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Health Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics are simply live yeast and bacteria…

Interest in probiotics, acidophilus started as far back as the late 19th century.

At this point in time, the probiotics bacterium was credited for adding to long life of the people living in the Balkans who regularly ingested fermented milk.

Later, it was discovered that fermented milk was rich in L. acidophilus.

Dear Friend,

Since the discovery, probiotic has been a topic of interest with respect to digestive health.

Probiotics are living microorganisms (microscopic organisms) found in the digestive tract.

Probiotics found in dietary supplements and foods are similar to probiotics which naturally occur in the stomach.

When taken by mouth probiotics benefit your health by improving bacteria in the intestines.

Probiotics are similar or the same as good bacteria already in your body, particularly those in your gut.

Normal human intestinal tract contains 300-1,000 different kinds of bacterial species with about 1014 individual bacteria.

Prebiotics are dietary sugars that stimulate growth of intestinal, protective bacteria.

probiotics for digestive health

While our body doesn’t necessarily need probiotic supplementation, probiotics contained in supplements form can assist digestive health by:

• Reducing bad bacteria in stomach which can lead to inflammation or infection
• Replace good bacteria that may have been removed through antibiotic use
• Balance PH and digestive bacteria to ensure your body is functioning properly…

The probiotics which naturally occur in stomach include a yeast called Saccharomyces boulardii.

The bacteria include Bifobacterium and Lactobacillus microorganism families.

Yogurt contains probiotic known as Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Foods containing probiotics include:

  • dairy products
  • buttermilk
  • fermented milk
  • unfermented milk
  • miso
  • tempeh
  • kefir
  • soft cheeses
  • yogurt
  • sauerkraut
  • pickles…

Where You Can Buy Probiotics

You can get probiotics through supplementation in the form of capsules, powders, tablets and liquid extracts which contains a specific kind of probiotic.

The probiotic supplements are found in specialty vitamin shops, natural health food stores and similar retailers.

Probiotic Acidophilus

According to American Cancer Society, acidophilus, also known as lactic acid bacteria or scientifically named L. acidophilus is a bacterium found in the digestive tract.

L. acidophilus is produced primarily in small intestine…

The germ is included in a variety of dairy products especially yogurt.

Acidophilus and related bacteria are considered probiotic as they maintain balance of intestine bacteria and are promoted for maintaining healthy bowels.

Health Advantages of Acidophilus

Acidophilus can be used for treating or preventing vaginal infections, diarrhea and lowering cholesterol.

The bacterium aids in lactose digestion in women who are lactose-sensitive.

Acidophilus may prevent the growth of yeast and germs which can cause cancer…

Reduction In Cholesterol

The American Cancer Society states some supporters of acidophilus believe use of the bacterium may reduce risks of cancer, particularly cancer of the colon.

The bacterium is known to neutralize carcinogens in the diet, thereby killing tumor cells.

Others claim the probiotic boosts immune system health by manufacturing vitamin K and B vitamins.

Acidophilus bacterium reduces bad cholesterol, which some proponents state is needed for tumor cells to grow.

Recommended Dosage

probiotics yogurt

Eating a probiotic like yogurt contains acidophilus dosage refers to amount of live bacteria.

Nutritional experts recommend a dosage rate consisting of one billion to 15 billion bacteria.

Although some suggest a larger amount is better.

Acidophilus supplements may be consumed 1 to 3 times per day in capsule, liquid, tablet or powder from…

Probiotic Treatments

• Probiotic supplementation is useful in reducing inflammatory problems including ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori bacterium.

• Probiotics are used in treating digestive maladies as irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, spastic colon and constipation.

• The bacterium is known to help reduce the recurrence of colorectal and bladder cancer.

• According to some research studies, yogurt is beneficial in reducing diarrhea, which is a common side effect of antibiotic use.

• Vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections can be reduced by use of probiotics.

• Besides digestive health, skin conditions, eczema, can be treated using probiotics.

• Probotics help alleviate respiratory infections, asthma, allergies, joint stiffness and insomnia

Probiotics Into Your Daily Diet

probiotics benefits

It’s pretty clear probiotics can support, improve and enhance good health…

While supplements are available, eating low or nonfat plain yogurt is a great way to get your daily intake of probiotics.

The fact that yogurt is a great source of important nutrients protein and calcium, which makes yogurt a better choice than supplementation…

Look for a yogurt product in particular which includes important active cultures and probiotics to help regulate your digestive system on a daily basis.

Yogurt is versatile and can be eaten for breakfast with berries.

Add a sprinkle of flaxseeds for a nice fiber boost…

Yogurt can make a great snack and dessert that unlike ice cream is much lower in fat and yet still satisfies your sweet tooth when made into a smoothie with fruit…


The Best 5 Medicinal Mushrooms to Use for Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Harnessing the power of anti-inflammatory mushrooms...

And combating inflammation in our body naturally.

Chronic inflammation is known to contribute to type 2 diabetes…

Depression, Alzheimer’s, and more serious health problems.

The anti-inflammatory properties of edible mushrooms

Research shows Reishi,, Shiitake, Maitake, Turkey Tail, and Lion's mane mushrooms to inhibit inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is known to contribute to type 2 diabetes, depression, Alzheimer's and more serious problems.

Including the medicinal properties of mushrooms…

Mushrooms are long celebrated in traditional medicine.

Matter of fact, are gaining recognition for remarkable healing properties.

Mushrooms are rich in anti-inflammatory components...

  • Polysaccharides
  • Phenolic
  • Indolic compounds
  • Mycosteroids
  • Fatty acids
  • Carotenoids
  • Vitamins
  • Biometals

And the benefit goes far beyond their culinary appeal…

Mushrooms are rich in bio-active compounds.

They offer a valuable host of health benefits.

In this Anti-Inflammatory Mushroom article…

We delve into the world of mushrooms.

And explore their power in fighting inflammation.

What are the healthiest medicinal mushrooms?

We’ll discuss 5 mushrooms considered the best for health.

Reishi, shiitake, maitake, turkey tail and lion’s mane.

And key driver of chronic diseases using ant-inflammatory mushrooms.

We’ll see the scientific evidence behind the healing power of mushrooms.

And discuss how they can be included into meals to support overall well-being.

Understanding Inflammation and Its Impact…

Before delving into the healing potential of mushrooms.

It is crucial to understand inflammation.

And its impact on our health.

Inflammation is a natural reaction by the immune system…

Our immune is designed to protect us.

Against injury, infection or harmful stimuli.

However, when inflammation becomes chronic…

It can contribute to various diseases.

Including cardiovascular conditions, diabetes.

And autoimmune disorders.

The Power of Mushrooms in Fighting Inflammation…

Anti-inflammatory Compounds

Mushrooms contain a wide range of bioactive compounds.

And its a massive list of potent anti-inflammatory properties.

One known group of compounds are polysaccharides.

And beta-glucans.

This group are known to modulate the immune system…

A modulate is a substance that stimulates or suppresses the immune system.

And may help the body fight cancer, infection, or other diseases.

Specific immune system modulators are:

Monoclonal antibodies



They affect specific parts of the immune system to reduce inflammation.

Antioxidant Activity

Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants ergothioneine and selenium.

These bio-active compounds can combat oxidative stress and inflammation.

Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from damage.

Immune System Modulation

Mushrooms contain immunomodulatory effects.

This means they can regulate and balance the immune system’s response.

This modulation can help prevent excessive inflammation.

And support a healthy immune system.

Modulation of Inflammatory Signalling Pathways

Certain mushroom contain compounds like triterpenes and sterols.

All have been found to interfere with pro-inflammatory signalling pathways in the body.

The result is reduced inflammation.

Prominent Anti-Inflammatory Mushroom Varieties

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)

Reishi is often referred to as the "mushroom of immortality"

Reishi is often referred to as the “mushroom of immortality”

And has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries.

Reishi contains triterpenes and polysaccharides…

Compounds with strong anti-inflammatory properties.

And may help reduce inflammation linked with various conditions.

Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinula edodes)

Shiitake mushrooms contain a compound called lentinan.

Shiitake mushrooms contain a compound called lentinan.

Lentinan is known for its anti-inflammatory effects.

Also contain beta-glucans which can support immune system.

And reduce inflammation.

Maitake Mushroom (Grifola frondosa)

Maitake mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting properties.

Maitake mushrooms are known for their immune-boosting properties.

Maitake contain beta-glucans to help regulate the immune response.

And reduce inflammation (I think you’re seeing the pattern).

They may also support cardiovascular health.

Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor)

Turkey tail mushrooms are rich in polysaccharopeptides.

Turkey tail mushrooms are rich in polysaccharopeptides.

The list includes PSP and PSK.

And produce immunomodulatory effects…

Which are studied for theiranti-inflammatory properties.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)

Lion's mane mushrooms contain hericenones and erinacines.

Lion’s mane mushrooms contain hericenones and erinacines.

They have been shown to contain anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties.

They may have powerful results for reducing inflammation.

Especially relevant to neurodegenerative disorders.

Mushrooms Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Culinary Applications

Mushrooms can be included into various dishes.

Great for stir-fries, soups, salads and pasta dishes.

Their unique earthy flavours and textures make them versatile.

And very enjoyable additions to meals.

Mushroom Broths and Teas

Mushroom broths and teas can be prepared by simmering mushrooms in water.

This allows the extraction of beneficial compounds.

And creates a nourishing and flavorful beverage.

Mushroom Supplements

Great for individuals who find it challenging to consume mushrooms regularly.

Supplements like mushroom extracts or powders are available.

These concentrated forms provide a convenient way to get results.

And all the health benefits of mushrooms.

Mushroom Blends

Combining different mushroom varieties into a blend.

This can offer a wider spectrum of beneficial compounds.

Mushroom blends and powders are readily available.

So you can add to smoothies, sauces, or other recipes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which mushroom is best for reducing inflammation?

Reishi mushroom is considered one of the best mushrooms
for reducing inflammation.

It contains compounds like triterpenes and polysaccharides.

These have been shown to be strong anti-inflammatory properties.

And support overall immune health.

Do mushrooms have anti-inflammatory properties?

Mushrooms are good for combating inflammation.

Many mushroom varieties contain bioactive compounds.

These are known as beta-glucans, triterpenes, and antioxidants.

They contain anti-inflammatory effects.

And help reduce inflammation while supporting healthy immune system.

Can mushrooms help alleviate inflammation?

Mushrooms can help with inflammation.

Certain mushroom varieties, such as reishi, shiitake, maitake

Have been studied for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Including these mushrooms into your diet is well documented.

Using mushroom supplements may reduce inflammation in the body.

Which mushroom is most effective in combating inflammation?

Reishi mushroom is often considered the best mushroom.

This mushroom has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

It contains bioactive compounds that can modulate the immune system.

And reduce inflammation by supporting overall well-being.

How long does it take for mushrooms to have an effect on inflammation?

The time for mushrooms to have effect on inflammation depends on various factors.

These can be the individual’s overall health, dosage, and frequency of consumption.

It is generally recommended to use mushrooms as part of our diet.

Consistently for weeks or months to experience the anti-inflammatory benefits.

Is it safe to take reishi and Lion’s Mane mushrooms together?

It is considered safe to take reishi and Lion’s Mane mushrooms together.

But these mushrooms have distinct health benefits.

And combining may provide a broader range of effects.

This may include anti-inflammatory properties and cognitive support.

It’s safer to consult healthcare professional…

Or registered dietitian before starting any new supplement regimen.

Should mushrooms be taken in the morning or at night for maximum benefits?

There is no specific time requirement for taking mushrooms.

It can vary based on individual preference and lifestyle.

Some people may find it beneficial to take mushrooms in the morning to support energy.

And it helps them to focus throughout the day.

While others may prefer taking them in the evening to promote relaxation and better sleep.

It’s important to listen to your body.

And choose a time that works best for you.


Mushrooms are a treasure trove of bio-active compounds.

We know mushrooms offer remarkable healing.

And specifically in the area of inflammation.

From their anti-inflammatory properties

And immune system modulation to their antioxidant bio-activity.

Mushrooms offer a natural and holistic approach to combating chronic inflammation.

What is you include mushrooms into a balanced diet?

Mushrooms can support your overall health and well-being…

It’s important to note that while mushrooms show results in reducing inflammation.

They should not replace medical treatment or a personalised approach.

Its important to measure and manage inflammation-related conditions.

As with any dietary changes or supplements…

Consult with healthcare professional or registered dietitian.

This ensures they align with your individual needs.

And can directly discuss interactions or contraindications.

But there is nothing stopping you…

From embracing the healing power of mushrooms.

And exploring their diverse culinary and medicinal applications.

Today, you can unlock their anti-inflammatory power.

And help to support your journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life.


J.M. Alvarez-Suarez et al.
Anti-inflammatory effect of Capuli cherry against LPS-induced cytotoxic damage in RAW 264.7 macrophages
Food and Chemical Toxicology
L.C. Chandra et al.
White button, portabella, and shiitake mushroom supplementation up-regulates interleukin-23 secretion in acute dextran sodium sulfate colitis c57BL/6 mice and murine macrophage J.744.1 cell line
Nutrition Research
C.W. Chang et al.
Sulfated polysaccharides of Armillariella mellea, and their anti-inflammatory activities via NF-κB suppression
Food Research International
S. Choi et al.
Anti-inflammatory and heme oxygenase-1 inducing activities of lanostane triterpenes isolated from mushroom Ganoderma lucidum in RAW264.7 cells
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
B. Du et al.
An insight into anti-inflammatory effects of fungal beta-glucans
Trends in Food Science & Technology
B. Du et al.
Molecular weight and helix conformation determine intestinal anti-inflammatory effects of exopolysaccharide from Schizophyllum commune
Carbohydrate Polymers
B. Du et al.
Anti-inflammatory activity of polysaccharide from Schizophyllum commune as affected by ultrasonication
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
S. Dudhgaonkar et al.
Suppression of the inflammatory response by triterpenes isolated from the mushroom Ganoderma lucidum
International Immunopharmacology
H.A. El Enshasy et al.
Mushroom immunomodulators: Unique molecules with unlimited applications
Trends in Biotechnology
N. Fangkrathok et al.
In vivo and in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of Lentinus polychrous extract
Journal of Ethnopharmacology

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