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Are You A Food Addict?

ATTENTION: Have you heard of food addiction? Take free quiz here!

binge eating

“New Case Study Reveals Dramatic Negative Effects Food Addiction With Binge Eating Has On The Brain and Hormones”

Dear Friend,

Sometimes, it’s unclear where to begin right?

It might seem a little intimidating at first, but soon it all clicks.

So, why can’t you get this information from MD or dietician?

Well, you should know why by the time you’re done reading.

Food addiction or food addict, which is which and why?

You know the weight loss dream is a powerful marketing tool…

And modern junk foods and fast foods are designed to keep you hungry.

The food industry has broken our ability to eat intuitively in many areas.

They’re creating unnatural high calorie concentrated food (food of pleasure).

It’s a most common mistake causing us to sabotage our weight loss goals.

That’s why no matter how hard you try, you always find yourself overeating.

Evolution didn’t prepare us for these types of engineered foods…

Hormones in brain-gut influence eating behavior.

Hormones are produced by glands and from various other sources.

Some hormones, such as leptin come from fat stores.

And cholecystokinin (CCK), glucagon-like peptide (GLP), ghrelin, peptide YY.

Includes neuropeptide Y come from the brain or gastrointestinal tract.

Some of these hormones suppress eating behavior, while others stimulate it.

Want to learn how to trust yourself with food again…

And to enjoy freedom from external control or influence, independence.

Interesting how media and food industry manipulates our food choices.

Specifically, they manufacture highly palatable and addictive food.

These foods stimulate urges to overeat, drives intense hunger and appetite.

And these foods and beverages are the major sources of empty calories.

Your natural sensations are to overeat or eat more of it…

Think you’re in control of your body?

That it’s YOU who decides what foods to eat and when?

Turns out many people lost control of their bodies a long time ago.

A team of neuroscientists in Champalimaud Center in Lisbon, Portugal… 

Recently discovered many of us are addicted to food.

The food industry has found a way of hijacking your brain.

And these foods are making you hungry almost all of the time…

Your brain is begging to be fed more and more sugar.

And your brain is incapable of saying “No!”.

You may be a food addict and not even realize or recognize it.

Do you identify with food addiction or food addict?  

How long have you been tortured with cravings?

One of the biggest fears around food addiction is?

Please take just a few moments to think about it…

And explore further by filling in the __ gap!

Yes, you’re probably thinking you’re powerless.

And food addiction is a permanent way of life. 

The good news, food addiction doesn’t have to be end of the road… 

To demonstrate this…let’s do a quick experiment.

Food is meant to be nourishing and bring pleasure.

The food you eat should not be a source of anxiety, fear or guilt.

Okay, let’s assume food addiction is not a behavioral addiction.

Take the food addiction quiz to learn more about yourself…

you see, that’s not the only reason why I’m showing you this quiz.

I’m hoping to turn you onto a way of thinking which changed my life forever.

Food addiction is compulsive eating of palatable high fat, high sugar foods.

Okay, so why are addictive foods made and so readily available?

STOP blaming yourself because it isn’t your fault!

Did you know addictive foods and food cravings are engineered…

food addiction

Yes, foods that are made to specifically make you feel hungry all the time.

And of course, these irresistible trigger foods are aggressively marketed.

Tasty delicious foods everywhere advertised by food manufacturers.

The foods which triggers and activates your brain’s reward center…

Despite the negative effects and adverse consequences.

Could excess body fat / body weight contribute to variety of health problems?

What concerns you the most about your health:

  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Stroke
  • Liver disease
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Respiratory problems
  • Arthritis
  • Infertility in women
  • Cancers

Eating addiction: A study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology showed binging decreased growth hormone (cell reproduction and regeneration) by 6,000%

Medical research from the SALK Institute in California found 38% impact on body fat obese (percentage of fat)

Overeating (leptin resistance), dementia (memory loss), metabolic damage, (weight loss resistant), diabetes (insulin resistance).

160 million US adults are now more obese than those who are overweight.

Not here to judge you, I understand and know your urgency…

Does your everyday world and every thought revolve around food too?

I know from the bottom of my heart you are struggling right now.

Most binge eaters feel agitated, lost and trapped overeating regularly.

Binge eating the most common or misdiagnosed disorder…

Why is binging similar to emotional overeating?

You might be thinking “why do I go on eating binges”.

I’ll explain what is binge eating disorder (in just a moment)

Surprisingly, most people don’t know they’re binge eaters.

In fact, in 2010 the American Psychiatric Association (APA)…

Released a study of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Eating Disorders.

Officially listing binge eating disorder (BED) as a mental illness.

And in its clinically diagnosed form…

Binge eating is a secret demon that can feel unbeatable.

Yale food addiction quiz

Yale Food Addiction Quiz


Out of misery, disgust and self-hatred I learned the hard way…

Are you searching for the answer?

Haven’t found what you’re looking for?

All that matters, what is the quality of your life? 

Want to know how to stop binge eating?

The urge to emotionally overeat becomes comforting and stronger…

Let’s start with the good, bad and ugly side of food obsessions.

Next on list is eating patterns and why we become binge eaters.

We all struggle with foods, experiences and difficulties from day to day.

In truth, problems are buried deep inside our subconscious…

Your subconscious is tirelessly working in the background.

Constantly calculating and worrying about security and survival.

Thoughts and beliefs are lenses through which your mind filters the world

And this heavily determines how you experience daily life and challenges.

The obesity stigma in society says it’s a mental health illness.

The media blame beliefs and behaviors linked to the past.

Keep reading every word because you’re in the right place…

This is for people who want to feel healthier with fulfillment in life!

In a nutshell, it’s about you using your powerful life skills in the right way.

And how to breakdown fears into tiny step-by-step achievable daily wins.

You’ll soon see why daily wins are so incredibly rewarding.

You’ll see how to stick to your goals as easy as breathing…

Night, weekends even when your emotions are out of control.

Improve the way you feel about your relationship to food.

Including your eating habits and behavior…

And you’ll love the effective sustainable weight loss too.

This empowers you, your family and loved ones to be happier.

Yes, together we’ll explore binge eating and how to stop…

And with your permission I’ll help support you to get real results.

You already know body image is the first shape people notice.

Their first thought is to judge people on poor lifestyle choices.

Then life feels like a lonely terrifying empty black hole inside.

That deep dark hole is scary yet familiar to so many of us…

Whenever we eat fats and sugars the brain releases dopamine.

In fact, dopamine is a super powerful feel-awesome chemical.

And what happens when the brain secretes dopamine during binges?

Dopamine becomes like a physical drug addiction…

We binge more and more because we crave the rush of chemicals.

The trigger can be something someone said about you?

Did someone bully you and you’re hurting emotionally?

Have you learned to not feel good about yourself?

Surprisingly, you may not know exactly what’s holding you back.

The emotional attachments to diets, cravings and foods…

I’ll teach you how to absolutely reinforce your self-awareness.

And say no, especially to foods you fear will result in weight gains.

The new neurological pathways helps direct and drive YOUR choices.

Question…are you free to choose whatever you want to eat?

How would you describe your binge eating or binging!

There is a saying that goes like this “you are what you eat”…

Taking responsibility for food and healthy eating can be a challenge.

Nowadays in the modern world we’re surrounded by temptations.

We can easily eat too much, especially too much of unhealthy foods.

And there are lots of fast destructive food temptations all the time right?

The food industry is devoted to persuading us to indulge in excess…

The eating disorder nobody wants to talk about.

Is it the way someone eats that’s unhealthy and out of control?

Most people don’t want talk about their binge eating.

People have read books, listened to talks and got counselling.

However, binge eaters still can’t do what they need to do…

I’ll teach you exactly how I literally rewired my brain.

Someone capable of being more than I ever thought possible.

The missing component is you need to get out of your head.

How to stop binge eating (the simplicity will shock you)…

You see, I know and believe it because I did shock myself.

If you do the same, you get to a point where you can say…

“Okay I have experienced binge eating…so what!”

Binge eating is thrusted upon us and it doesn’t feel good…

The fears about the future create pain and knots in your stomach.

No one should have to suffer and wait until they’re eighty right?

You would be healthier to actually live in happiness today.

Let’s delve a little deeper how to choose your own beliefs.

The experts say binge eating is abnormal type of eating disorder.

Why is binge eating even categorized as a eating disorder…

Information about binge eating as a disorder is slowly evolving.

Researchers are learning more about what drives compulsive eating.

What does it mean to live with obesity and abnormal eating behaviors?

Over several decades…binge eating has been quietly hiding in the closet.

The National Eating Disorder Association defines it as recurrent binge eating.

This refers to more common eating disorders and behaviors:

  • Vomiting
  • Excessive exercise
  • Using laxatives

Many people struggle with binge eating describe binging…

As having the same daily thoughts over and over.

It’s a feeling which makes you feel bad and out of control.

If you believe what you’re telling yourself to be true…

Over the years, you can build a prison for yourself.

A prison of fears, doubts, depression, anxiety, stress.

And frustration, anger, guilt, blame, shame, hatred.

What if you changed it with a simple shift in awareness.

Your thoughts can create your emotional states…

So how to change the way you feel?

Do you have to change your habits?

Binging is often associated with eating “unhealthy foods.”

Foods which are classified as off-limits or forbidden.

Followed by feelings of intense shame and guilt…

And negative thoughts of self-hatred, intense dieting.

The daily restrictions which influences more binging!

Yes, for many people binge eating is out of their control.

So why is mindful eating more difficult for eating disorders?

Thoughts of food, body image, weight, eating constantly in focus…

Did I eat too much?

Do I need to restrict?

When should I eat again?

What should I eat next?

Why can’t I just stop eating?

Why am I so out of control around food?

The most difficult part of comfort eating is becoming aware…

Self-aware of your physical hunger and satiety cues.

These cues guide decisions…when to begin eating and stop.

Mindful eating can be a simple, yet so valuable new life skill.

And helps people enjoy a satisfying, healthy, enjoyable relationship with food.

Research suggests binge eating disorders aren’t easily diagnosed…

Why is this a problem?

Simply because people tend to fall through the gaps.

This means they have more than one type of eating behavior.

This can be in addition to other symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Therefore attempting to tackle an eating disorder alone is very difficult.

For example…

It’s common for people with all types of eating disorders to engage in behaviors like:

  • Overeating
  • Restricting
  • Purging
  • Over-exercising
  • Taking laxatives
  • Diet pills

It can be confronting to delve into a families history.

Lots of misinformation can also fall through the gaps.

And multi-layers which are daily and from time to time behaviors.

Experts strive to study our food choices and eating habits…

Based on a solid understanding of the psychological underpinnings.

The relationships between healthy and unhealthy consumption.

Can you take control of how food contributes to your healthy lifestyle?

Experts believe even when someone struggles with binge eating…

And this could be defined as emotional eating or overeating.

Many people struggle to be diagnosed with a specific eating disorder.

Even if someone restricts food intake and frequently follows new diets.

Are you constantly following new diets, obsessing about weight…

Are you believing certain foods are “forbidden?”

Does this add more to the pain and confusion?

What about going too long without eating?

Basically these are all learned patterns of behaviors.

And increases someone’s risk of long term binge eating (as a disorder).

What causes long term binges and overeating?

If you understand the emotional triggers of other eating disorders…

You see, the hidden causes of binge eating aren’t entirely understood.

Researchers believe binge eating disorder is a combination of 4 or more factors:

  • Genetic
  • Biological
  • Environmental
  • Lifestyle

According to the Binge Eating Disorder Association:

Genetic and biological causes of binge eating disorder.

Genes do play a role in eating disorders…

And it’s clear to the experts, binge eating is a disorder.

And other signs of “abnormal eating” support their diagnosis.

Genes can make it more likely that someone will struggle.

And they will continue to battle with weight gains.

People find it hard to stop overeating throughout their lives…

Genes (DNA), does it matter when it comes to being overweight?

While genetics may impact how difficult it is for someone to lose weight…

Genes can’t effectively make your lifestyle habits or eating into a disorder.

Is binge eating more likely to affect people who don’t want to change?

There are family histories to blame for eating disorders and obesity…

Genetics, physical, emotional problems, negative and destructive thoughts.

These are also unconscious and daily challenges of life.

And decisions we all make about the foods we choose to eat.

Are you clear about what the experts define as a binge eating disorder?

Right now, that’s probably one BIG piece of the jigsaw puzzle missing…

Is your environment stronger than your will power?

Do you think binge eating is related to other mental disorders and symptoms?

For example…

Depression, anxiety and substance abuse?

Studies show the result of depression and anxiety is very high among people with binge eating disorder.

Research suggests there are trigger points with recurring cycle taking place…

This is where binge eating contributes to mental problems including anxiety.

And this is why mental problems make binge eating harder to manage and break free from.

Anxiety, depression, abusing alcohol and drugs can contribute to negative thought patterns.

These behavior patterns drive low self-esteem, guilt, shame and hopelessness…

All these trigger points keeps someone trapped in an eating disorder.

History of dieting and emotional roller coaster of the over weight stigma…

Many people with binge eating feel intense pressure to lose weight.

They feel they have to meet the “thin” model body shape portrayed in society and the media.

Experiences of weight stigma and weight-related discrimination…

Childhood obesity and bullying about weight…

And significant history of weight changes are all risk factors for binge eating as a disorder.

What about engaging in frequent restrictive dieting?

According to research in context to eating disorder…

Statistically approximately one in five obese adults struggle with binge eating disorder.

The majority of obese individuals are fully aware of their problem.

And they do want to lose weight and control their eating through dieting.

Often they use very restrictive programs such as fasting, fad-dieting or crash-dieting.

This can trigger starvation mode with intense urges to overeat…

Especially for people with binge eating following a traditional weight loss program.

And long term this option seems to be very difficult to maintain.

Many go through vicious cycles of losing, then regaining weight over and over again.

Binge eating and the link to childhood trauma (abuse, neglect)…

Perhaps it’s a common understood theme amongst people with eating disorders.

Does it relate back to having experienced difficult childhoods?

Many people with binge eating problems report turning to food for comfort.

This started from a young age and having difficulty breaking this habit into adulthood.

Know causes of binge eating disorder…

binge eating

How to stop binge eating?

Are there proven binge eating treatments?

You could seek therapy and professional help…

Several forms of professional therapies have been shown to greatly help people struggling with binge eating.

These include family-based treatment, adolescent-focused treatment and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is considered by many experts to be a solid approach to treating…

And managing eating disorders because it addresses underlying thought patterns.

These beliefs drive compulsive behaviors, shame and anxiety…

Cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavioral therapy focuses on impulsive interruptions.

And the importance of thoughts in determining behaviors.

This type of therapy can help address underlying emotional issues.

Including deeply held beliefs which drive the desire to overeat, restrict and continue the binging cycle.

The Centers for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt found cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in three stages:

  1. Cognitive – addressing underlying thoughts
  2. Behavioral – stabilizing eating behaviors
  3. Maintenance – long-term strategies for dealing with stress, compulsions and triggers

Why should you put weight loss on the back burner…

Simply because dieting and continuously focusing on losing weight are trigger points.

These are behavioral risks factors for continued binging.

Most experts recommend learning to change your entire approach to managing your weight.

You know it’s important to take good care of yourself…

Instinctively choosing to eat healthy foods helps you to move in the right direction.

Obviously if you want to reach and maintain a healthy weight…

Focusing too much of your time and energy on achieving weight loss…

Obsessing over foods and calorie counting…

Including other restrictive behaviors can actually contribute to anxiety around food.

This increases the emotional bond of binging, especially on foods normally viewed as “off-limits.”

A therapist or nutritionist can help you establish an eating plan.

You want to manage long term plan which meets your calorie and nutrient needs.

And still allows room for indulgences and treats…

Aiming to eat the perfect diet, forbidding or strictly avoiding certain foods…

And only focusing on your weight is absolutely unhealthy.

You want to understand the big picture of your mental and physical health.

If you’re always focused on losing weight this can actually backfire in the long run.

Experts on eating disorders advise eating for comfort or emotional reasons on occasion is normal…

And not necessarily a bad choice as long as the food does not become your main source of comfort.

Many therapists and nutrition counselors now use a form of intuitive eating.

They call this the “non-diet” method.

This teaches people with binge eating to recognize and respond to sensations of physical hunger.

And learn how to regulate feelings associated with satisfaction, cravings for certain foods and eating for comfort.

Why is stress a big factor in binging?

Experts agree the underlying challenges driving eating disorders…

Including binge eating are associated with compulsive behavior.

And inability to handle difficult feelings, situations and thoughts.

Stress can often trigger the need to use comfort foods…

These types of foods are widely available and often used in this way.

Learning to manage stressful situations or tough emotions without turning to food can feel overwhelming.

It can feel like a very long and winding road to nowhere…

Yes, if it’s an ingrained behavior, it’s essential to understand the road to recovery.

One of the most effective methods you can use to boost your odds of recovery long term…

Is to practice how to soothe yourself and relieve stress during difficult times.

Different methods work for different people.

Studies show effective stress-reducing techniques include:

  • Regular exercise
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Listening to music
  • Relationships with positive people
  • Reading and writing
  • Being outdoors in nature
  • Following up with fun hobbies…

Does mindfulness meditation with deep breathing help?

Meditation, deep breathing and exercise using yoga can all be used.

If you feel emotionally exhausted from emotional eating…

And burnt out, frustrated worrying about food all the time!

These three methods can be used as ongoing tools for:

  • Relaxing
  • Reflecting on tough / hurtful feelings
  • Boosting creativity
  • Feelings of happiness
  • Calmness with clear focus
  • Appreciation and gratitude
  • Better restful sleep…

According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine…

Meditation, prayer and yoga can reduce binge eating.

This is a result of improving self-esteem.

In turn this influences many aspects of overall health.

Better health in context to normal blood pressure, cholesterol..

Blood sugar and cortisol levels.

Studies show meditation reduces the need for willpower.

You don’t want to rely on will power to control obesity and overeating.

Meditation impacts the sympathetic nervous system.

The so called fight or flight response anxiety…

And increases activity in parasympathetic nervous system.

This is emotional control, feelings of calm, clear decision making.

One study found women who do regular meditation and yoga…

Experienced significantly fewer binge episodes.

And a reduction in symptoms related to compulsive behavior, stress and depression.

Mindfulness based eating is awareness based training.

It is one type of meditation used to help resolve core issues of binge eating.

Yes, it’s used to control responses to varying emotional states:

  • Making conscious food choices
  • Developing awareness of hunger and satiety cues
  • Cultivating self-acceptance

All these states are shown to decrease binge episodes and increase self-control.

Yoga and deep breathing could also improve confidence.

The result of increasing appreciation and gratitude.

Research from the Eating Disorder Hope Foundation…

They suggest pharmacological and psychological interventions.

Used with yoga and meditation to help lift brain fog and low self esteem.

Complementary therapy helps people overcome eating disorders:

  • Increased responsiveness and awareness to how the body functions
  • Improved attentiveness of feelings from appetite to fullness signals
  • Improved mood and decreased irritability
  • Better sense of connection and well-being
  • Improved happiness and perceptions of body image
  • Greater stress management and self-confidence
  • Healing from physical tension and pain
  • Improved muscular, cardiovascular function and flexibility
  • Improved ability to focus, sleep, diminished impulsivity
  • Better ways to avoid irrational thoughts and behaviors…

OK, is the environment stronger than your will power…

Do you surround yourself with positive minded and supportive people?

Do you get support from people who have overcome binge eating?

Joining support groups, family and close friends can it help…

One of the biggest motivations is to become happier.

Do breakthroughs mean you want to become closer?

Opening up, more honesty and intimacy within relationships.

Research shows why honesty and opening up makes all the difference…

Connecting with others going through the same problems.

You get support by talking with other people.

Talk to someone who is close to you.

Tell other people what you’re currently going through…

It’s hard to admit this if you’re struggling with binge eating.

Your best long term strategy is to educate yourself about binge eating.

Is your binge eating compulsive eating or emotional eating?

What’s the difference between overeating and binge eating?

These terms have been used for decades to describe people’s behaviors.

Is binge eating is often a severe form of compulsive or emotional eating?

It boils down to suggesting people who eat large amounts of food are abnormal.

However, binge eating is in reality very different than overeating…

Most people think of themselves “normal” eaters.

We all eat for emotional reasons from time to time.

And this isn’t always because we’re hungry.

This can happen when dining out with friends, social situations, holidays or on vacations.

Some people do overeat frequently even when they’re no longer hungry.

This most often can be to case with feelings like:

  • Depression
  • Boredom
  • Sadness
  • Fatique
  • Exhaustion
  • Anxious

So occasional overeating is typically normal behavior.

Eating unhealthy foods or eating for emotional reasons.

This is not always harmful or destructive.

If people are taking good care of themselves and sticking to eating healthy majority of the time.

What makes binge eating different from overeating…

Are binge episodes occurring more frequently?

Is binging negatively impacting, interfering in life, relationships and work?

Binge eaters suffer and experience intense embarrassment with shame…

They often hide their uncomfortable moods…

And behaviors or lie about their food intake.

Spend excessive time thinking about eating.

And have food obsession feelings all the time.

People with binge eating often wait years before they tell anyone…

Sadly, the longer it goes on…

And the more time passes…

The more problematic it becomes to stop binge eating.

Even when you feel full and recognize satiety…

The harder the cycle of binge eating continues to become out of control.

How many people does binge eating affect?

binge eating
Research shows about 2 percent to 4 percent of American adults struggle with binge eating.

Estimates show eating disorders in general are a daily struggle for 10 million females.

And 1 million males in the U.S., an 40 percent of individuals in U.S. personally experience eating disorders…

Or know someone close to them who has.

This is mostly because of shame and guilt associated around eating disorders.

Less than half of people with binge eating actively seek help.

Most people don’t get treatment for their binge eating which raises various health risks.

The standard system for classification of disorders used by mental health professionals in the U.S.)…

What is referred to as binge eating disorder used to be classified under eating disorders.

This is currently the most common type of eating disorder worldwide.

Approximately 5 percent of people suffering from binge eating die from health complications.

And many more suffer from many other conditions and symptoms.

There are many layers from gaining weight, obesity, purging and restricting…

binge eating

What are the symptoms and behaviors associated with binge eating?

Binge eating is different from other eating disorders caused by underlying thought patterns.

Of course you need to take practical measures to manage your food intake.

Would you be more likely to succeed if you focus on the psychological aspects?

Yes, establish a good healthy daily routine of nutrition and eating.

Currently, the known criteria for diagnosis of binge eating disorder includes:

  1. Loss of control over amount of eating
  2. Marked distress (emotional disturbance) over binge episodes
  3. Binging occurs at least once per week for three months in a row

Do you recognise three or more of the following signs or symptoms: 

  • Eating more rapidly than normal (large amounts of food within two hours, for example)
  • Eating until feeling uncomfortably full
  • Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry
  • Eating alone because of being embarrassed or ashamed of how much one is eating
  • Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, anxious or very guilty after overeating
  • Stockpiling food to consume secretly at a later time
  • Eating normally in the presence of others but gorging when isolated
  • Experiencing feelings of stress or anxiety that can only be relieved by eating
  • Feelings of numbness or lack of sensation while binging
  • Never experiencing satiation or feeling satisfied, no matter amount of food consumed

Aside from the known behaviors described above….

Many people which binge eating experience physical, emotional, social symptoms related to overeating: 

  • Higher risk for obesity
  • Higher risk for heart disease
  • Higher risk for diabetes and hypertension
  • Increased anxiety, depression and irritability
  • Problems with sleeping and insomnia
  • Increased gallbladder disease
  • Increased muscle and joint pains
  • Higher risk for digestive problems
  • Bloating, gas, irritable bowel syndrome

Dieting, obsessing about weight and believing certain foods as forbidden…

And going too long without eating are all behaviors, which increase risks of developing binge eating.

Researchers believe binge eating disorder is caused by a combination of factors:

  • Genetic
  • Biological
  • Environmental
  • Lifestyle

Right now, there’s one BIG piece of the jigsaw puzzle missing…

This next step is for those who want to go deeper!

In order to be yourself, feel good, and live the life you want.

You want to be free from the prison of the past and its old beliefs.

And from the prison of pressure from other people and their beliefs.

How to avoid the prison of your own mind…

Is the environment stronger than your will power?

I want you to honestly answer this question…

Then prove to yourself you can breakthrough.

And break free to discover how to become unstoppable.

I’ll teach you how to conquer your fears and stop struggling…

Defeat self doubts, cravings, binge eating, emotional eating.

And stop overeating too much in unhealthy ways.

Lose weight without relying on willpower, agonizing, feeling shame, guilt…

And to stop feeling humiliated, embarrassed, defeated and depressed.

If you’re emotionally exhausted this is also relevant to you…

If you’re stressed or burnt out, frustrated worrying about food all the time!

Are you wanting the most effective and proven way to get better results?

A healthier way to experience life and your relationship with food.

Enjoy more of what’s worthwhile…

And remove the residue of bad choices from the past.

What if there really was an easy way?

You’d already feel joyful relaxation and pleasure in your life right?

Want to break free and breakthrough from the regrettable moments?

Yes, there truly is a proven system within reach at your fingertips.

You can choose to conquer the diet-binge emotional rollercoaster.

Want access to the tested and proven one-of-a-kind system…

You’re here to take back control to live a life you’re proud of.

And become the remarkably confident person you are proud to be.

You want to experience the amazing power to change how you feel.

Lasting happiness begins from within by living life on your own terms.

The quickest path to personal freedom from binge eating starts today.

Yes, real world actual measurable lasting increases in areas like…

  • Better outlook
  • Peace of mind
  • Enjoyment of life
  • Closer relationships
  • Happier, healthier, energetic

Here’s how that looks…

  •  We’ll identify patterns, behaviors, emotions standing in your way
  •  Eliminate root causes, often fueled by thoughts and beliefs which become habitual over years of experiences
  •  Within 30 days you’ll experience exact breakthroughs you want which allows you to break free…

You’ll notice incredible shifts in clarity and how you see yourself.

Including how you feel each day and your relationship with food.

It’s based on fulfilling yourself through new life skills and behaviors.

And meaningful shift of awareness which takes you to the next level.

Have you ever been told you have food addictions (it’s a big lie)…

Is it binge eating disorder or something else?

Understand strengths and weaknesses in a way that makes complete sense.

Ready to take your power back to discover how you’re hard-wired?

You can embrace your instincts instead of fighting them…

In literally 30 days or less you’ll look and feel like a different person.

This system is something you need to experience to understand.

There are so many differentiators which makes this system not just successful but significantly life-changing.

It’s not therapy…

I won’t ask you to dwell on past negative experiences.

And ask you how you feel about what’s happening to you during your week over and over.

You get the specific results you’re aiming for in 30 days and that’s it.

It’s not woo woo…

You won’t have to do any tapping, abundance prayers, stuff with crystals, walk on fire rituals, etc.

I’m straight-forward, process-oriented and pragmatic.

It’s not one-size-fits all…

You’re not learning how I think and what my opinion of binge eating is.

And you’re not learning to live with your binge eating problems.

You’re not relearning how to eat normally over weeks or months or years.

Does binge eating help calm insatiable hunger and rage for food…

Does it make you feel happy and confident ready to take on the world?

Does binge eating eliminate your fear and stress?

Is there a possibility binge eating has increased your negative emotions?

This is not about enduring gut-wrenching withdrawals…

And where you need hand-holding to boost confidence when cravings hit.

And your willpower is low…

This is all about you completely removing your binge eating habit and desire.

Out of desperation I created this personalized system for women who want to feel unstoppable.

Do you want to stop your binge eating and experience happier, healthier and lasting better results from inside-out?

    If you have any unanswered questions, please use above to email me directly and let me know how I can help. I’d be interested in getting your feedback which is strictly confidential. Remember to include your telephone number and a time to call you, thanks…

    P.S.  Yes! You have choice…

    You can keep wasting time and money through trial and error.

    Keep praying and hoping your health, life and situation improves.

    You can decide to take action on what’s already proven to work!

    Which will you choose?

    The time is NOW!

    FREE Metabolism Guide - key to health, could be of help for menopausal women

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