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The secret after dieting for 34 years…

The unique insights have helped tens of thousands of people.

Thanks for taking the simple quiz.

We asked you to answer 3 questions…

Okay “What do you think is your biggest obstacle to weight loss?”

The most common responses are five:

1. Unable to maintain results
2. Unable to fit a diet plan into lifestyle
3. Feeling deprived of favourite foods and drinks
4. Lack of support from family and friends
5. Unable to stay motivated

The results revealed are based on over 25%…

People think their greatest obstacle to weight loss is motivation.

14% say they struggle to achieve their goal. Why?

Because they feel deprived of their favourite food and drink.

Just 1% say their inability to lose weight and achieve their goal…

Because they are unable to fit exercise and dietary plans into their lifestyle.

Motivation is the number one perceived obstacle to weight loss. 

How to leverage motivation to lose weight fast in 3 steps…

Weight loss is simply how to breakthrough dietary habits.

But are you waiting for the perfect time to lose weight?

Do you want awesome results as quickly as possible?

Many people think they have to be perfect...

They get trapped in finding the exact diet or weight loss program.

They avoid simple choices, tasks and goals that get results.

They wait until a specific time or set of conditions feels perfect...

We may plan to start a diet on a Monday or first of the month.

Moreover it may be the first of the new year.

But the truth, there is never a perfect time...

The most important is the health transformation within you.

First, your body returns to it’s youthful vigour.

Then life is filled with joyful emotions and excitement again…

Honestly, all of this cannot be expressed in words!

But I want you to know fun with consistency is where it’s at.

We can accomplish simple goals in a fun, enjoyable way…

The only stumbling block is what?

One of the biggest reasons diets fail is because they’re too restrictive.

The most successful people think and plan long term.

They approach their nutrition and weight loss with excitement.

And always find ways to have fun and enjoy their favorite foods.

Yes, it is true…

Fewer restrictions means fastest results.

And makes your daily life a lot more exhilarating. 

You got it?

I think you do 🙂

test gut health

Why Do People Struggle With Diets and Exercise When We KNOW It Gets Results?

Because of our mindset; mental state of being, attitude and action…

Particularly in relationship to food choices, nutrition and weight loss.

This can be extremely personal, confronting and challenging, right?

In small or significant way, we want a noticeable difference in our lives.

weight loss

But there is resistance with long-held belief and behavior…

Absolutely, for most of us it can indeed be very difficult.

What if…change actually works for us?

And makes the whole transition simple, enjoyable and much more fulfilling?

The steps to change often means understanding.

Change depends on our level of awareness and readiness.

There are 5 stages and 7 elements of behavioural change…

Let’s take a moment to step back.

And examine our own feelings about change.

Then we can review the following Five Stages of Change.

This helps to identify which stage closely resembles current situation.

Stages of Change…

Stages of Change

Often it isn’t we can’t see the solution…

It is because we can’t see the problem.

Pre-contemplation is a period in which people are not yet clear.

They’re not committed to action in a reasonable time-frame.

Do you know it will happen or it can happen?

Many people may be in pre-contemplation stage in their lives.

And they’re unsure of the result or outcome in their behaviour.

This goes back to previous attempts of change which failed.

And that’s why so many people feel trapped or incapable of change.

Contemplation is the stage where we plan to make a change possible.

People in contemplation stage consider all benefit and cost of change.

And are aware of possible outcomes with consequences of their actions.

Furthermore this stage may last for an extended period of time…

Contemplation means we may not to be ready to firmly commit to change.

Preparation is the phase in which we commit to taking action.

Clearly within a time frame, for example, next week or month.

In the preparation stage…

Usually we have a plan of action to follow and guide us.

And are taking significant steps to make the plan of action reality.

Action is period in which we’ve made visible alterations to behavior.

At this point…

Modifications are significant enough to have impact on overall health.

The post-action stage actually consist of three different elements…

Continuing to move forward and actively working to stop relapse.

As time passes…

We become more confident that we can continue to change.

Relapse is a form of regression, which we re-enter earlier stage of change.

Even though we have reached the point of taking action…

Determination is the behavior modification which has been completed.

And you no longer need to actively seek to change.

stages of change

If you consider the different stages outlined above…

Can you clearly see and identify what stage of change are you in?

Why isn’t change easy?

Because outline of goal is too vague or broad, which sets up failure.

What if there’s no way to measure?

You don’t know if you’re achieving the goal, right?

How often have you or a friend said…

“I will start eating right” or “I’m going to get fit” and never actually do it?

The key to a result you desire is to set clear and specific goals…

Set a goal which is realistic and specific.

It is measurable, action-focused and time-based.

For example…

Instead of saying “I will get fit,” set a waist line or dress size goal.

weight loss

Be specific, “I will reduce my waist line by 3 inches, 8cm in six months.”

Active planning is a major part of goal setting.

And key to a starting point for a result towards meaningful change.

stages of change

Recent studies reveal that habit change is the key to transformation and change.

Real joy in your lifestyle and your body.

And it’s not hard to see why.

You know habits are self-perpetuating.

They don’t require endless amounts of grit.

Nothing has to feel like a chore or start and stop…

Instead, habits become part of your daily life.

And empower you to effortlessly eat nutritionally dense foods.

Including doing workouts with successful thinking into your everyday life.

It shouldn’t feel like a battle.

You can happily call this your “win, win, win”.

Now, think about each step…

There are activities you need to complete to reach your goal.

Use a diary or calendar where you can write steps or activities down.

Schedule and record your exercise and food intake.

Eliminate foods which tempt you relapse to your previous behavior.

Most importantly, establish a solid support network.

It’s important to find guidance from a reputable nutritional expert…

Personal trainer or women’s health coach.

You need to trust them for specific focused nutritional advice.

And for safer and effective weight lose…

Including healthier ways to maintain enjoyable and better quality of life.

Thank you for reading…

Remember to SHARE with Friends.

And Feel Free to Ask Your Biggest Questions About Weight Loss.

This Is Personal and All About Enjoying Better Quality Of Life!

Are Diet Plans Easy To Follow?

Are most diet plans easy-to-follow, affordable, realistic, non-restrictive and most importantly won’t leave you hungry?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Eating a balanced diet as part of your day-to-day life is critical to maintaining a long, energetic and healthy life.

A realistic diet encourages you to adopt healthy eating…

Also educates you about the importance of sensible eating through our nutritional services and diet plans.

Diet eating plans are complementary to all women currently participating in our boot camps and personal training services…

In addition to this, we also provide ongoing and up-to-date information and research to help educate you in choosing the right foods for your body.

We categorize our diet plans into three distinct areas and include:

* Low GI/low carbohydrate
* High protein
* Vegetarian

Its all about promoting women’s health, healthy eating via natural, whole foods to provide your body with all the daily nutrients it needs to achieve healthy weight loss…

YES, sustainable  energy for improved wellness and performance.

It is ideal to have smaller portions spread throughout the day…

This provide your body with a consistent supply of proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals so you can perform at an optimal level for longer.

For more information visit our top 25 healthy foods page currently recommended by health and nutrition professionals.

So What is a Healthy Diet

A good diet should provide your body with the nutrients it needs in the proper quantities.

A balanced and moderate diet is crucial to developing a healthy lifestyle.

Food provides seven essential substances your body needs: carbohydrates that provide energy; vitamins promote health; protein aids in growth and repairing the body…

Fat that protects muscles and internal systems from harmful collisions, functions as an energy storage system…

Fat helps maintain proper temperature by insulating the body; minerals to maintain body systems; fiber to assist in digestion and the processing of waste materials; and water that accounts of 70% of the human body.

Low GI/Low Carbohydrate Diet

Glycemic Index (GI) is calculated on a scale from 1 – 100 and measures the effect of food on our blood-glucose levels.

When we eat, our blood sugar levels increase leaving us full and energised.

Research has shown high GI carbohydrate foods causes our insulin to rapidly spike which results in a short energy burst before dropping, leaving you hungry and tired.

This is also damaging to our arteries, blood vessels and will result in weight gain.

Low GI carbohydrate foods on the other hand, sustain you over a longer period, leaving you feeling fuller for longer.

Eating a low GI diet means you are less likely to ‘snack’ on bad foods that are responsible for weight gain, tiredness and are generally unhealthy for you and your body.

Controlling your sugar intake is an important factor in achieving weight loss and consistent energy levels throughout the day.

The low GI/low carbohydrate diet is most recommended for women  trying to achieve maximum weight loss.

High Protein Diet

Much of our body is protein-based including our muscles, brain cells, skin, hair and nails.

A high-protein diet leaves you feeling fuller for longer and provides you with your daily energy needs.

Protein is the most important factor when exercising in order to tone.

You want to increase muscle mass as it is the key factor when it comes to building and repairing muscles.

Protein-rich foods including chicken, beef, lamb, fish and legumes release amino acids which when digested, are used to make new proteins to give us our energy sources.

We recommend this diet if you want to achieve quick weight loss and fast lean muscle gain.

Vegetarian Diet

Many people are choosing this diet as a healthy lifestyle option.

Vegetarian diets eliminate meat products and in some cases seafood and all animal by-products (vegan).

It is important when choosing to eat vegetarian, that you supplement your diet with protein and omega-rich foods including soy products, legumes, eggs, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

A well-balanced vegetarian diet has many health benefits and can reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and some types of cancer.

However if not carefully planned can have the opposite effect on the body.

Why Eat Foods That Get Rid Of Belly Fat?

You’re probably wondering what foods contain MUFAs and how does mufas diet really work to lose belly fat?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Simply put…

It is not yet entirely clear why monounsaturated fats (or MUFAs diet) is effective at targeting belly fat, although women do lose abdominal fat.

According to a study in the American Diabetes Association’s journal…

A diet rich in monounsaturated fats is more effective than a high carb diet for belly fat lose.

When Prevention magazine tested this they had similar results. The bottom line is 1600 calories is a reduced calorie diet for many women.

And with a diet of reduced calories, healthy fats, lean protein and vegetables, most women do lose weight.

If you’re going to diet, this is a healthy and balanced approach and at the very least you can eat more MUFAs as part of your existing diet.

You have nothing to lose… except some abdominal fat.

A MUFA is simply a clever name for monounsaturated fatty acids found in plant-derived foods.

MUFAs fall into five primary categories:

  • Oils
  • Nuts & seeds
  • Avocadoes
  • Chocolate (unrefined)
  • Olives…

Examples of foods made up of these fatty acids include:

  • Flax oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Olive oil
  • Green olives
  • Almond butter
  • Peanuts & peanut butter
  • Avocadoes
  • Seeds
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Dark chocolate
  • Tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • Pesto (basil) sauce

The good fat helps lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol. In addition good fats are filling, which satisfies your hunger longer.

Assuming you’re not an emotional eater, this increased satiation encourages you to naturally eat fewer calories without feeling hungry or deprived.

Other health benefits of eating MUFAs include:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower risk of Parkinson’s disease
  • Reduction in internal inflammation

Frankly, I’m still not confident if most women agree that exercise and fitness is attributed to long term health and weight loss diet success…

Fat burning and belly fat lose is the “in thing” so there are exercises, gadgets, and gimmicks galore all promising to decrease your waist size.

Some women have tried many diets only to see little or no results. As a matter of fact, you may find yourself this year still battling belly fat?

Over the years, I’m sure many women just like me know all baout the roller coaster yo-yo diets and have been on every diet plan in existence.

Of course, some women are disillusioned with dieting altogether, deciding to eat healthy, exercise daily and stay off of the bathroom scales.

Some women are apple shaped or may be like me in the past, have a rubber tire around the middle that just feels like it will never disappear.

If so, I’d like to share with you the reasons why getting the belly fat off the right way and never having to worry about it coming back is life changing.

Have you discovered the health nutrition and health benefits of olive oil verses saturated fats?

I quickly understood by adding just a small handful of seeds and nuts to my daily nutrition as this worked to burn fat.

More importantly, immediately stopped hunger pangs and certailing my appetite in the afternoons.

Good Fats verses Bad Fats:

Monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids are all good fats (heart-healthy).

One way of knowing if any of the oils in your pantry are monounsaturated fats is if they’re liquid at room temperature and thicken when refrigerated? 

Polyunsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature and when refrigerated. 

For example: Most vegetable (safflower, corn, sunflower and soy) oils. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fatty fish (salmon, albacore, tuna, herring, and mackerel), walnuts and flaxseeds (flaxseed oil).

Bad fats are usually any fat that is semi-solid to solid at room temperature such as a stick of butter or the marbling in a steak. 

Saturated fats main sources are animal products, however, tropical oils (coconut, palm kernel and cocoa butter) are high in saturated fats.

Trans fat or shortening, of course is a (deadly) bad fat produced when hydrogen is added with liquid oils to make a fat solid or extended shelf life. 

Now let’s look at the power of the MUFA and why eating MUFA can definitely assist you in being successful inbelly fat lose through waistline reduction.

The original MUFA superstar was discovered via researchers investigating the benefits of Mediterranean diet which was identified as olive oil.

Just by adding 2 tablespoons of olive oil to your diet has been found to lower harmful levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Not only will MUFAs help you lose belly fat, monounsaturated fats have been identified through nutritional research to be linked to health benefits.

Including reducing rates of serious diseases such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Breast cancer
  • Alzheimer

Of course, if you have been diagnosed with any of these diseases and are on a restrictive diet plan check with your doctor prior to making any changes.

 MUFA rich Foods

The MUFA list has five categories and the serving size of any of these foods at every meal is based on assisting you in your belly fat fitness regimen.

Oils – A serving equals 1 tablespoon (flaxseed oil, olive oil, peanut oil, pesto sauce, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil).

Nuts & Seeds – A serving equals 2 tablespoons (almonds, brazil nuts, peanuts, chunky natural peanut butter, dry-roasted cashews, dry-roasted sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, roasted pumpkin seeds, tahini (sesame seed paste) or walnuts.

Avocado – A serving equals ÂŒ cup

Olives – A serving equals 10 large olives or 2 tablespoons ( black olives, black olive tapenade, green olives, green olive tapenade)

Chocolate – A serving equals ÂŒ cup (dark or semisweet chocolate chips, shavings or chunks)

Fitness and Lifestyle Changes

Happily doing exercise that fits you and your lifestyle is very important.

Obviously a working mom may not be able to spend hours at a gym, but you can take time out of your busy schedule to take care of yourself.

If you want to trim your waist line and lose weight here are five rules to help fight your body cravings and stay healthy as follows:

 1: Interupt your hunger – drink water and/or eating a 100-calorie snack like a hand full of nuts about a half an hour before meal time.

2: Eliminate drinking water – especially soft fizzy drinks with meals

3: Eat plenty of fiber – eat a high fiber breakfast

4: Embrace “awareness” when eating – No more eating in front of television, texting or eating on the run; take time to sit at the table and enjoy your meal.

5: Build your muscles – exercise, walk and begin an exercise regimen

Now, you know and have many good reasons why eating foods that get rid of belly fat…is infact life changing for you!

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