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The Known and Proven Health Benefits Of Fennel Tea!

Why Fennel Tea Is Good For You?

What are the clear benefits of fennel tea?

Fennel is a natural remedy for digestive problems, belly bloat and flatulence (bad gas).

Fennel is an important herb that has been used safely for many thousands of years…

Fennel is used in Chinese, Indian, Arabian and Western medicines.

You can use it for its value in cooking as a spice…

Fennel is traditionally used as an aid to digestion and it has many health benefits as well.

Fennel tea is easy to prepare from crushed or ground mature fennel seeds.

fennel tea

Fennel seed is rich in important volatile oil compounds anethole, fenchone and estragole.

These types of compounds are known to be responsible for antispasmodic…

Including anti-inflammatory and antibacterial as well as antimicrobial properties.

Have you ever tried fennel tea?

It can help with gastrointestinal problems…




Many women that experience bloating and flatulence report that drinking of fennel tea regularly actually reduces their incidence of both bloating and flatulence.

Yes! The volatile oils are responsible for this beneficial effect on your digestive system.

These compounds help relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and can assist in reducing stomach cramps and bloating.

As both digesting food and trapped gases pass through your system more easily…

There is less chance of foods fermenting and putrefying in the large intestine.

In this way, the funnel tea can be a very effective as a natural flatulence remedy.

Particularly for smelly farts that can result from undigested food getting stuck in colon.

These days Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is on the rise.

This is a condition involving large intestine.

It affects many people, especially women.

Symptoms vary but often include…

Abdominal pain..


Stomach cramps…

Problematic bowel movements…

Excessive gas…

Fennel tea has been shown to be one of the most natural best treatments for IBS.

The volatile oil compounds helps increase the production of gastric juices.

This gets digestion started properly.

The compounds assist in regulating contractions of the intestines…

This helps to relieve intestinal cramps and trapped stomach gas.

Since the volatile oils in fennel seeds directly impacts its effectiveness in treating IBS…

And other digestive problems…

It is worth looking for a tea formulated with a high volatile oil content.

The best type of fennel tea is pure, fresh and made especially strong for treating IBS.

More Health Benefits of Fennel Tea

Fennel tea is a mild diuretic and helps flush excess water and toxins out of the body.

Fennel seeds are very high in antioxidants.

These antioxidants give extra support and protection for your body.

You’ve probably heard about free radical cellular damage, right?

The health benefits of fennel tea include anti-inflammatory properties…

This can benefit people suffering from joint pain and arthritis as well.

Drinking fennel tea helps ease a sore throat…

Reduces fever and loosens phlegm from your respiratory system.

Fennel tea is known to help lower blood pressure naturally as well.

Keep this in mind and discuss with your doctor if using blood pressure medication.

Fennel seeds are often recommended in traditional herbal medicine as an appetite suppressant and metabolism booster…

That’s great news because drinking fennel tea regularly helps with losing weight.

Fennel seeds are a great breath freshener.

You can chew seeds after a meal or drink a strong fennel tea like this for the same effect.

Fennel is known to be an immune system enhancer…

In fact, many people report an improved sense of relaxation.

And a sense of well-being when they drink fennel tea on a regular basis.

To date there have been very few side effects reported with using this herb.

In fact, it is so safe that weak fennel tea is often given to babies as a treatment for colic.

It is your choice if you want to talk to your doctor before drinking fennel tea.

Just be aware if you doctor pushes back on the regular use…

Fennel is not recommended for people prone to seizures or taking seizure medication.

Very rarely, allergic reactions have been observed…

This is specific to women with allergy to carrots or celery.

Want to make your own fennel tea home brew?

The cost of fresh fennel seeds is ridiculously affordable.

Comparable to any type of loose tea…

Some women absolutely love to make their own fennel tea at home.

Grab a bag of fresh fennel seeds, preferably with a high volatile oil content.

Crush up 1 to 2 tablespoons of the seeds with a mortar and pestle.

Put the crushed seeds in a large mug and pour a cup of very hot, but not boiling, water over them (turn the kettle off before just before it boils).

Cover and steep for 8 to 10 minutes.

Strain and enjoy…

Perhaps you can add a tiny amount of honey (optional and it’s not necessary).

Most people seem to really enjoy the smell and taste as well.

Fennel tea is truly a nature’s little helper…

And according to WebMD they have the thumbs up on fennel tea.

Remember fennel tea is good for various digestive problems…

Including intestinal gas, bloating, heartburn, loss of appetite and even colic in children.

What if you suffer from any of the gastrointestinal issues mentioned above?

Simply warm a cup of fennel tea and get gentle and natural relief in 10 minutes or less.

Fennel Tea

About Jody

Hi, my name is Jody Leon. Yes, I am a weight loss coach, very grateful and excited to meet you. I'm sure you're passionate to love the New You. Your empowered way to healthier living. It is true empowerment, priceless and fulfilling, because health and wellness opens many unlocked doors to love, confidence, happiness and freedom. You get more out of life everyday! Please reach out, I'd love to hear from you. I focus on helping women maximize health, food, lifestyle. Enjoy living in your own skin, healthier, happier, confident in all your relationships beyond food and body...
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