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Emotional Eating?

Have you been struggling with your weight this year?

You’re doing a lot of exercises yet you still haven’t been losing weight?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Maybe you’ve added belly fat, some extra  pounds/kgs!

Well, at least you’ve come to understand its all about consciously making decisions in your life…

Choices that revolve around making healthy decisions.

This week your healthy diet challenge is focused around developing strategies to cope with emotional eating.

Maybe it’s a forbidden topic? Do you feel this problem is an issue that you’ve dealt with at one time or another?

Well, I know I’ve had my fair share of struggling with emotional eating. Why?

Because life is full of surprises mixed in with boredom, stress and anxiety.

Allow me to explain…

I’d like to take this opportunity to share strategies and more importantly to ask you how you’re able to handle these issues or problems?

Are your eating habits holding you back and making you feel angry?

After a while it becomes second nature to sabotage your appetite in an unhealthy fashion.

Let’s talk about how to answer these questions with basic guidelines/rules that have helped in the past:

  • Eat when you start to feel a little bit hungry…
  • Don’t wait until you are starving because when you’re famished you run the risk of overeating and eating too quickly.
  • Take your time eating, eat slow, thoroughly chew and enjoy your food
  • Eat small portions…

Your biggest challenge will most likely be about portion size and control…

What if you’re unsure about what “food portion size” means for you?

Don’t worry, we’ll be spending time on this and going over it in more detail.

The strategy is simple…you want to finish eating feeling light and satisfied.

If you feel heavy, too full or tired you have most likely eaten too much.

If you give your body too much food, it will start to store it as extra weight.

First and formeost, learn to listen to your body.

So called diet experts tell you this and that…their diet book has the answer, but what helps you is getting back in tune with what your body is telling you.

Are you listening?

Are you paying attention to the signals?

Are you aware of the little call from your brain every 2-3 hours that you need to eat something because you’re a little bit hungry?

Really, that’s how simple it really is to get back in control…

If you’re not paying attention, you’ll miss it, so it’s important to develop this basic body awareness.

Truly, I believe your body is more than capable of telling you when and how much you want to be eating, the trick is learning to listen.

As you begin to pick-up on your body signals, you get more intune with those distractions…

Yes, in other ways that avoid you feeling like dealing with your feelings by turning to food.

Now, you may have tried all sorts of diets in the past…

Some of the most common distractions include watching t.v, reading your favourite glossy magazine or even going out shopping.

All of these distractions work of course, and I’ve done them a million times to distract myself from emotional eating.

We all go through daily ups and downs, we have our own personal stories full of life’s various hurts and disappointments.

Unfortunately some of which still may continue to haunt you.

Remember those profoundly negative experiences and dramatic changes?

Overall, all these experiences cahnge your attitude and direction in life.

The question is how you deal with or handle it all for positive and enriching life, instead of moving from one empty distraction to another…

What if you focused on building, creating and learning.

The greatest joy of learning is having an open mind to what areas you feel passionate about in your own life.

Once your focus is on developing yourself, you can make much better decisions in every area of your life…including your diet.

This leads to the importance of treating yourself with respect.

What if your best friend was upset that they were having a tough time dealing with emotional eating?

Honestly would you beat them up even more with harsh words and a judgmental attitude?

You’d be caring, supportive and kind, yet how many times have you stood in front of the mirror berating yourself angrily for slipping on your diet?

You want to learn to treat yourself as if you were your own best friends!

That means caring and nurturing your soul with loving kindness.

Nothing is gained when you add your own insults and self criticisms…often playing like a broken record in your head.

This is a difficult habit to break…perhaps the most important lesson of all.

Please will you treat yourself well and affirm the positives? If you slip, then get back on track and resolve to be stronger the next time.

Refocus on your goals and continue to move forward.

You may repeat this process a hundred times and each time you get back up on your feet you’ll be a little bit stronger.

Eventually new healthier habits will form and you’ll reach a breakthrough ready for new diet and exercise challenges 🙂

Talk with you soon…Jody

Cinnamon Spice Of Life Helps Burn Abdominal Fat?

Want to lose belly fat or get rid belly fat?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

So what is this miracle spice that can rid belly fat or banish ugly abdominal fat?

Well, how to lose belly fat… some call it a miracle belly-fat spice for fat burning!

Obviously cinnamon does not directly increase fat burning (i,e. increase metabolic rate), it can essentially help you to burn abdominal fat.

You simply get healthier lifestyle and leaner in an indirect way.


Because cinnamon is one of the most overlooked, yet healthiest spices in the world. Yes, it can help you win the battle against the bulge by using it daily.

Allow me to explain…

Firstly, here are five benefits of eating cinnamon:

* Controls blood sugar levels
* Maintain insulin sensitivity
* Very powerful antioxidant
* Antibacterial properties
* Anti-fungal properties
* Dozens of other benefits…

Here’s how Cinnamon works…

Although cinnamon has many health benefits, you get leaner through it’s strong effect on controlling blood sugar levels in your body.

In a study published in 2003 from the medical journal Diabetes Care, one group was split in two, first group ate 1 – 6 grams of cinnamon per day in capsule form (approx 1/4th to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon).

The results of the study showed that cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 18-29% after 40 days.

Cinnamon also increases insulin sensitivity, which means your body control blood sugar while simultaneously producing less insulin.

Chronically high insulin levels can make your body pack on the fat.

How to harness cinnamon and lose stubborn belly fat… add cinnamon daily for breakfast or meals, sprinkle in yogurt or cottage cheese, in smoothies, oatmeal, etc…

Also, you could take a daily dose (cinnamon capsule) before each of your meals.

This helps control blood sugar and insulin response from eating foods and thereby controlling your appetite and cravings throughout the day…

In other words you’re helping to lose body fat more effectively over time.

Now you can see why cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant that helps you stay youthful longer, this spice of life helps you to control blood sugar and get a leaner sexier body too!

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