06/06/2010Comments Off on Cinnamon Spice Of Life Helps Burn Abdominal Fat?385 Views
Want to lose belly fat or get rid belly fat?
Weight Loss Coach
So what is this miracle spice that can rid belly fat or banish ugly abdominal fat?
Well, how to lose belly fat… some call it a miracle belly-fat spice for fat burning!
Obviously cinnamon does not directly increase fat burning (i,e. increase metabolic rate), it can essentially help you to burn abdominal fat.
You simply get healthier lifestyle and leaner in an indirect way.
Because cinnamon is one of the most overlooked, yet healthiest spices in the world. Yes, it can help you win the battle against the bulge by using it daily.
Allow me to explain…
Firstly, here are five benefits of eating cinnamon:
* Controls blood sugar levels
* Maintain insulin sensitivity
* Very powerful antioxidant
* Antibacterial properties
* Anti-fungal properties
* Dozens of other benefits…
Here’s how Cinnamon works…
Although cinnamon has many health benefits, you get leaner through it’s strong effect on controlling blood sugar levels in your body.
In a study published in 2003 from the medical journal Diabetes Care, one group was split in two, first group ate 1 – 6 grams of cinnamon per day in capsule form (approx 1/4th to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon).
The results of the study showed that cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 18-29% after 40 days.
Cinnamon also increases insulin sensitivity, which means your body control blood sugar while simultaneously producing less insulin.
Chronically high insulin levels can make your body pack on the fat.
How to harness cinnamon and lose stubborn belly fat… add cinnamon daily for breakfast or meals, sprinkle in yogurt or cottage cheese, in smoothies, oatmeal, etc…
Also, you could take a daily dose (cinnamon capsule) before each of your meals.
This helps control blood sugar and insulin response from eating foods and thereby controlling your appetite and cravings throughout the day…
In other words you’re helping to lose body fat more effectively over time.
Now you can see why cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant that helps you stay youthful longer, this spice of life helps you to control blood sugar and get a leaner sexier body too!
01/02/2010Comments Off on Can Colon Cleanse Be Effective for Weight Loss?315 Views
How does colon cleanse or colon cleansing really work for weight loss?
Are you a health conscious woman looking to improve health wellness?
Great, then colon cleanse can help you effectively to lose weight.
If you are, you may have researched wellness & health to literally find countless weight loss products…
When many women think of weight loss, the answer is often a diet pill as the first thought that comes to mind.
While weight loss diet pill is a signature of the weight loss diet industry…
Does this traditional diet solution help you achieve your weight loss goals?
Diet pills are not the only weight loss product you may want to consume.
Essentially a large number of women have successfully used a colon cleanse, also commonly referred to as weight loss cleanse to lose weight.
Naturally, if you’re reading this report you may want to consider doing the same?
When it comes to using a natural colon cleanse to lose weight.
There are many women, possibly just like you who wonder how the whole process works?
Before understanding how a colon cleanse may help you lose weight, it’s important to remember there are many different types of colon cleansing.
There are some superdetox dietunlike other weight loss colon cleanse claiming ingredients used are specifically designed to help you lose weight.
These types of colon cleanse are also commonly referred to as colon weight loss cleanse or health plus colon cleanse.
With that in mind, there are cleanse colon programs that claim they are not guaranteed to help you lose weight, even though some of them may.
Some women say weight loss gets incredibly confusing, maybe they’re right?
Anyway, when using a colon cleanse it is important for you to understand…
And follow the outline of program with all of the instructions given to you.
For example:
There are some colon cleanses requiring that you do not eat food for one or two days.
These types of colon cleanses are often used in liquid diets.
The colon cleanses in a diet pill may require you to only drink certain beverages and eat fresh produce like fruits and vegetables.
If you buy a colon cleanse that restricts your diet, you are advised to do so.
The initial diet restriction is what makes it possible for you to lose weight, as well as allow the colon cleanse to properly work.
When you use a detox dietyou’re essentially wanting to cleanse colon or gently cleansing colon by detoxifying your body.
Today the “secret” health benefits are no longer a mystery because a colon cleanse works to eliminate toxins from your colon or even your intestines.
The benefits of health is not only ideal to promote women’s health.
But it can also help you lose weight.
Scientific analysis shows the average woman has anywhere from four to eight pounds of stored waste in their body.
When first using a colon cleanse all that extra weight in the form of waste will have to be excluded from your body in order to feel real health and wellness.
This is why many women over the years have adopted incorrect dieting or still eating rich foods are able to diet and lose weight with a colon cleanse.
If you are able to lose weight using a colon cleanse that works in three to seven days, you may notice rapid weight loss.
There are some women continually using a colon cleanses for rapid weight loss or to lose weight before a special event like a wedding or vacation.
Warning: While you may be able to achieve rapid weight loss with a colon cleanse it’s crucial you do so under medical supervision or doctor’s advice.
If you do not change the way you eat or add exercise to your daily activities, you may quickly see your weight return in as little as a few weeks or days.
This typically happens if you were asked to restrict your diet when using a colon cleanse.
While you do not want to stay on a restricted diet…
You are advised to reduce your junk food intake.
And start a daily or at least a weekly exercise program.
Since it is more than possible for you to lose weight with a detix diet, you may be interested in giving a high quality health colon cleanse a trial.
When looking to buy a regular colon cleanse, take a look in traditional department stores, fitness stores and health stores…both on and offline.
Toady, there is also available a super colon cleanse at 90% strength with a 100% natural ingredients.
Before buying any detox diet, you may want to search for colon cleanse reviews online or speak directly with a healthcare professional.
Unfortunately, the countless choices avialable increases your stress factor.
However, if you want a shortcut, click hereto ensure that you if you do buy a colon cleanse that your money is well spent.
29/01/2010Comments Off on Weight Loss Program using Weight Training?0 Views
What’s the real health benefits of Weight training for women?
Weight Loss Coach
Many women ask lots of questions about weight loss programs and the reasons for women weight training?
Here’s why, women are not sure about whether or not weight lifting is the right kind of women’s workout?
In fact, could fitness training for a woman wanting to lose weight and to get healthy be a better option?
Frankly, for women’s health, many women still think that weight lifting for women is the same as weight lifting for men.
In reality, most women will find it very difficult to “bulk up”, it is a big myth, yet 97% of womn will avoid weight training all together…
If you’re a health conscious women, a workout using weight lifting has many health benefits!
The truth about weight training for women is this:
While you workout using an exercise program that incorporates weight training…
Your body releases a hormone called hormone is testosterone.
Now, testosterone in a woman is tiny compared to a man, and so in many if not all cases, women are not physically capable of building large muscles.
As a woman, you need a substantial level of testosterone if you want to bulk up…
In fact, because muscles require less room than fat does, when women strength train, they tend to actually lose inches rather than gain.
So not only are there a number of physical benefits such as an increase in the metabolism and a decrease in the risk of osteoporosis…
There is also an increase in strength, so a weight training program can actually help women to slim down as well.
Women are much more likely to actually tone up from the process of strength training than to bulk up.
Research has shown for a long time now that women can add at least 30% more lean muscle to their bodies.
You can get thinner, feel attractive and look much firmer than ever before.
You could add 30% more lean muscle to your body while looking beautiful and feminine.
Our society and the pop culture in our country associates training with weights, even women weight training to having oversized muscles.
But really, for women, it takes significantly more testosterone to achieve big muscles than simply training using weights.
Weight training is the foundation for strong bodies and muscles, not bulk.
Still, there are many women that do have an intense fear of resistance training and weight lifting exercises, even if weight training is good for you.
Not only does lifting weight for women improve your overall health…
A weight workout improves your metabolism and helps you burn more calories more quickly.
It improves your heart as well and could extend your life and vitality.
Weight training for women is indeed a safe women’s workout with obvious health benefits.
Lose weight, be health and get better results with your weight loss program, the reasons to explore weight lifting for women are stacked up in your favor.
Training with a weight loss program using weight training…get started today.
You want results, plain and simple. All results shown are not typical for everyone. There is a chance it's worked for someone and not everyone. The information is educational, not intended for medical advice to treat, cure, prevent disease or illness. Please consult doctor before changing your diet or exercise program.
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