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Hydration or Ugly Belly Fat?

Your body is composed of two thirds water (70%) and you simply could not survive without proper hydration…

Water intake, it’s essential for almost all bodily functions from digestion, metabolism, waste removal and muscle contraction.

Before starting any form of exercise it is important to ensure you are properly hydrated to avoid the negative effects of dehydration on the body.

Proper hydration is especially important if you are undertaking high intensity training such as boot camps…

The greater the intensity of your workout, even more important it is to ensure adequate water intake is part of your exercise regime.

Water is an essential element to healthy lifestyle and plays an important role in your body.


Benefits of hydration include:

* Aids digestion
* Regulates temperature through sweating
* Helps to remove toxins from the body
* Transportation of nutrients
* Ensures joints and tissues are lubricated
* Increases oxygen availability to the cells

Athletes particularly, need to stay well hydrated to perform at their optimum level.

Inadequate water intake has been proven to have serious implications to the bodies skin, bones, joints, brain and muscle as well as affecting aerobic and anaerobic performance.

How much water should you drink?

Water is lost each day through your breath, urine, bowel movements and perspiration.

In order for your body to stay health, perform and function at its best, it is really important to replenish the water which is lost via sweat and body processes.

Your body needs to be adequately hydrated to effectively eliminate waste products and avoid waste build up, which can lead to increased acidity levels in the blood.

As a result of this build up, losing weight can become even more difficult…

If you don’t consume enough water, it will eventually lead to dehydration resulting in headaches, migraines, constipation, lethargy and lightheadedness or dizziness.

And ultimately affect your health, quality of lifestyle and training performance.

When exercising it is important to think about how much you drink.

Exercising regularly accelerates water loss…

So it is important for to monitor and if you are feeling dizzy or weak, it’s a sure sign you are not replenishing lost fluids.

This can be further exacerbated if exercising in hot and humid conditions.

Research shows that individuals should drink before, during and after a workout and depends on a number of factors:

* Your medical history
* Your Age
* Weather conditions
* Sweat loss
* Prescribed medications
* Your body size, weight and muscle mass
* Level of workout intensity

Specific fluid recommendations vary for each and every woman…

importance of hydration

Generally speaking, its important to drink at very least 4-6 (8 oz) glasses of water per day.

Up to 1 liter of water per day is optimal especially if you’re exercising regularly.

For every hour of exercise you might need to drink 0.5 – 1 litre of extra water intake daily to avoid the effects of dehydration especially in hot weather conditions.

Below are basic guidelines to use as a starting point for women in good health.

Before exercise, it is important to drink fluids several hours before a workout to ensure sufficient fluid and electrolyte balance.

During exercise, working out at a high intensity requires greater water intake particularly if exceeding 45 minutes.

Some experts recommend drinking sports drinks…

As a better option to assist in replacing lost carbohydrates and electrolytes during a training session, suggest drinking a mixture of cinnamon, ginger, pear with spirulina.

After exercise, it is important after a workout to replace fluid lost during exercise.

It is recommended to consume water 30 minutes post workout.

How does hydration help fat loss?

As mentioned earlier adequate water intake is vital in eliminating waste from the body.

Research has shown that water has a positive effect on a woman’s metabolic rate and thus helps in improving weight loss.

Water promotes a thermogenic state which boosts your metabolism rate and increases your chances of success with losing weight.

Drinking water helps to reduce cravings for food as it works by reducing appetite.

Research has shown thirst and hunger are triggered simultaneously and if a woman is dehydrated this could be mistaken for hunger.

In actual fact, the body is actually craving fluid but because you can mistake this for hunger you’re driven to eat more food and not drink more water…

Leading to more weight gain.

If you are wanting to lose weight, you understand the benefits of drinking water and the recommended 4-6 glasses per day should be maintained.


And its a good habit to drink even more water if you are working out regularly.

Tips to staying well hydrated:

* Constantly monitor your hydration levels
* Avoid drinks such as soft drinks, tea and coffee that contain a high amount of carbohydrates (sugars) as this can prevent absorption of fluid into the bloodstream.
* Be aware of the possible symptoms of dehydration.
* Increase water intake during time of heat, humid conditions, increased training loads etc

Hydration and weight loss, health and beauty…

hydration, weight loss, health and beauty, eliminate cellulite

Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water:

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue – Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert.

As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted…

2. Promotes Weight Loss – Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger.

Hello natural appetite suppressant plus raises your metabolism and has zero calories…

3. Flushes Out Toxins – Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections).

4. Improves Skin Complexion – Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around

5. Maintains Regularity – Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

6. Boosts Immune System – A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time?

Drinking water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks…

7. Natural Headache Remedy – Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines and back pains) which are commonly caused by dehydration.

8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains – Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.

9. Puts You in a Good Mood – When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and be happy!

10. Save Money! – Water is free even if you choose bottled or filtered water, it’s STILL better and cheaper than high sugar and fat-filled latte.

Can a few extra glasses of water per day help you lose weight?

Can drinking lots of water help with weight loss?

Why is drinking water important for weight loss?

YES…water helps lose weight.

According to several studies, staying hydrated can help you lose a lot more weight.

Trust you enjoyed this article about proper hydration and tips for staying hydrated


Top Tips to Stop Food Cravings

Top Tips to Stop Food Cravings by Mel Thompson

When you are feeling tired or stressed, do you notice that your mind begins conjuring up images of your favorite foods?

Do chocolates, donuts, or a slice of warm bread and butter tempt and taunt you when you are trying to keep your weight down?

If so, then you are one of many millions of people battling cravings on an almost daily basis.

According to Dr. Omar Manejwala, author of fascinating book, Craving: Why We Can’t Seem to Get Enough…

Human beings are hard-wired to crave food; he states there are powerful evolutionary, biological and social factors that create a ‘craving culture’ that overtakes our body and mind.

The good news, it is relatively easy to fight  cravings, if you take a few important steps…

stop food cravings


Simply follow these tips and you will find that losing and maintaining weight…

Or simply following a healthier, sounder nutritional regime, is far easier than you ever imagined:

  • Do something else when you’re feeling tired or stressed: Focus on positive steps you can take to stop your cravings.

Instead of asking yourself, “What do I need to stop doing?”

Ask, “What do I need to start doing?”

Often, stress occurs when we have too much pent-up energy, or when we are not getting enough exercise.

Regular physical activity (and specific exercises and activities like yoga and mindful meditation) significantly lower levels of stress hormone cortisol.

When our stress levels are down, it is much easier to battle the urge to binge or indulge in unhealthy foods.

  • Keep a journal: When you see a nutritionist, one of the first things they ask you to do is to keep a journal; jot down absolutely everything you eat, and at what time.

You may be surprised to find that you tend to indulge cravings at specific times of the day.

This makes it much easier to avoid low sugar levels that often make you crave unhealthy foods, by bringing healthier snacks to work, school or college, so you can keep  glucose levels stable throughout the day.

  • Take the time to shop: When you have cravings, you tend to desperately reach for the first food available.

It therefore helps to have a kitchen and pantry full of healthy snacks, and devoid of chips, cookies, sweets and other processed, refined foods.

Always prepare a wide range of salad ingredients and keep them in the fridge; chop and wash them beforehand, so whipping up a healthy salad takes just a few seconds.

  • Avoid tempting scenarios: If you know you can’t resist buying a cupcake from your favorite pastry shop, don’t walk past it.

Make it easier on yourself so that following a healthy eating plan doesn’t seem like torture.

It is important to build a healthy social network, to eliminate the sense of emptiness that often leads us to binge.

Thank you Mel Thompson for sharing your valued tips and insights.

Food Cravings

Women’s Health – Exercising Pelvic Floor Muscles

Why Exercising Pelvic Floor Muscles Goes Way Beyond Toning and Strengthening Of Muscles?


Do you imagine high bulging biceps, washboard abs and tree like shaped legs? Well, I didn’t think so either…okay, so there’s a far more important group of muscles in regards to women’s health…

Yes! Your pelvic floor muscles are way too often overlooked. This crucial group of muscles, (stretches from public bone to base of spine) supports vital organs bladder and bowel movements (to controlling opening & closing of anus and urethra).

pelvic floor muscles, exercise, women's health

Kegel Exercises for Strengthening Pelvic Floor

Discover Specific Enjoyable Abdominal Exercises For The Benefit Of Enhancing Sexual Pleasures While Increasing Your Healthy Core Muscles…

The pelvic floor also helps control the uterus and vagina in women. Incontinence, uterine prolapse in women, and erectile dysfunction in men can all be caused by feeble pelvic floor muscles. Try the following exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Kegels are popular exercises reduce the likelihood of incontinence by strengthening pelvic floor muscles. Kegels can be done throughout the day whenever you feel inclined. To complete this exercise, simply contract your muscles as if you are attempting to halt the flow of urine.

Kegel, exercises, women's health, pelvic floor

Kegel Exercises For Strengthening Pelvic Floor

For the best results, focus on tightening your muscles for five seconds, then rest for five seconds. Slowly increase the time you are constricting your muscles until you can maintain pressure for 10 seconds at a time. Perform five set of five reps during the day. Experience elevator Kegels as your workout will further tone your pelvic floor.

Tighten your muscles, then constrict even more for two counts: imagine drawing your muscles deeper into your body like an elevator ascending multiple levels, then relax. Your goal is to complete five sets of 10 each day.

The pelvic floor can also be strengthened with a variety of abdominal exercises. If executed properly, abdominal exercises can reach deep in the core, stimulating the entire abdominal region along with pelvic floor. Pulling your belly button back towards your spine while abdominal training helps to engage deep core muscles.

The single leg plank is an excellent exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor. Recline on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet solidly on the floor. Extend one leg, maintaining contact between your knees. Slowly raise you hips off the ground, engaging your abdominals, until your torso is in a straight line with your thighs.

Now, slowly relax, moving down and repeating with your other leg straightened. This is one full rep. Your goal is to complete two sets of 12-15 reps, three times a week (or progressing to this level).

Pilates is designed to focus on toning the muscles of your core. Many Pilates activities entail allowing the arms and legs to move about as the torso remains steady. Such movements require engagement of core muscles, including pelvic floor muscles.

To receive optimal pelvic floor strengthening benefits of Pilates, engage in Pilates at least three times a week. The double straight leg is an easy Pilates exercise you can perform at home. Lie on your back, place your hands under your head, and raise your legs straight up to form a 90 degree angle with your torso.

Lower the legs as a single unit to a 45 degree angle, then slowly draw them back upward to the 90 degree angle to complete one rep, perform 10 reps to complete your set. Women’s Health – Exercising Pelvic Floor Muscles

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