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Worst Cooking Oil The No.1 Reason It Destroys Your Health?

What is your biggest challenge when it comes to choosing healthy cooking oil?

Special report reveals why the truth about cooking oil may surprise you in a good way…

Interested in learning how to avoid the no.1 worst cooking oil which destroys your health?

So are we clueless to the options when it comes to selecting fats and oils for cooking?

Raise your hand to tell me you’re interested in hearing more…

cooking oil

If none of this floats your boat, you can do what most women do…nothing.

And if that isn’t the shocking part?

It’s just a matter of choosing cooking oils that are better for cooking and healthy for you.

Types of cooking oil include:

  • olive oil
  • palm oil
  • soybean oil
  • canola oil
  • rapeseed oil
  • pumpkin seed oil
  • corn oil
  • sunflower oil
  • safflower oil
  • peanut oil
  • grape seed oil
  • sesame oil
  • argan oil
  • rice bran oil
  • And many other vegetable oils…

And there’s the animal-based oils like butter and lard.

Maybe you’re thinking…how is animal-based oils ever a good thing?

Dear Friend,

Remember the good ole’ white solid or semi-solid rendered fat of a hog?

This was once the most popular cooking and baking fat, but these days animal fat has been replaced by vegetable oils and shortenings.

As you probably already know the popular vegetable oils, canola oil, soybean oil, olive oil, coconut oil, bran oil, corn oil the question is which is your so called healthy cooking oil?

Cooking oil can be plant or animal based or a synthetic fat used in frying, baking and other types of cooking.

Cook oil is also used in food preparation and flavoring which doesn’t involve heat, such as salad dressings.

Let’s take a closer look at cooking oils, find out which are healthy and very unhealthy.

Do you know which cooking oil is the worst? .

Today may feel like any other day…

Except for one thing is different…

Today, you’re asking yourself if investing in your health and better quality of lifestyle is the right decision for you, right?

So here are a few facts to share which may help you make this life changing decision…

cooking oil

Which cooking oils and fats you currently use are actually harmful to your body?

And why some are very healthful?

Do you think an item labeled vegetable oil is healthy and good for you?

Vegetable oil, simply a over refined soybean oil which is heavily processed under high heat, pressure using industrial solvents (hexane)…

Research shows it may also be heavily refined cottonseed, safflower, corn, sunflower, grape seed or other lesser oils.

In most cases almost all of the overly processed oils are not good for cooking or healthy for you.

Allow me to explain why…

If you buy processed food or deep fried food, you can usually be certain there are unhealthy cooking oils used to prepare foods.

Any hydrogenated versions of these oils (trans fats) are the worse and most harmful to your body.

Check your pantry if you’ve bought some of these unhealthy cooking oils for your own cooking or baking at home.

The big problem with soybean oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, safflower oil and similar label vegetable oils is they are mostly composed of polyunsaturated fats.

Polyunsaturated fats are the most highly reactive types of fat, which leaves the oil exposed to oxidation and free radicals when exposed to heat and light.

Processed polyunsaturated oils affects inside your body by producing the most inflammatory because of the high sensitivity or reaction to heat and light.

This inflammation is what causes many of poor gut health and internal problems which may develop into heart disease, cancer and other degenerative diseases.

Not all polyunsaturated fat are created equal…

What if a polyunsaturated fat source comes from whole foods like nuts and seeds?

In this case it’s usually not inflammatory, as long as it’s not been exposed to high heat.

Nuts are usually a great source of healthy polyunsaturated fats packed with omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids which are polyunsaturates.

A healthy dose of approx 1:1 to 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is considered the most beneficial and healthiest.

Always better to eat raw nuts and seeds whenever possible.

Best to avoid oxidation of polyunsaturated fats which may occur during roasting of nuts and seeds.

Keep in mind some nuts like macadamias are mostly monounsaturated, so the issue of roasted vs raw nuts is less of an issue for highly monounsaturated nuts.

All the above listed vegetable oils listed are typically overly refined during processing and makes them inflammatory before you even cook which continues to do greater damage.

Don’t be fooled by deceptive misleading information claiming canola oil is healthy for you…

Refer to this list of fats from least stable to most stable in actual order of stability affected by heat and light:

1. polyunsaturated fat
2. monounsaturated fat
3. saturated fat

Look at no.3…saturated fats are actually the healthiest oils to use in cooking. Why?

Because saturated fats are much more stable in cooking and produce less inflammatory than polyunsaturated oils in cooking.

This is why palm and coconut oils are better for cooking…

In fact, animal fats such as lard and butter have very little polyunsaturates and are mostly made of natural saturated fats which are the least reactive to heat and light.

The more stable oil the less inflammation is produced in your body.

Choose cooking oils with the highest stability with healthiest end results.

That’s why natural butter is one of the best fats as a cooking oil.

You can’t argue with biochemistry of fats or falsely believe saturated fats are bad for you…

Most saturated fats from tropical oils are actually good for you because these fats contain medium chain triglycerides (MCTs).

In today’s so called healthy choice nutritional plans medium chain triglycerides are lacking.

In fact, lauric acid is one of most abundant MCTs in tropical oils well known to strengthen immune system.

Lauric acid is currently being studied in medical studies for controlling contagious diseases.

Your better cooking or baking fats are generally butter or tropical oils such as palm or coconut oil and is considered one of the healthiest cooking oil for weight loss.

coconut oil

Healthy extra virgin olive oil is produced by pressing the flesh of olives, olive oil has become known as the healthy cooking oil and it certainly is.

Compared to vegetable oil, olive oil (extra virgin preferably) is ideal used for very low cooking temperatures because it’s mostly monounsaturated, so it’s moderately stable.

olive oil

You could use avocado oil and macadamia nut oil for baking these are monounsaturated and relatively stable for baking, you may enjoy the extra rich, smooth and creamy flavor.

The polyunsaturated oils such as soybean, corn, grape seed, cottonseed, safflower, are the least healthy for cooking or baking.

Get the common cooking oils out of your kitchen and use these instead here are the top choices for better healthy cooking oils:

  • Virgin coconut Oil is a healthy fat (very stable at med-high temperatures)
  • Extra virgin olive Oil is a healthy fat (only suitable for very low temp cooking)
  • Butter is a healthy fat (grass fed butter contains important nutrients, vitamin K2, omega-3’s and CLA

Keep in mind if you minimize usage of cooking with oils this can help reduce overall calories so cooking with oils in moderation.

These cooking oils can actually help satisfy your appetite for longer, don’t go overboard because calories can add up fast…


Coconut oil, grass-fed butter and delicious extra-virgin olive oils are doing your body good.

Also remember to read the label as most salad dressings you find at stores are loaded with unhealthy soybean or canola oils.

Hopefully you’ll avoid using those dangerous inflammatory vegetable oils like soybean oil, corn oil and cottonseed oils which are used in so many processed foods these days.

Using real butter, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil can be super-healthy choice for anti-inflammatory benefits, detoxification of body for a lean, healthy and strong body as well.

Also helps you to look and feel young, healthy from the inside out…

Cooking Oil

The secret after dieting for 34 years…

The unique insights have helped tens of thousands of people.

Thanks for taking the simple quiz.

We asked you to answer 3 questions…

Okay “What do you think is your biggest obstacle to weight loss?”

The most common responses are five:

1. Unable to maintain results
2. Unable to fit a diet plan into lifestyle
3. Feeling deprived of favourite foods and drinks
4. Lack of support from family and friends
5. Unable to stay motivated

The results revealed are based on over 25%…

People think their greatest obstacle to weight loss is motivation.

14% say they struggle to achieve their goal. Why?

Because they feel deprived of their favourite food and drink.

Just 1% say their inability to lose weight and achieve their goal…

Because they are unable to fit exercise and dietary plans into their lifestyle.

Motivation is the number one perceived obstacle to weight loss. 

How to leverage motivation to lose weight fast in 3 steps…

Weight loss is simply how to breakthrough dietary habits.

But are you waiting for the perfect time to lose weight?

Do you want awesome results as quickly as possible?

Many people think they have to be perfect...

They get trapped in finding the exact diet or weight loss program.

They avoid simple choices, tasks and goals that get results.

They wait until a specific time or set of conditions feels perfect...

We may plan to start a diet on a Monday or first of the month.

Moreover it may be the first of the new year.

But the truth, there is never a perfect time...

The most important is the health transformation within you.

First, your body returns to it’s youthful vigour.

Then life is filled with joyful emotions and excitement again…

Honestly, all of this cannot be expressed in words!

But I want you to know fun with consistency is where it’s at.

We can accomplish simple goals in a fun, enjoyable way…

The only stumbling block is what?

One of the biggest reasons diets fail is because they’re too restrictive.

The most successful people think and plan long term.

They approach their nutrition and weight loss with excitement.

And always find ways to have fun and enjoy their favorite foods.

Yes, it is true…

Fewer restrictions means fastest results.

And makes your daily life a lot more exhilarating. 

You got it?

I think you do 🙂

test gut health

Why Do People Struggle With Diets and Exercise When We KNOW It Gets Results?

Because of our mindset; mental state of being, attitude and action…

Particularly in relationship to food choices, nutrition and weight loss.

This can be extremely personal, confronting and challenging, right?

In small or significant way, we want a noticeable difference in our lives.

weight loss

But there is resistance with long-held belief and behavior…

Absolutely, for most of us it can indeed be very difficult.

What if…change actually works for us?

And makes the whole transition simple, enjoyable and much more fulfilling?

The steps to change often means understanding.

Change depends on our level of awareness and readiness.

There are 5 stages and 7 elements of behavioural change…

Let’s take a moment to step back.

And examine our own feelings about change.

Then we can review the following Five Stages of Change.

This helps to identify which stage closely resembles current situation.

Stages of Change…

Stages of Change

Often it isn’t we can’t see the solution…

It is because we can’t see the problem.

Pre-contemplation is a period in which people are not yet clear.

They’re not committed to action in a reasonable time-frame.

Do you know it will happen or it can happen?

Many people may be in pre-contemplation stage in their lives.

And they’re unsure of the result or outcome in their behaviour.

This goes back to previous attempts of change which failed.

And that’s why so many people feel trapped or incapable of change.

Contemplation is the stage where we plan to make a change possible.

People in contemplation stage consider all benefit and cost of change.

And are aware of possible outcomes with consequences of their actions.

Furthermore this stage may last for an extended period of time…

Contemplation means we may not to be ready to firmly commit to change.

Preparation is the phase in which we commit to taking action.

Clearly within a time frame, for example, next week or month.

In the preparation stage…

Usually we have a plan of action to follow and guide us.

And are taking significant steps to make the plan of action reality.

Action is period in which we’ve made visible alterations to behavior.

At this point…

Modifications are significant enough to have impact on overall health.

The post-action stage actually consist of three different elements…

Continuing to move forward and actively working to stop relapse.

As time passes…

We become more confident that we can continue to change.

Relapse is a form of regression, which we re-enter earlier stage of change.

Even though we have reached the point of taking action…

Determination is the behavior modification which has been completed.

And you no longer need to actively seek to change.

stages of change

If you consider the different stages outlined above…

Can you clearly see and identify what stage of change are you in?

Why isn’t change easy?

Because outline of goal is too vague or broad, which sets up failure.

What if there’s no way to measure?

You don’t know if you’re achieving the goal, right?

How often have you or a friend said…

“I will start eating right” or “I’m going to get fit” and never actually do it?

The key to a result you desire is to set clear and specific goals…

Set a goal which is realistic and specific.

It is measurable, action-focused and time-based.

For example…

Instead of saying “I will get fit,” set a waist line or dress size goal.

weight loss

Be specific, “I will reduce my waist line by 3 inches, 8cm in six months.”

Active planning is a major part of goal setting.

And key to a starting point for a result towards meaningful change.

stages of change

Recent studies reveal that habit change is the key to transformation and change.

Real joy in your lifestyle and your body.

And it’s not hard to see why.

You know habits are self-perpetuating.

They don’t require endless amounts of grit.

Nothing has to feel like a chore or start and stop…

Instead, habits become part of your daily life.

And empower you to effortlessly eat nutritionally dense foods.

Including doing workouts with successful thinking into your everyday life.

It shouldn’t feel like a battle.

You can happily call this your “win, win, win”.

Now, think about each step…

There are activities you need to complete to reach your goal.

Use a diary or calendar where you can write steps or activities down.

Schedule and record your exercise and food intake.

Eliminate foods which tempt you relapse to your previous behavior.

Most importantly, establish a solid support network.

It’s important to find guidance from a reputable nutritional expert…

Personal trainer or women’s health coach.

You need to trust them for specific focused nutritional advice.

And for safer and effective weight lose…

Including healthier ways to maintain enjoyable and better quality of life.

Thank you for reading…

Remember to SHARE with Friends.

And Feel Free to Ask Your Biggest Questions About Weight Loss.

This Is Personal and All About Enjoying Better Quality Of Life!

Loss Weight Fast and Easy!

Discover the Amazing Benefits of Colon Cleansing!

Is colon cleansing the secret to weight loss, youth and natural vibrant health?

You might just lose weight, feel better, look better and perhaps even live longer?

You want to live a healthy, vigorous and active life, right?

How simple is it to clean out all the toxins in your body…

Your body may in fact be desperately wanting to get rid of these built-up toxins.

Why not help your body as colon cleansing is the ultimate secret to healthy living, isn’t it?

Colon cleansing acts like a natural “reset switch” restoring your body’s natural balance with proper function of your digestive system.

weight-loss-plan for-woman

Okay…does it actually mean a clean healthy colon?

How does this relief painful bloating due to gas so delayed digestion is a thing of the past!

What if your stomach looks and feels firm and noticeably flat?

You will find you also enjoy more energy though the day.

Here’s why…

Your body is more efficient in converting food you eat into usable energy.

Which means you can eat less to satisfy the amount of calories you need each day.

Also as an added bonus, you get to enjoy clearer healthy skin and healthier lifestyle.

Is colon cleanse the first step to flattening your stomach…

Whether you have flat abs or a big belly, you can experience pain due to excess abdominal gas and excess fecal matter in your intestines.

It has been said that if you have only one bowel movement a day, you have up to eight meals left in your intestines.

Gas can develop in a matter of hours after eating and stay around for a long time…

How does this relate to back pain…

Allow me to explain…

Abdominal gas can be devastating to any back-pain sufferer, especially one who is trying to take a more natural approach and is using stretching and exercising to get relief.

You see, the position of your pelvis and curvature of spine are two of the biggest factors which can affect back pain…

Even if the current treatment you are using is a good one, results can be hindered by a distended belly.

Big Belly Gas Pains…

women's metabolism after 40

Let me give you an example…

Let’s suppose the last meal or snack you ate at night is fruit.

Your body begins to break it down and digest…

Now fruit ferments very quickly so gas builds up as a byproduct of breakdown.

Without any other food matter to push gas along, it gets trapped.

All night long your body is fighting effects of gas…

And you’ll wake up in the morning feeling bloated with killer back pain.

That’s why I never recommend fruit as a midnight snack.

Right now you may be thinking what’s so bad about a little gas?

Answer: If your belly gets distended like a pregnant women, your abdominal is going to get stretched out, which means not being able to stabilize your pelvis.

There is no amount of abdominal strengthening you could do to overcome outward push of abdominal gas.

If your belly is distended, you’ll struggle to get a neutral position for the pelvis that you need to get relief.

Flat Abs Gas Pains…

I know what some of you are going to say. “what if I have flat abs and back pain?”

The gas, instead of pushing your belly outward could be pushing your intestines back into your spine and the muscle of your spine.

That irritation of your intestines could be just as bad as, if not worse than outward forces.

In either case, you will be amazed at how fast you’ll get relief if you work on getting that gas out of your system.

Simple Steps You’d Rather Not Know…

If having too much gas was not bad enough, there are at other irritating conditions can affect your back pain due to improper bowel movement.

Most women are chronically dehydrated, which usually leads to constipation.

Other reasons you might be constipated include the medications you are taking and the foods you eat.

Now constipation, you go through your day with excess pressure on your bowels.

And whenever your colon is full of waste matter, it will become stiff and rigid.

Because your colon is so close to your spine and the muscle of your spine, mobility becomes an issue, not to mention more pain.

Constipation creates strain.

If your fecal matter is dry, hard and difficult to eliminate, you’ll work harder to get rid of it.

This can be “painful” on your body and because your blood pressure spikes, your rectum is traumatized and the pressure on your spine is tremendous.

Food allergies cause inflammation.

Whether we know it or not, many women have food allergies (nuts, wheat, milk, beans, etc.)..

Allergies create an inflammatory reaction and inflammation begins from your intestinal track, in turn the inflammation is going to affect muscles of your spine.

Poor nutrient absorption can add pounds…

women's metabolism


A digestive track which is not absorbing nutrients properly does not allow your body to get benefits of nutrients it needs to repair itself.

This can bring on a chronic cycle of eating to try to satisfy your nutritional needs, which most likely can lead to weight gain.

Stress on internal organs weakens tissue.

The weight of the excess stool puts added stress on your internal organs, stomach, small intestines and large intestines…

All of which are held in place by very delicate fibrous connective tissue.

As connective tissue is weighed down over time, it starts to fail than sag and than your trouble are going to be compounded.

Poop Away Pain…

Most women would do almost anything to get rid of their back pain.

If you are undergoing any type of treatment and want to improve your odds of getting relief sooner, try these tips:

Drink more water…

A good rule of thumb is drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight.

For instance, if you weigh 100 pounds, drink at least 50 ounces of water each day.

Give yourself a visceral massage (called Sun-Moon).

To begin, lie on your back and with both hands starting just above your right hip, apply inward pressure on your abdomen, going straight up to the bottom of your rib cage.

Then follow along bottom of rib cage to left and down to top of left hip.

Go slow and steady, then repeat to tolerance.

Try Hydro Colon Therapy…

Also know as colonic irrigation, it is a highly effective, although somewhat uncomfortable, method of flushing out colon or large intestine.

Similar to an enema but more extensive, this procedure can be pricey (it has to be done by a trained professional).

Natural Colon Cleanse…

A less-invasive option is to find a good all-natural colon-cleansing product.

Many of the new formulations taste okay, work gently and cause no cramping or bloating.

Most of these products begin to work overnight.

The better products are gentle using herbal tea.

To get the best results from whatever back pain treatment you are trying right now, do yourself a favor and drink more water to help hydrate and cleanse your colon.

You’ll be amazed at the results and your waist line will love you too…

What’s the next step?

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