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Women and Fashion!

What every woman wants to know about fashion but was too afraid to ask…

If you’re a woman, you feel modern trendy and fashionable, but knowing all the ins and outs of fashion is probably not something you have time to learn and research.

We live busy lives, so we just buy what we think will look nice and can afford.

However, there are simple tips you can follow to keep yourself ‘In Fashion’, so to speak.

It can be tricky for women to find a great outfit, here are some basic tips:

Don’t try to update your whole wardrobe at once.

It’s always best to try out ‘a look’ or ‘new fashion’ before buying out the store.

You may find the look is great for you and then you can add more pieces when you can.

Sometimes you’ll feel the look is all wrong for you…

Ever wanted to learn the best ways to put together stylish outfits and looking your best?

women and fashion

So adding only a few new amazing pieces won’t break the bank account?

You should never buy something you feel you are “too old” to wear.

If you do buy it, you probably won’t wear it because you won’t feel comfortable in it…

You shouldn’t be scared to dress outside of your normal age group.

When you are 55, that doesn’t automatically take mini skirts out of your wardrobe.

Just because you are 25, doesn’t mean you have to wear mini skirts, either.

Go with the fashion and style you look good in and feel comfortable wearing.

Black clothes almost always look more flattering, expensive and sophisticated.

Having some black ‘staple’ clothing is always a good fashion idea.

When you don’t have money, don’t go shopping…

A totally weird concept?

Buying cheap clothing just because you went shopping is usually a bad investment.

It won’t be what you really wanted and you probably won’t wear it that often.

Don’t shop based on fashion fads.

By the time you’ve heard about a particular fashion fad, it will probably be over.

Fad fashion never has a long lifespan, so stick with the general fashion trends.

Step outside your ‘fashion box’ for a while…  

Find fashions that only look expensive and learn the best ways to wear what you already own for your most stylish you ever.

women and fashion

If you are normally conservative, try a miniskirt or some low cut jeans for a change.

Not comfortable with that?

Just add a fringed or sequined handbag to your collection.

Everyone, no matter what their fashion sense, should have fun with the fashions they wear on occasion.

Even though you will normally go back to your old look, you will probably have a new approach to it.

Don’t allow fashion to jeopardize your professional image… 

See-through, low neckline, sleazy fashions will never do wonders for your career.  Those fashions are simply inappropriate for the 9 to 5 world.

Fashion is only a small part of the whole you…

If you put a lot of time and effort into other aspects of your life, what you wear won’t be what everyone notices about you.

Don’t spend all your time worrying about your wardrobe…

When you look at fashion, it is all about YOU and your choices.

Love a look, look great in it…can afford the clothing, then buy it.

Fashion can be just simple…

Women and Fashion

Loss Weight Fast and Easy!

Discover the Amazing Benefits of Colon Cleansing!

Is colon cleansing the secret to weight loss, youth and natural vibrant health?

You might just lose weight, feel better, look better and perhaps even live longer?

You want to live a healthy, vigorous and active life, right?

How simple is it to clean out all the toxins in your body…

Your body may in fact be desperately wanting to get rid of these built-up toxins.

Why not help your body as colon cleansing is the ultimate secret to healthy living, isn’t it?

Colon cleansing acts like a natural “reset switch” restoring your body’s natural balance with proper function of your digestive system.

weight-loss-plan for-woman

Okay…does it actually mean a clean healthy colon?

How does this relief painful bloating due to gas so delayed digestion is a thing of the past!

What if your stomach looks and feels firm and noticeably flat?

You will find you also enjoy more energy though the day.

Here’s why…

Your body is more efficient in converting food you eat into usable energy.

Which means you can eat less to satisfy the amount of calories you need each day.

Also as an added bonus, you get to enjoy clearer healthy skin and healthier lifestyle.

Is colon cleanse the first step to flattening your stomach…

Whether you have flat abs or a big belly, you can experience pain due to excess abdominal gas and excess fecal matter in your intestines.

It has been said that if you have only one bowel movement a day, you have up to eight meals left in your intestines.

Gas can develop in a matter of hours after eating and stay around for a long time…

How does this relate to back pain…

Allow me to explain…

Abdominal gas can be devastating to any back-pain sufferer, especially one who is trying to take a more natural approach and is using stretching and exercising to get relief.

You see, the position of your pelvis and curvature of spine are two of the biggest factors which can affect back pain…

Even if the current treatment you are using is a good one, results can be hindered by a distended belly.

Big Belly Gas Pains…

women's metabolism after 40

Let me give you an example…

Let’s suppose the last meal or snack you ate at night is fruit.

Your body begins to break it down and digest…

Now fruit ferments very quickly so gas builds up as a byproduct of breakdown.

Without any other food matter to push gas along, it gets trapped.

All night long your body is fighting effects of gas…

And you’ll wake up in the morning feeling bloated with killer back pain.

That’s why I never recommend fruit as a midnight snack.

Right now you may be thinking what’s so bad about a little gas?

Answer: If your belly gets distended like a pregnant women, your abdominal is going to get stretched out, which means not being able to stabilize your pelvis.

There is no amount of abdominal strengthening you could do to overcome outward push of abdominal gas.

If your belly is distended, you’ll struggle to get a neutral position for the pelvis that you need to get relief.

Flat Abs Gas Pains…

I know what some of you are going to say. “what if I have flat abs and back pain?”

The gas, instead of pushing your belly outward could be pushing your intestines back into your spine and the muscle of your spine.

That irritation of your intestines could be just as bad as, if not worse than outward forces.

In either case, you will be amazed at how fast you’ll get relief if you work on getting that gas out of your system.

Simple Steps You’d Rather Not Know…

If having too much gas was not bad enough, there are at other irritating conditions can affect your back pain due to improper bowel movement.

Most women are chronically dehydrated, which usually leads to constipation.

Other reasons you might be constipated include the medications you are taking and the foods you eat.

Now constipation, you go through your day with excess pressure on your bowels.

And whenever your colon is full of waste matter, it will become stiff and rigid.

Because your colon is so close to your spine and the muscle of your spine, mobility becomes an issue, not to mention more pain.

Constipation creates strain.

If your fecal matter is dry, hard and difficult to eliminate, you’ll work harder to get rid of it.

This can be “painful” on your body and because your blood pressure spikes, your rectum is traumatized and the pressure on your spine is tremendous.

Food allergies cause inflammation.

Whether we know it or not, many women have food allergies (nuts, wheat, milk, beans, etc.)..

Allergies create an inflammatory reaction and inflammation begins from your intestinal track, in turn the inflammation is going to affect muscles of your spine.

Poor nutrient absorption can add pounds…

women's metabolism


A digestive track which is not absorbing nutrients properly does not allow your body to get benefits of nutrients it needs to repair itself.

This can bring on a chronic cycle of eating to try to satisfy your nutritional needs, which most likely can lead to weight gain.

Stress on internal organs weakens tissue.

The weight of the excess stool puts added stress on your internal organs, stomach, small intestines and large intestines…

All of which are held in place by very delicate fibrous connective tissue.

As connective tissue is weighed down over time, it starts to fail than sag and than your trouble are going to be compounded.

Poop Away Pain…

Most women would do almost anything to get rid of their back pain.

If you are undergoing any type of treatment and want to improve your odds of getting relief sooner, try these tips:

Drink more water…

A good rule of thumb is drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight.

For instance, if you weigh 100 pounds, drink at least 50 ounces of water each day.

Give yourself a visceral massage (called Sun-Moon).

To begin, lie on your back and with both hands starting just above your right hip, apply inward pressure on your abdomen, going straight up to the bottom of your rib cage.

Then follow along bottom of rib cage to left and down to top of left hip.

Go slow and steady, then repeat to tolerance.

Try Hydro Colon Therapy…

Also know as colonic irrigation, it is a highly effective, although somewhat uncomfortable, method of flushing out colon or large intestine.

Similar to an enema but more extensive, this procedure can be pricey (it has to be done by a trained professional).

Natural Colon Cleanse…

A less-invasive option is to find a good all-natural colon-cleansing product.

Many of the new formulations taste okay, work gently and cause no cramping or bloating.

Most of these products begin to work overnight.

The better products are gentle using herbal tea.

To get the best results from whatever back pain treatment you are trying right now, do yourself a favor and drink more water to help hydrate and cleanse your colon.

You’ll be amazed at the results and your waist line will love you too…

What’s the next step?

Want to stay connected and check out other ways to lose weight?

“Do You Have The Courage For NEW Amazing Secrets of Natural and Lasting Weight Loss?

Better Health Choices to Aim for Weight Management

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for http://www.skinnyasap.com. He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Product Reviews and shares his knowledge at http://www.skinnyasap.com where he works as a staff writer.

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