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Do You Need a Probiotic?

Are probotics on your radar, especially if you suffer from compromised immune or digestive problems?

You probably know someone who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, celiac disease or irritable bowel conditions…

You may know at least one person with a serious even life-threatening allergy…

Dear Friend,

These health problems often go back to a compromised immune system.

Scientists have found foods we eat are causing these problems.

The good news is there may be a solution, keep reading to find out why…


Probiotics are live good bacteria and yeasts which support your health, especially your digestive system.

We usually think of bacteria as something which causes diseases, right?

Your body is full of bacteria, good and bad.

Probiotics are called good or helpful bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy.

Food choice is vital because most women don’t have enough healthy gut flora.

In your gut, you have good flora which creates a barrier between gut and blood stream.

This barrier blocks bacteria and other harmful elements which you eat from entering your blood and rest of your body.

In fact, 80 percent of the body’s immune function occurs in the gut associated lymph tissue which are found in the walls of intestines.

Gut flora is first line of defense in this immune tissue…

And if it’s out of balance your immune system won’t be able to function properly.

Why is this imbalance a problem for women?

probiotics for digestive health

The problem is in the foods we choose to eat…

You see, processed foods we eat, many of which contain genetically modified ingredients or antibiotics damage the gut flora.

The antibiotics women take for their health also kill good bacteria in the gut’s lymph tissue.

Almost all doctors prescribe antibiotics, often when not needed…adding to this problem.

Add this combination between foods with antibiotics and your gut flora is imbalanced.

The only way to correct this problem is to get a dose of healthy bacteria…

Probiotics are living, beneficial bacteria.

When you consume probotics, they enter the gut and quickly start multiplying.

And help improve the immune system.

Probiotics from a variety of sources…

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, and cultured yogurt all add probiotics to your system.

Just bear in mind when you eat foods with probiotics within them, most of the bacteria are destroyed by your stomach.

probiotics yogurt

Also, no food can contain all strains of beneficial bacteria you need.

That’s why many women are turning to probiotic supplements…

Probiotic supplements offer many probotics benefits, research has shown probiotics can delay and fight against cancer.

Bad bacteria in your gut produces nitrosamines which is a carcinogen…

Now, this is where good bacteria works to destroy these nitrosamines.

This process helps slow or stops the growth of cancer they can cause.

Some probiotics may stop the return of cancer once it has been successfully treated.

Probiotics benefits also may assist in increasing antioxidants in your body…

Antioxidants are compounds found in foods which neutralise or ‘mop up’ molecules called free radicals that can harm cells.

Damage caused to cells by free radicals is linked to certain diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The best sources of antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables.

There has also been some research into the way probiotics help limit belly fat storage.

In 2010, one study tested a group of overweight women with a probiotic or a placebo.

Those who were given the probiotic reported 5 percent belly fat loss in 12 weeks.

These are just some of the probiotic benefits you can experience…

probiotics benefits

Probiotics have helped limit allergy problems, improve digestion and reduce inflammation.

Yogurt contains live cultures, the only problem is most are killed by stomach acids and not all probiotics are created equal.

In fact, many supplements don’t contain a full range of probiotics…

What is considered a good probiotic?

You want to look for probotics which contains many different strains of good bacteria.

Here are some guidelines to help you with your research:

  • Lactobacillus Plantarum improves cardiovascular and digestive health
  • Lactobacillus casei improves leaky gut and cardiovascular health
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus improves cholesterol levels and digestive health
  • Lactobacillus Rhamnosis reduces diarrhea, supports weight loss and limits stress
  • Lactobacillus Bulgaricus improves problems with lactose intolerance
  • Bifidobacterium Longum supports weight loss and fights cancer
  • Bifidobacterium Breve supports the growth of other healthy bacteria

Some intriguing new research has found the same bacteria colonies which affects our digestive health could also be influencing our mental health.

Several studies have shown changing gut bacteria changes stress and behavior as well.

Take a closer look at actual number of live colony forming units (CFUs) in particular pay attention to expiry dates connected via CFU numbers.

You want probotics supplements which keeps all the bacteria alive at least until the expiration date and protects bacteria from stomach acid…

Microencapsulation is one of the best options because this gives each bacteria cell a small protective layer of lipids to protect against stomach acid.

This means your digestive system gets more of the bacteria it needs for better health.

You want a good probiotic and you need the right amount, right?

Now, this is the tricky part because there is no right amount of probiotics dosage…

probiotics gut health

Every woman’s gut flora needs a different level.

Your best option is to research probiotics which serves your overall health.

As a general guide, researchers suggest a minimum of ten billion CFUs of regular probiotics and four billion CFUs if the probiotic is microencapsulated.

There’s been lots of research looking at using probiotics to maintain digestive health.

Recent research has found the right kind of gut bacteria could alter the way we process food and store fat…


About Jody

Hi, my name is Jody Leon. Yes, I am a weight loss coach, very grateful and excited to meet you. I'm sure you're passionate to love the New You. Your empowered way to healthier living. It is true empowerment, priceless and fulfilling, because health and wellness opens many unlocked doors to love, confidence, happiness and freedom. You get more out of life everyday! Please reach out, I'd love to hear from you. I focus on helping women maximize health, food, lifestyle. Enjoy living in your own skin, healthier, happier, confident in all your relationships beyond food and body...
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