included in every plan to boost your motivation and fat burning.

These three foods listed above may be great cheat foods.

a) Provide nutrients your body can use

b) Limits the HUGE amounts of fat, sugar and calories.

Sometimes taking one day to have whatever you want could skyrocket your overall results.

Cheating on your diet could:

Accelerate your fat loss making it easier than ever to lose weight

Satisfy your cravings so you don’t go overboard when you do have them

Break up mundane life of eating the same food over and over again

Keep you from binge eating your favorite foods and desserts

Cheat days may be a vital component to help you stick with your fat loss plan.

As you can see to get rid of belly fat…

Cheat days are a much needed break to boredom.

It may set in with a normal diet plan.

Not only are you able to trick your body into boosting your metabolism…

And you may be able to squash cravings since you’re giving your body what it need.

Get Rid of Belly Fat

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