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Do You Need a Probiotic?

Are probotics on your radar, especially if you suffer from compromised immune or digestive problems?

You probably know someone who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, celiac disease or irritable bowel conditions…

You may know at least one person with a serious even life-threatening allergy…

Dear Friend,

These health problems often go back to a compromised immune system.

Scientists have found foods we eat are causing these problems.

The good news is there may be a solution, keep reading to find out why…


Probiotics are live good bacteria and yeasts which support your health, especially your digestive system.

We usually think of bacteria as something which causes diseases, right?

Your body is full of bacteria, good and bad.

Probiotics are called good or helpful bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy.

Food choice is vital because most women don’t have enough healthy gut flora.

In your gut, you have good flora which creates a barrier between gut and blood stream.

This barrier blocks bacteria and other harmful elements which you eat from entering your blood and rest of your body.

In fact, 80 percent of the body’s immune function occurs in the gut associated lymph tissue which are found in the walls of intestines.

Gut flora is first line of defense in this immune tissue…

And if it’s out of balance your immune system won’t be able to function properly.

Why is this imbalance a problem for women?

probiotics for digestive health

The problem is in the foods we choose to eat…

You see, processed foods we eat, many of which contain genetically modified ingredients or antibiotics damage the gut flora.

The antibiotics women take for their health also kill good bacteria in the gut’s lymph tissue.

Almost all doctors prescribe antibiotics, often when not needed…adding to this problem.

Add this combination between foods with antibiotics and your gut flora is imbalanced.

The only way to correct this problem is to get a dose of healthy bacteria…

Probiotics are living, beneficial bacteria.

When you consume probotics, they enter the gut and quickly start multiplying.

And help improve the immune system.

Probiotics from a variety of sources…

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, and cultured yogurt all add probiotics to your system.

Just bear in mind when you eat foods with probiotics within them, most of the bacteria are destroyed by your stomach.

probiotics yogurt

Also, no food can contain all strains of beneficial bacteria you need.

That’s why many women are turning to probiotic supplements…

Probiotic supplements offer many probotics benefits, research has shown probiotics can delay and fight against cancer.

Bad bacteria in your gut produces nitrosamines which is a carcinogen…

Now, this is where good bacteria works to destroy these nitrosamines.

This process helps slow or stops the growth of cancer they can cause.

Some probiotics may stop the return of cancer once it has been successfully treated.

Probiotics benefits also may assist in increasing antioxidants in your body…

Antioxidants are compounds found in foods which neutralise or ‘mop up’ molecules called free radicals that can harm cells.

Damage caused to cells by free radicals is linked to certain diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The best sources of antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables.

There has also been some research into the way probiotics help limit belly fat storage.

In 2010, one study tested a group of overweight women with a probiotic or a placebo.

Those who were given the probiotic reported 5 percent belly fat loss in 12 weeks.

These are just some of the probiotic benefits you can experience…

probiotics benefits

Probiotics have helped limit allergy problems, improve digestion and reduce inflammation.

Yogurt contains live cultures, the only problem is most are killed by stomach acids and not all probiotics are created equal.

In fact, many supplements don’t contain a full range of probiotics…

What is considered a good probiotic?

You want to look for probotics which contains many different strains of good bacteria.

Here are some guidelines to help you with your research:

  • Lactobacillus Plantarum improves cardiovascular and digestive health
  • Lactobacillus casei improves leaky gut and cardiovascular health
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus improves cholesterol levels and digestive health
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosis reduces diarrhea, supports weight loss and limits stress
  • Lactobacillus Bulgaricus improves problems with lactose intolerance
  • Bifidobacterium Longum supports weight loss and fights cancer
  • Bifidobacterium Breve supports the growth of other healthy bacteria

Some intriguing new research has found the same bacteria colonies which affects our digestive health could also be influencing our mental health.

Several studies have shown changing gut bacteria changes stress and behavior as well.

Take a closer look at actual number of live colony forming units (CFUs) in particular pay attention to expiry dates connected via CFU numbers.

You want probotics supplements which keeps all the bacteria alive at least until the expiration date and protects bacteria from stomach acid…

Microencapsulation is one of the best options because this gives each bacteria cell a small protective layer of lipids to protect against stomach acid.

This means your digestive system gets more of the bacteria it needs for better health.

You want a good probiotic and you need the right amount, right?

Now, this is the tricky part because there is no right amount of probiotics dosage…

probiotics gut health

Every woman’s gut flora needs a different level.

Your best option is to research probiotics which serves your overall health.

As a general guide, researchers suggest a minimum of ten billion CFUs of regular probiotics and four billion CFUs if the probiotic is microencapsulated.

There’s been lots of research looking at using probiotics to maintain digestive health.

Recent research has found the right kind of gut bacteria could alter the way we process food and store fat…


Best Natural Remedy for Headaches?

Sudden or severe pain…got a splitting headache? Headaches at times can be continuous and extremely painful.


Millions of women suffer from headaches on a regular basis.

In fact, the numbers are staggering…45 million Americans suffering from chronic headaches and did you know 28 million suffer from migraines.

Keep reading this article if you suffer from headaches this is specifically for you…

Dear Friend,

How often have you experienced headaches…

Knowing the type of headache is the first step to being able to treat it correctly and more importantly, you’ll be much closer to relief.

Before you decide to reach for the medicine cabinet, you might want to at least find out which natural remedy is better for you and for your headache relief.

Here are the best non-drug remedies for the three most common types of headaches.

Of the three main types of headaches, tension headaches are the most common…

Tension headaches pulls on the muscles, which contracts and it feels like it is literally squeezing your head.

The pain can run from one ear to other and back around.

Tension headaches are usually caused by a lack of sleep and or stress.


Natural Remedy for Tension Headaches:

Fresh ginger can easily be made at home or found at your local grocery store.

Simply finely grate or crush no more than an inch of ginger and put it in a pot of boiling water.

This homemade remedy can help reduce inflammation and ease your headache.

Ginger tea works just as good, if not better than an aspirin and is completely natural plant based remedy.

Most health stores provide peppermint oil for around $5.

Take peppermint oil and apply it to your hairline.

The cooling sensation created helps relax muscles in your head and neck.

Women who suffer from cluster headaches often describe it as an ice pack in their head…

Cluster headache pain is very concentrated, it feels like sharp stabbing pains in the head.

Cluster headaches usually occur in a cluster of days, most common in the winter months.

Natural Remedy for Cluster Headaches:

Cayenne pepper is the main ingredient found in Capsaicin cream.

Simply add a dab on your finger and apply to inside of your nostril…

Make sure to place Capsaicin cream on the side where you are experiencing pain.

Once applied allow the cream to do its job, it works by blocking pain signals.

You can find Capsaicin cream at your local health food store for around $10.

Chlorophyll is used by plants for photosynthesis…

And in the process it turns carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen.

Chlorophyll supplements promote the flow of oxygen to cells, while protecting cells from oxidation damage, which can naturally help with cluster headaches.

Add ten drops of liquid chlorophyll concentrate on tongue several times throughout day.

Drinking water helps with these types of headaches and can provide natural energy to get you through the day.

Migraine headaches are very debilitating and can put you in bed, unable to move for extended periods of time…

Migraines cause a throbbing pain which can be primarily on one side of your head.

As a result of this pain, you get very sensitive to light and sound.

It some cases migraine headaches can even cause nausea.

The bad news is migraines can be genetic as they are found to run in certain families…


Women are three time more likely to suffer from migraine headaches.

Experts believe migraines are a result of nerve signals being misinterpreted by the brain.

Instead of interpreting normal nerve signals for what they are, they interpret them as pain.

Natural Remedy for Migraine Headaches:

Acupressure massage has been tried and proven for thousands of years.

Acupressure massage is an ancient Chinese healing method that centers around applying pressure to certain points on the body.

The pressure is applied to help relieve pain.

You can do acupressure massages on yourself, it is very easy…

First, take your finger and place it in the groove between your first and second toe.

Press firmly, applying pressure for at least three minutes.

If you can, hold for a total of 5 minutes before letting go.

If you would prefer not to do this yourself, you can always go see a massage therapist.

Feverfew herbal supplement derives from the sunflower family…

Feverfew has been tested in clinical trials with great results.

During trials, Feverfew has shown to be a very effective treatment for migraines.

Feverfew works by decreasing the amount of inflammation in areas where there is pain.

When inflammation is reduced, it eliminates pressure on nerves.

And as a result, migraine starts to subside.

You can find feverfew in capsule form for around $12.

There are many different natural remedies for various types of headaches.

What one natural remedy can be applied to all headaches no matter what type?

That remedy is to simply change your diet, because certain foods can trigger a headache.

If you start paying closer attention to the foods you eat on a daily basis you’ll see patterns.

Keep a journal and start jotting down everything you eat for at least 7 days…

Taking note and being aware is helpful so you can track any specific foods which cause you to have an adverse reaction.

Once you identify a pattern, you’ll know which foods should be eliminated.

headache types

Here are some foods which are known to trigger headaches:

• Wine
• Caffeine or lack of it (if you drinks it regularly)
• Cheese
• Cold cuts

Headaches can also be a result of skipping meals.

Anytime you skip meals your blood sugar levels drop.

The best natural remedy is proper nutrition with plenty of water for hydration.

Eat and stay healthy, make it a point to always treat your body right…eat meals on regular time frames and never allow hunger to lead to headaches.


Women’s Health – Exercising Pelvic Floor Muscles

Why Exercising Pelvic Floor Muscles Goes Way Beyond Toning and Strengthening Of Muscles?


Do you imagine high bulging biceps, washboard abs and tree like shaped legs? Well, I didn’t think so either…okay, so there’s a far more important group of muscles in regards to women’s health…

Yes! Your pelvic floor muscles are way too often overlooked. This crucial group of muscles, (stretches from public bone to base of spine) supports vital organs bladder and bowel movements (to controlling opening & closing of anus and urethra).

pelvic floor muscles, exercise, women's health

Kegel Exercises for Strengthening Pelvic Floor

Discover Specific Enjoyable Abdominal Exercises For The Benefit Of Enhancing Sexual Pleasures While Increasing Your Healthy Core Muscles…

The pelvic floor also helps control the uterus and vagina in women. Incontinence, uterine prolapse in women, and erectile dysfunction in men can all be caused by feeble pelvic floor muscles. Try the following exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Kegels are popular exercises reduce the likelihood of incontinence by strengthening pelvic floor muscles. Kegels can be done throughout the day whenever you feel inclined. To complete this exercise, simply contract your muscles as if you are attempting to halt the flow of urine.

Kegel, exercises, women's health, pelvic floor

Kegel Exercises For Strengthening Pelvic Floor

For the best results, focus on tightening your muscles for five seconds, then rest for five seconds. Slowly increase the time you are constricting your muscles until you can maintain pressure for 10 seconds at a time. Perform five set of five reps during the day. Experience elevator Kegels as your workout will further tone your pelvic floor.

Tighten your muscles, then constrict even more for two counts: imagine drawing your muscles deeper into your body like an elevator ascending multiple levels, then relax. Your goal is to complete five sets of 10 each day.

The pelvic floor can also be strengthened with a variety of abdominal exercises. If executed properly, abdominal exercises can reach deep in the core, stimulating the entire abdominal region along with pelvic floor. Pulling your belly button back towards your spine while abdominal training helps to engage deep core muscles.

The single leg plank is an excellent exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor. Recline on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet solidly on the floor. Extend one leg, maintaining contact between your knees. Slowly raise you hips off the ground, engaging your abdominals, until your torso is in a straight line with your thighs.

Now, slowly relax, moving down and repeating with your other leg straightened. This is one full rep. Your goal is to complete two sets of 12-15 reps, three times a week (or progressing to this level).

Pilates is designed to focus on toning the muscles of your core. Many Pilates activities entail allowing the arms and legs to move about as the torso remains steady. Such movements require engagement of core muscles, including pelvic floor muscles.

To receive optimal pelvic floor strengthening benefits of Pilates, engage in Pilates at least three times a week. The double straight leg is an easy Pilates exercise you can perform at home. Lie on your back, place your hands under your head, and raise your legs straight up to form a 90 degree angle with your torso.

Lower the legs as a single unit to a 45 degree angle, then slowly draw them back upward to the 90 degree angle to complete one rep, perform 10 reps to complete your set. Women’s Health – Exercising Pelvic Floor Muscles

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