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Top 7 Weight Loss Tips!

Small Steps Towards Practical Healthy Weight Loss… 

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Firstly, what are your weight loss goals for 2010?

“‘By the yard, it’s hard; by the inch it’s a cinch.”

The road to permanent weight loss  is paved with good intentions…

Make sure you give your weight loss goals realistic and fitness exercise results based purpose.

Here’s why…you can get results without actually getting caught up in all the unneccessay worrying whether or not you achieve your weight loss goal. 

Allow me to explain…

Weight loss is the process that’s important and each step you take will be a small brick in building core health which transforms your life for the better. 

Find a reason that motivates you on a soul level more than anything else.

The body you manifest will be aligned, even more beautiful and stronger if you have the right divine attitude backing you up. 

Move on from the 19th century if you think the anorexic look is attractive.

It’s not only a sad reaction to modern stress but also a leftover fantasy from when it was thought unattractive for a woman to look robustly healthy. 

Leave the smelling salts on the shelf.

If you’re feeling fainthearted ask for the emotional support you need from your:

  • Weight loss coach
  • Spiritual group
  • Family
  • Friends

Go easy for a while on vigorous exercise cycle.

Healthy eating and moderate fitness exercise such as walking are more appropriate. 

Get really honest with yourself:

If you feel you’re overweight from binge eating on fatty foods which hide unresolved emotional issues or stress…

Find help to replan your life and begin a fresh chapter. 

You’ll manifest a brand new body temple which can be an inspiration to other women. 

I remember living on a farm in the 80’s and getting up at varying times from 5:00 am in the morning to 8:00 am.

Do different combinations of exercise and meditation after a while to work out what’s right for you. 

Experiment with functioning at your own speed and rhythm in a natural setting like a beach or a park when you’re not in fitness boot camp. 

I found sometimes getting up early suited me better than others, specifically when I gave up sugar and replaced it with honey.

Being able to do a yoga handstand or push up in the morning depended on whether I’d had dessert the night before.

If I had a sugar “overdose”…there was no way I could lift off!

You might find if you’re hypoglycaemic you need healthy snacks every few hours to keep your blood sugar stable. 

 So here are the top 7 steps to weight loss success: 

  1. Set weight loss goals and objectives (use a daily plan)
  2. Imagine yourself at the ideal weight level you want
  3. Be honest with yourself
  4. Look at the weight loss alternatives if you don’t get healthy (the carrot or the stick?)
  5. Take control and feel confident for where you are now and want to go
  6. Get extra help where you need it and get a weight loss coach for weak areas
  7. Weight loss diet is a lifestyle tool to better quality of life, not a way of life… 

Feel free to share your weight loss success stories.

How to Get Amazing Weight Loss Fast and Easy?

Are You Looking For Fast Weight Loss and Effective Way to Control Your Weight Easily?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Whether you’re looking to lose weight or put on a few needed healthy pounds!

You’ve seen women who have all the confidence and self-assurance in the world.

“She’s so sure of herself…I wish I could be like her.”

Haven’t you said something like that?

Now you can make it happen with inner strength and become the healthy, confident, empowered women you’re meant to be.

Diet and womens health is key because starting from today I will show you healthy weight loss.

In fact, health for women you need to know (issues you will never read about in a women’s health magazine).

Health for women: How to control your weight loss the healthy way from a woman’s perspective (and weight loss coach)…

Let’s face it, you’ve probably already read a bunch of weight loss diets books promising instant results with an easy weight loss plan.

In reality, every year millions of women find themselves jumping from one yo-yo weight loss diet to the next in a desperate effort to lose weight.

Just as important, and rarely talked about are the women who never seem able to pack on those few extra pounds they need to transform their bodies.

 Yes, women from skinny sticks to having just the right amount of curves.

If you have ever found yourself in one of these weight loss or gain weight categories, I know just how you feel (i.e, weight loss for idiots).

Several years ago; I too had a big problem with my weight.

To be perfectly honest, it was more than just a big problem.

We’re not talking about a couple of extra ‘vanity’ pounds.

Actually, I’m talking about a serious weight control issue.

Yes, I had struggled all of my life to win the weight loss war just to continue fighting-all in vain.

Even when I was a small child, I can remember having a problem with my weight.

Of course, most people just thought it was ‘baby fat’ but I hated being known as the pudgy kid.

Adults would console me by telling me I would “outgrow” it…

All that “baby fat” would just magically melt away.

Yeah right, I kept waiting and waiting for that day to happen, but it never did…

As a teen I was still ‘pudgy’ and by the time I had reached young adulthood I had just about given up hope on all that baby fat going anywhere.

It appeared it was here to stay…

Like most women who have experienced weight control issues, I tried every diet known to “woman”.

If there was a claim out there regarding weight loss, I tried it.

Some were successful-to a tiny degree.

Well, I’d lose five pounds here or ten pounds there.

Never anywhere near the amount I needed to lose and it never stayed off.

Many times when I would regain the weight I lost, it brought friends along for the ride and I would end up even heavier than I had been previously.

To say I was miserable would have been an understatement.

Look, I didn’t feel attractive, I knew I didn’t look attractive and I couldn’t do everything I wanted to do.

Even though I had a good job, I found it difficult to get everything done efficiently.

My fitness level and body mass just simply wouldn’t allow it.

Weekend activities with the family? Forget it. I was out of breath just walking downstairs from my bedroom.

I deperately longed to be thinner, to be healthy but I honestly believed there was no way it was ever going to happen.

My friends consoled me by telling me I had a great personality and beautiful face. Yeah like that was suppose to me things better?

One day I was at the gym in another of my myriad efforts at losing weight and ran into a weight loss coach (and she was disgustingly thin).

I would later find out that she had a caring and geniune great personality.

In truth, all I could see at first was the fact she didn’t seem to have a spare ounce of fat on her.

It took a few days, but we eventually began to talk.

I mean, what else is there to do while steadily pumping your legs up and down on an exercise cycle?

It turned out that she knew exactly how to help women lose weight or trying to gain weight.

She told me to work on building up my muscle and body mass.

I learned that she had always had a problem with being five to ten pounds underweight too, (her situation was the same as mine in reverse).

She assured me with self-confidence she knew of a fast and easy way to solve my weight problems and weight loss.

How can a weight loss coach  make a big difference in your life?

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