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Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: FDA Issues New Warning

New anti-Inflammatory drugs warning is based on a comprehensive review of new safety information…

Why do millions of people every day watch commercials where the list of side effects is longer than the commercial itself?

You could be exposing yourself to a 340% increased risk of heart attack or stroke…

Can you believe this madness?

Dear Friend,

Why do people continue to spend their hard-earned money on those products?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is strengthening an existing label warning for non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

(NSAIDs) increase heart attack or stroke risks…

The biggest problem is pain medications you’re currently taking are slowly eating away at your vital organs and literally increasing your suffering and amount of pain in your body…

 You probably know non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat inflammation, mild to moderate pain and fever.

Given widespread use of anti-Inflammatory drugs via prescription and over-the-counter (OTC)…

It is important all physicians and consumers be aware and take careful note.

NSAIDs including:

  • aspirin
  • ibuprofen (Motrin and Advil)
  • Aleve (naproxen sodium)
  • Celebrex (celecoxib)
  • Feldene (piroxicam)
  • Voltaren (diclofenac sodium)

All the above are used extensively in the United States in treatment of arthritis, menstrual cramps, headaches, colds and the flu.

Despite anti-Inflammatory drugs widespread use, the emerging picture is it may produce short-term benefits with long-term problems.

For example…

Over 7,500 deaths each year in the United States are directly attributable to NSAID use.

And use of NSAIDs in osteoarthritis many of these drugs actually accelerate progression of joint destruction.

In context to side effects, NSAIDs can cause minor or more serious problems like:

  • gastrointestinal upset
  • headaches and dizziness
  • peptic ulcers
  • strokes
  • heart attacks…

NSAIDs are therefore recommended for only short periods.

Nonetheless, millions of Americans use NSAIDs on a daily basis.

More than 70 million prescriptions for NSAIDs are written each year in the United States.

And with over the counter (OTC) use included, more than 30 billion doses of NSAIDs are consumed annually in the United States alone.

Based upon a new review by the FDA the widespread use of these drugs is problematic.

The FDA first addressed the risk of having a heart attack or stroke with NSAID use back in 2005 that resulted in a boxed warning on prescription drug labels.

Since then, they’ve reviewed a variety of new safety information for prescription and OTC forms of NSAIDs including a large meta-analysis of clinical trials for safety of these drugs.

The FDA’s new warning includes the following:

  • Risk of heart attack or stroke may increase as early as the first weeks of using an NSAID
  • Risk may increase the longer you use the NSAID
  • Risk is greater at higher doses
  • NSAIDs can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke in patients with or without heart disease or risk factors for heart disease.
  • In general, patients with heart disease or risk factors have a greater likelihood of heart attack or stroke following NSAID use than patients without these risk factors because they have a higher risk at baseline.

Patients treated with NSAIDs following a first heart attack were more likely to die in the first year after the heart attack…

Compared to patients who were not treated with NSAIDs after their first heart attack.

There is an increased risk of heart failure with NSAID use.

You see, many of today’s most popular pain medications aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, Celebrex and Motrin are designed to fight inflammation.

Tylenol and Panadol sre designed to block incoming pain signals.

None of them target what may actually be at the root of your pain…

Fibrin is a natural substance in your body which helps in wound healing.

Fibrin is the scar tissue and scabs are made of…

Here’s how Fibrin works – your body senses an injury and it can be as minor as small bump, scratch or even just sudden heat or coldness and your body reacts by:

  • Sends white blood cells to the irritation or injury to fight infection, causing inflammation and swelling.
  • Releases fibrin to essentially “seal off the site” with a strong protective mesh

Normally the site is healed and fibrin breaks down, inflammation subsides and everything goes back to normal.

But many times our bodies fail to “call off” the fibrin.

So like a button stuck in the “ON” position, fibrin continues to build up around the site, then harden causing further inflammation and often excruciating pain that just won’t go away.

Research studies show if you’re over 50, once inflammation is triggered it’s much less likely to go back down.

Meanwhile, you keep tossing all these painkillers at the fibrin.

Based on the FDA’s comprehensive review and recommendations from advisory committees, they are requiring label changes to reflect following conclusions:

A large number of studies support the finding that NSAIDs cause an increased risk of serious cardiovascular events.

Estimates of increased risk ranged from 10 to 50 percent or more, depending on the drugs and the doses studied.

Patients treated with NSAIDs following a first heart attack were more likely to die in the first year after the heart attack…

Compared to patients who were not treated with NSAIDs after their first heart attack.

There is also an increased risk of heart failure with NSAID use.

To reduce risks of NSAIDs…

The FDA recommends using lowest effective amount for shortest possible time.

As well as to seek medical attention immediately if after taking a NSAID, a person develops symptoms such as:

  • chest pain
  • shortness of breath
  • sudden weakness or numbness in one part or side of body
  • sudden slurred speech…

If the FDA is issuing a bigger warning on a drug, you can be assured it is a serious issue.

The No.1 reason to avoid television is two-thirds of all ads you see are for drugs…

When you watch TV, you’re allowing yourself to be conditioned and programmed, in other words manipulated and brainwashed into believing drugs are the answer.

Do these ads work?

Statistics show over 90 percent of Americans believe health is directly related to the amount of drugs consumed.

In fact, these ads are so effective, people who have never seen a doctor are now asking their doctor for specific drugs…

Don’t think you are immune to the power of these ads?

Remember, cigarettes ads used to be advertised on television…

These ads were proven to be so effective at subconsciously motivating people to buy cigarettes they were banned.

Bottom line: are you expected to decide whether the problem in using NSAIDs is simply a knee jerk reaction or are biochemical band-aids which are not suitable for long-term use?

Maybe you can avoid using anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs entirely?

Conventional medicine focuses on masking of symptoms via drugs, instead of identifying and eliminating the root cause.

Naturopathic medicine focuses on removal of pain. After all, there is no such thing as a NSAID deficiency…

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs



Best Natural Remedy for Headaches?

Sudden or severe pain…got a splitting headache? Headaches at times can be continuous and extremely painful.


Millions of women suffer from headaches on a regular basis.

In fact, the numbers are staggering…45 million Americans suffering from chronic headaches and did you know 28 million suffer from migraines.

Keep reading this article if you suffer from headaches this is specifically for you…

Dear Friend,

How often have you experienced headaches…

Knowing the type of headache is the first step to being able to treat it correctly and more importantly, you’ll be much closer to relief.

Before you decide to reach for the medicine cabinet, you might want to at least find out which natural remedy is better for you and for your headache relief.

Here are the best non-drug remedies for the three most common types of headaches.

Of the three main types of headaches, tension headaches are the most common…

Tension headaches pulls on the muscles, which contracts and it feels like it is literally squeezing your head.

The pain can run from one ear to other and back around.

Tension headaches are usually caused by a lack of sleep and or stress.


Natural Remedy for Tension Headaches:

Fresh ginger can easily be made at home or found at your local grocery store.

Simply finely grate or crush no more than an inch of ginger and put it in a pot of boiling water.

This homemade remedy can help reduce inflammation and ease your headache.

Ginger tea works just as good, if not better than an aspirin and is completely natural plant based remedy.

Most health stores provide peppermint oil for around $5.

Take peppermint oil and apply it to your hairline.

The cooling sensation created helps relax muscles in your head and neck.

Women who suffer from cluster headaches often describe it as an ice pack in their head…

Cluster headache pain is very concentrated, it feels like sharp stabbing pains in the head.

Cluster headaches usually occur in a cluster of days, most common in the winter months.

Natural Remedy for Cluster Headaches:

Cayenne pepper is the main ingredient found in Capsaicin cream.

Simply add a dab on your finger and apply to inside of your nostril…

Make sure to place Capsaicin cream on the side where you are experiencing pain.

Once applied allow the cream to do its job, it works by blocking pain signals.

You can find Capsaicin cream at your local health food store for around $10.

Chlorophyll is used by plants for photosynthesis…

And in the process it turns carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen.

Chlorophyll supplements promote the flow of oxygen to cells, while protecting cells from oxidation damage, which can naturally help with cluster headaches.

Add ten drops of liquid chlorophyll concentrate on tongue several times throughout day.

Drinking water helps with these types of headaches and can provide natural energy to get you through the day.

Migraine headaches are very debilitating and can put you in bed, unable to move for extended periods of time…

Migraines cause a throbbing pain which can be primarily on one side of your head.

As a result of this pain, you get very sensitive to light and sound.

It some cases migraine headaches can even cause nausea.

The bad news is migraines can be genetic as they are found to run in certain families…


Women are three time more likely to suffer from migraine headaches.

Experts believe migraines are a result of nerve signals being misinterpreted by the brain.

Instead of interpreting normal nerve signals for what they are, they interpret them as pain.

Natural Remedy for Migraine Headaches:

Acupressure massage has been tried and proven for thousands of years.

Acupressure massage is an ancient Chinese healing method that centers around applying pressure to certain points on the body.

The pressure is applied to help relieve pain.

You can do acupressure massages on yourself, it is very easy…

First, take your finger and place it in the groove between your first and second toe.

Press firmly, applying pressure for at least three minutes.

If you can, hold for a total of 5 minutes before letting go.

If you would prefer not to do this yourself, you can always go see a massage therapist.

Feverfew herbal supplement derives from the sunflower family…

Feverfew has been tested in clinical trials with great results.

During trials, Feverfew has shown to be a very effective treatment for migraines.

Feverfew works by decreasing the amount of inflammation in areas where there is pain.

When inflammation is reduced, it eliminates pressure on nerves.

And as a result, migraine starts to subside.

You can find feverfew in capsule form for around $12.

There are many different natural remedies for various types of headaches.

What one natural remedy can be applied to all headaches no matter what type?

That remedy is to simply change your diet, because certain foods can trigger a headache.

If you start paying closer attention to the foods you eat on a daily basis you’ll see patterns.

Keep a journal and start jotting down everything you eat for at least 7 days…

Taking note and being aware is helpful so you can track any specific foods which cause you to have an adverse reaction.

Once you identify a pattern, you’ll know which foods should be eliminated.

headache types

Here are some foods which are known to trigger headaches:

• Wine
• Caffeine or lack of it (if you drinks it regularly)
• Cheese
• Cold cuts

Headaches can also be a result of skipping meals.

Anytime you skip meals your blood sugar levels drop.

The best natural remedy is proper nutrition with plenty of water for hydration.

Eat and stay healthy, make it a point to always treat your body right…eat meals on regular time frames and never allow hunger to lead to headaches.


Why Yoga Relieves Stress And Body Aches?

Any situation the body perceives as dangerous or threatening triggers stress.

Also the “fight or flight” response…

This threat may be real or perceived as a physical danger or something more subtle.

For example:

Daily situations in dealing with food cravings, interpersonal conflicts, disagreement with a co-worker or financial pressures.

The body’s efforts to deal with a threatening situation cause a series of reactions.

Heart accelerates to provide maximum oxygen levels to organs and cells.

Muscles tighten and shorten to prepare for action.

You’re ready to maneuver through the situation (fight or flee from danger)…

Adrenaline flows into body heightening awareness for a quick burst of energy.

The automatic stress response serves a purpose, right?

It is there to protect you, but chronic stress can become a real problem.

Chronic stress means remaining in a stressful response state for a prolonged period of time and it takes a negative toll on the body.

It causes physical and psychological distress, which affects overall health and well-being.

Negative Effects of Stress:

• 43% of all adults suffer from health problems because of stress.
• 75% to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.
• Stress is a key contributor to heart disease, headaches, body aches, high blood pressure, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, anxiety and depression.
• The 50% prevalence of any emotional disorder is typically due to untreated stress.
• The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports stress is significant hazard in the workplace and costs over $300 billion annually…

Symptoms of chronic stress related to continuous release of stress hormones (cortisol) and elevated metabolism:

• The digestive system may experience stress as stomach aches, nausea and intestinal irritability.

• Mentally, a woman under chronic stress may experience racing thoughts, unreasonable worrying, lack of focus and disorganization and pessimism.

• A woman under chronic stress displays emotional and behavioral markers and may become irritable, experience feelings of overwhelm, depression and low self-esteem.

• Stress associated behaviors, overeating or undereating, avoidance and displaying nervous behaviors like nail biting and pacing can be symptoms of chronic stress.

• Stress related aches and pains could occur in different parts of the body. When muscles shorten or tighten to prepare for action within stress response and remain frozen that way!

This constant tension causes aches and pains in different parts of the body.

Muscular tension while under stress varies from one person to another…

Some women clench or tighten their jaw causing pain and discomfort in this area and possibly across forehead and scalp.

Other women hold tension in shoulders and neck.

Some women may find themselves experiencing chronic backaches…

Yoga and Stress Related Aches and Pain

Essentially, yoga acts as a therapeutic antidote to stress; provides physical, mental and emotional relief to women experiencing chronic stress.


Relief can happen during the actual yoga practice and the benefits often continue to present beyond sessions via yoga consistently…

Yoga poses ease stress related aches and pains due to muscular tension.

The yoga poses stretch, lengthen, strengthen, and relax tense muscles.

The meditation and breathing exercises calm the mind and nervous system.

The exercises allow relaxation, mental focus and clarity during and following practice.


The breathing and poses practised during yoga draw out a relaxation response in the body, which helps to decrease and regulate stress hormones.

It is also important to note that yoga has a profound effect on various aspects of health, including ability to lower blood pressure.

Yoga can support normal heart functions, help to regulate blood sugars in diabetes and decrease anxiety, all of which are commonly seen with chronic stress.

How To Utilize Yoga To Manage Stress

Daily yoga practice can be part of a stress management plan, consistency is key to health and well being.

Yoga provides a simple approach with progressive therapy.

Yoga poses are designed to reshape and improve health and functionality of muscle.

Support normal healthy joints and organs over a long period of time; it’s a form of fitness training where regular practice sets the stage for progression.

Fitness training which can support meditative and relaxation exercises associated with the practice of yoga.


According to Dr. Debra Fulghum Bruce, PhD, recent studies show results in 3 months of weekly yoga practice helps to relieve stress.

Stress can be related to headaches and backaches…

So its good to reduce stress, which lowers cortisol (stress hormone) secretions.

And also good to lower blood pressure which improves emotional stability and mood.

Practising yoga has been shown to relieve immediate symptoms of stress related aches, pains, mental distress and negative emotional states.

Also appears to effectively counter the fight or flight stress response by lowering cortisol levels by teaching the mind to observe (through meditation) rather than react to situations.

Women experiencing chronic stress can benefit greatly from doing yoga.

Have you thought about yoga as part of your health regimen?

You can begin with yoga by joining a class that is led by a qualified instructor.

There are also instructional programs available on DVD…

It is very important to learn proper techniques for poses and breath work to reap all the benefits yoga has to offer…


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