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Hydration or Ugly Belly Fat?

Your body is composed of two thirds water (70%) and you simply could not survive without proper hydration…

Water intake, it’s essential for almost all bodily functions from digestion, metabolism, waste removal and muscle contraction.

Before starting any form of exercise it is important to ensure you are properly hydrated to avoid the negative effects of dehydration on the body.

Proper hydration is especially important if you are undertaking high intensity training such as boot camps…

The greater the intensity of your workout, even more important it is to ensure adequate water intake is part of your exercise regime.

Water is an essential element to healthy lifestyle and plays an important role in your body.


Benefits of hydration include:

* Aids digestion
* Regulates temperature through sweating
* Helps to remove toxins from the body
* Transportation of nutrients
* Ensures joints and tissues are lubricated
* Increases oxygen availability to the cells

Athletes particularly, need to stay well hydrated to perform at their optimum level.

Inadequate water intake has been proven to have serious implications to the bodies skin, bones, joints, brain and muscle as well as affecting aerobic and anaerobic performance.

How much water should you drink?

Water is lost each day through your breath, urine, bowel movements and perspiration.

In order for your body to stay health, perform and function at its best, it is really important to replenish the water which is lost via sweat and body processes.

Your body needs to be adequately hydrated to effectively eliminate waste products and avoid waste build up, which can lead to increased acidity levels in the blood.

As a result of this build up, losing weight can become even more difficult…

If you don’t consume enough water, it will eventually lead to dehydration resulting in headaches, migraines, constipation, lethargy and lightheadedness or dizziness.

And ultimately affect your health, quality of lifestyle and training performance.

When exercising it is important to think about how much you drink.

Exercising regularly accelerates water loss…

So it is important for to monitor and if you are feeling dizzy or weak, it’s a sure sign you are not replenishing lost fluids.

This can be further exacerbated if exercising in hot and humid conditions.

Research shows that individuals should drink before, during and after a workout and depends on a number of factors:

* Your medical history
* Your Age
* Weather conditions
* Sweat loss
* Prescribed medications
* Your body size, weight and muscle mass
* Level of workout intensity

Specific fluid recommendations vary for each and every woman…

importance of hydration

Generally speaking, its important to drink at very least 4-6 (8 oz) glasses of water per day.

Up to 1 liter of water per day is optimal especially if you’re exercising regularly.

For every hour of exercise you might need to drink 0.5 – 1 litre of extra water intake daily to avoid the effects of dehydration especially in hot weather conditions.

Below are basic guidelines to use as a starting point for women in good health.

Before exercise, it is important to drink fluids several hours before a workout to ensure sufficient fluid and electrolyte balance.

During exercise, working out at a high intensity requires greater water intake particularly if exceeding 45 minutes.

Some experts recommend drinking sports drinks…

As a better option to assist in replacing lost carbohydrates and electrolytes during a training session, suggest drinking a mixture of cinnamon, ginger, pear with spirulina.

After exercise, it is important after a workout to replace fluid lost during exercise.

It is recommended to consume water 30 minutes post workout.

How does hydration help fat loss?

As mentioned earlier adequate water intake is vital in eliminating waste from the body.

Research has shown that water has a positive effect on a woman’s metabolic rate and thus helps in improving weight loss.

Water promotes a thermogenic state which boosts your metabolism rate and increases your chances of success with losing weight.

Drinking water helps to reduce cravings for food as it works by reducing appetite.

Research has shown thirst and hunger are triggered simultaneously and if a woman is dehydrated this could be mistaken for hunger.

In actual fact, the body is actually craving fluid but because you can mistake this for hunger you’re driven to eat more food and not drink more water…

Leading to more weight gain.

If you are wanting to lose weight, you understand the benefits of drinking water and the recommended 4-6 glasses per day should be maintained.


And its a good habit to drink even more water if you are working out regularly.

Tips to staying well hydrated:

* Constantly monitor your hydration levels
* Avoid drinks such as soft drinks, tea and coffee that contain a high amount of carbohydrates (sugars) as this can prevent absorption of fluid into the bloodstream.
* Be aware of the possible symptoms of dehydration.
* Increase water intake during time of heat, humid conditions, increased training loads etc

Hydration and weight loss, health and beauty…

hydration, weight loss, health and beauty, eliminate cellulite

Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water:

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue – Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert.

As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted…

2. Promotes Weight Loss – Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger.

Hello natural appetite suppressant plus raises your metabolism and has zero calories…

3. Flushes Out Toxins – Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections).

4. Improves Skin Complexion – Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around

5. Maintains Regularity – Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

6. Boosts Immune System – A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time?

Drinking water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks…

7. Natural Headache Remedy – Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines and back pains) which are commonly caused by dehydration.

8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains – Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.

9. Puts You in a Good Mood – When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and be happy!

10. Save Money! – Water is free even if you choose bottled or filtered water, it’s STILL better and cheaper than high sugar and fat-filled latte.

Can a few extra glasses of water per day help you lose weight?

Can drinking lots of water help with weight loss?

Why is drinking water important for weight loss?

YES…water helps lose weight.

According to several studies, staying hydrated can help you lose a lot more weight.

Trust you enjoyed this article about proper hydration and tips for staying hydrated


Top 10 Foods to Fight Inflammation in the Body

What type of foods can fight inflammation in your body?

How to boost your own health, so you can stay healthy for life.

80% of our immune system is directly effected from our gut microbiome.

The gut is delicate environment of microbes responsible for digestion…

Every microbe has an impact on how every other system in our body performs.

Our daily lifestyle actually causes a lot of damage gut microbiome.

But our immune system is designed to protect us, fight off pathogens.

We need to eat the right foods to help us heal effectively and stay healthy…

You’re about to discover how to overcome inflammation once and for all.

But why would you want to reverse the effects of inflammation and inflammatory diseases?

Well these have been increasing at record rates in recent years.

And it all comes back to diet, which is a significant trigger in inflammation...

We need to reduce inflammation which can contribute to various health issues

The better we can understand why inflammation has been soaring…

The better we can adjust our eating habits and what foods we eat.

If we compare the foods we traditionally consumed.

We know a lot of the foods we’re eating now is very different...

We can see a trend as our diet changes and moves away from eating local seasonal foods.

Local vegetables and fruits…

Our way of eating has moved more and more towards processed foods.

We tend to eat more processed foods, refined sugars and grains.

And we see how this impacts and changes the gut microbiol.

Matter of fact, it leads to inflammation and chronic disease.

Today we eat around 15 different types of food...

The key is to be eating a more diverse array of food sources.

The more diverse the foods the better we support our gut organisms.

A high diversity means eating lots of different variety of foods.

Because our body needs to retain high diversity in microbiol.

Inflammation is a natural response of the body’s immune system to protect against injury or infection.

But chronic inflammation can contribute to various health issues:

Heart disease



The good news is many foods provide anti-inflammatory properties…

And these foods can quickly and positively help combat chronic inflammation.

We will explore the top 10 foods that have been scientifically shown to fight inflammation in the body.

Simply eat these foods so you can be moving toward improving your overall health and well-being.


The bio active compounds in berries have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Berries, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, are packed with antioxidants called anthocyanins.

These compounds have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Studies have shown regular consumption of berries can reduce inflammatory markers in the body, protecting against chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Matter of fact, the high fibre content in berries helps regulate blood sugar levels.

And promotes healthy digestion, further contributing to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Fatty Fish:

These fats found in fish have been widely studied for their anti-inflammatory benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids.

Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

These are what we call essential healthy fats.

These fats have been widely studied for their anti-inflammatory benefits.

Omega-3 fatty acids…

Specifically EPA and DHA are known to reduce inflammation, lower the risk of heart disease.

And alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Include fatty fish in your diet a few times a week.

This can provide significant boost to your body’s anti-inflammatory defences.

Leafy Greens:

Eating vegetables helps reduce inflammation by neutralising harmful free radicals in the body.

Leafy greens, spinach, kale, Swiss chard are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Leafy greens are abundant in a plant compound called quercetin.

It’s well know for anti-inflammatory properties.

Eating vegetables helps reduce inflammation by neutralising harmful free radicals in the body.

The high fibre in leafy greens promotes gut microbial health.

And regulates inflammation in the digestive system.

The key is to eat a variety of leafy greens.

Add these into your meals which can provide a diverse range of nutrients.

And contribute to a lower risk of chronic inflammation-related diseases.


Turmeric is widely used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric is a deep rich golden-yellow colored spice.

Turmeric is widely used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties.

The active compound in turmeric, curcumin is a biologically active.

The active ingredient is a polyphenolic compound found in turmeric.

This is a spice derived from the rhizomes of planthas.

It has been extensively researched for its powerful health benefits.

Cumin is known to have the ability to reduce inflammation.

This spice can help ease and reduce symptoms of arthritis, and improving gut health.

To enhance the absorption of curcumin, it is recommended to combine turmeric with black pepper.

You can also add in combination with healthy fats.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil:

Olive oil contains a potent mix of antioxidants. Including oleocanthal, which exhibits similar anti-inflammatory properties

Extra virgin olive oil is a traditional staple in the Mediterranean diet.

And is well-known for its anti-inflammatory effects.

Olive oil contains a potent mix of antioxidants.

Including oleocanthal, which exhibits similar anti-inflammatory properties.

Regular consumption of extra virgin olive oil is linked to reduced levels of inflammation.

These reduced markers are shown to lower risk of chronic diseases.

To enjoy the maximum health benefits…

Add high-quality extra virgin olive oil to daily meals like soups.

And use it as a primary fat source in your cooking and salad dressings.


Ginger contains gingerol, a compound with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Ginger has been used for centuries in traditional cooking.

It is a natural medicine and is used for its medicinal properties.

Ginger contains gingerol, a compound with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Ginger has been found to reduce inflammation, alleviate muscle pain, and improve digestion.

The best ginger is fresh or powdered, simply add into your meals, teas, or smoothies.

Ginger provides a powerful boost and soothing way to combat inflammation in the body.

Nuts and Seeds:

Research has shown adding nuts and seeds can lower inflammation markers.

Nuts and seeds, almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds, are excellent sources of healthy fats.

You’re also getting fibre, and antioxidants.

They contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid.

These all contain anti-inflammatory properties.

Research has shown adding nuts and seeds can lower inflammation markers.

And reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve overall health.

The key is to eat them daily and in moderation as they are high in calories and fibre.

Green Tea:

These antioxidants have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Drinking green tea is linked to reduced inflammation.

Green tea is renowned for its health-promoting properties.

Green tea has a high concentration of polyphenols, particularly catechins.

These antioxidants have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Drinking green tea is linked to reduced inflammation.

Also improved heart health, lower risk of chronic diseases.

To enjoy the health benefits, its best to drink freshly brewed green tea.

The pre-packaged versions contain added sugars and fewer beneficial compounds.


The bio-active ingredient found in garlic are very powerful in reducing anti-inflammatory effects.

Garlic has been used for thousands of years.

Garlic is rich source of medicinal properties throughout history.

It contains sulfur compounds that provide its distinct aroma.

Including numerous health benefits.

The bio-active ingredient are very powerful in reducing anti-inflammatory effects.

These compounds are shown to reduce and slow inflammatory substances in the body.

Include fresh garlic in your cooking.

And add raw garlic to help reduce inflammation and support overall health.

Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate provides a rich source of flavonoids, powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.

Dark chocolate is high-quality dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher.

This is a rich source of flavonoids, powerful antioxidants…

And anti-inflammatory properties.

Dark chocolate is linked to reduced inflammation, improved heart health.

Including enhanced brain function.

The key to dark chocolate is to enjoy the rich cocoa flavor.

It packs a nice calorie-dense punch.

Enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate daily and as rewarding treat.


Are you concerned about staying healthy and free from illness?

Get the critical information you need about your gut and immune system.

You’ll be surprised at how simple it actually is to heal gut and fortify immunity.

So you can stop worrying about your health fears.

And go back out into the world feeling confident.

You know what to do to protect yourself and your family…

Today we are fighting pathogens waiting to cause illness, disease.

And most is completely avoidable chronic health conditions.

You have the ten anti-inflammatory foods covered in this article…

Include these foods to your diet for a measurable and profound impact.

These are foods which promote overall health and well-being.

The simplicity is by harnessing the power of nature’s diversity.

You’re tapping into nature’s own source…

So you can combat chronic inflammation.

This helps, reduce the risk of disease.

And promotes a healthier, more vibrant life.

Remember, variation of foods in a diet is crucial…

This includes regular physical activity.

The key to reaping the maximum health benefits.

Start adding the 10 top nutritious foods to your meals…

Today you can experience the transformation.

The positive impact and effects of fighting inflammation from within.

Click here to go back reading previous article on The Truth Behind The Obesity Epidemic

Discovering Your Healthy Body

Can you determine body fat percentage with a simple measuring device?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

There are a variety of factors to take into consideration if you are worried about your health and looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

While sustaining a healthy weight is imperative, keeping track of the number on the scale will only give you a glimpse at your level of health.

Your body fat percentage, the number tells you what portion of your body weight is fat, is another important factor in determining health.

Knowing that information can help you to design and implement an effective fitness program and track the results better.

Testing for your body fat percentage will produce a number that tells you what percentage of your current body weight is fat versus muscle.

The higher the percentage of your overall weight that is fat, the greater your risk for chronic disease.

Excessive body fat can heighten your likelihood of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Body fat percentage is important in gauging health since someone may possess a low/healthy body weight, but have an elevated percentage of body fat, increasing their risk of disease.

Measuring Body Fat- according to Northwestern Health Sciences University, there are multiple ways that body fat can be measured.

A common way of testing body fat utilizes skin calipers. With this method, several zones on the body are grasped with the calipers…

The tester notes how much flesh is caught by the calipers and then uses a formula or body fat calculator to determine your body fat percentage.

Another prevalent method is bioelectrical impedance, which uses a very low electrical current to determine the percentage of fat.

Hydrostatic weighing, another popular method, is more comprehensive than the pervious options and typically done at a hospital or university.

You are momentarily submerged in a shallow pool of water, from there your weight on solid ground is compared to your weight underwater to determine your body fat percentage.

You should not expect 100 percent accuracy from any of these methods.

Yet, they will give you a general concept of your current body fat percentage and allow you to track your progress as you progress through your fitness program.

Participating in fitness testing, tracking of your weight, knowing your body mass index (BMI), and scheduling regular medical checkups will help you to manage your health in a more complete manner.

Being aware your body fat percentage will aid you in determining if your weight loss efforts are proceeding properly.

Desired Levels – aiming for 20 to 21 percent body fat is deemed acceptable for women according to the National Institutes of Health.

A woman is considered obese when her body fat percentage reaches 30 percent or higher.

The University of California claims that while 20 percent is acceptable, healthy body fat readings can be as low as 10 percent, which is considered an “athletic” level.

However, anything below 10 percent is regarded as underweight and unhealthy.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn individuals take several issues into consideration when determining health.

Excess weight around your midsection increases your risk for health problems more than additional weight around other portions of the body.

If you are female, your waist circumference should be no greater than 35 inches (unless you are pregnant).

Finally, being physically inactive and poor eating habits will damage your health.

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