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How To Eliminate Your Cravings Quickly?

Cravings can be more than just a little desire for chocolate or a particular sweets and foods…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Physical cravings for sugar cravings and foods that contain lots of sugar, fat or salt can be intense and lead to binging.

What do you crave? Well, whatever you crave for makes it difficult to lose weight and have the body you want.

There are 2 reasons for this...

One is that we are hungry.

When you go a while without eating food, your body often will crave the sweetest (chocolate) or densest foods imaginable (chocolate cake).

Your body may have associated calorie dense foods with burgers or fries.

It just wants to get those calories in…don’t worry, it’s not your fault and you
are not alone.

The other reason is that we are simply addicted.

A lot of the food we put into our body has chemicals within that make it addictive.

One of these is called HCAs (Heterocyclic Amines).

Cheese contains morphine and chocolate of course has caffeine as well as sugar. They can send us into a downward spiral that is difficult to escape.

However you can get out of it quite easily by making the right changes to your lifestyle.

First of all it is really important that you start eating breakfast and start eating consistently throughout the day (at least every 2-3 hours).

You have to make eating a priority otherwise you find time and time again the evening comes around and you’ll be craving beyond belief.

You’ll end up going on a massive binge…

Of course though there are ways to calm that feeling down immediately too but the best thing to do is avoid the situation completely.

If you find yourself in an intense mess by the evening then its time to start eating fruit.

This might puzzle you and you may be thinking that fruit is the last thing you
would consider eating as it will make your cravings worse, but it won’t!

It won’t as long as you eat enough.

In tense times where I haven’t eaten all day the best step to do is to grab some fresh strawberries and simply chop a cup’s worth into bite sized pieces.

This will satisfy your hunger and stop the cravings.

Another tip is that it is always a good idea to drink water.

When we are dehydrated we can feel less hungry which can lead to under eating and binging later on.

Drinking throughout the day will help you maintain regular eating.

Aim for 4 – 8 glasses of water a day, increasing volume as the temperature rises (i,e, spring, summer) and as your level of activity increases.

You will be amazed as the cravings disappear.

Lastly have more self-awareness.

If you can be more in tune with yourself you may realize that a lot of your
eating isn’t hunger but emotional issues.

Stress and upset can make us want to grab a doughnut.

Excitement and happiness can also make us want to grab a doughnut. This is because society has placed food at the center of celebrations and upsets.

It is pretty much ingrained in all of us.

Make an effort to acknowledge it and you will have more success overcoming cravings for good.

Also, remember to check in on the new tips, techniques, systems, methods
and programs that will help you get the body you want and truly deserve.

Weight Loss Study of Home Environment Important For Your Success

Lose weight and enhancing women’s health…what’s the secret?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

It’s a question many women deal with on a daily basis.

What’s the best way to lose weight and keep it off?

Pointers on Losing Weight Safely…

Women who want to lose weight commonly, and first of all think about reducing the amount of food they eat.

This may be a quick solution, not exactly the best choice.

In fact, depending on the amount you reduce in your food intake, it may even be dangerous to your health.

So how do you lose weight effectively and safely?

Here are some points to consider as a lose weight guide:

Beware of the Crash Diet…

Most women think trimming down calories alone can shed their unwanted excess fat.

Probably this is because of the low carb fad there is in advertising about low-calorie food products and beverages.

What a lot of women don’t know is this could be dangerous because when they decrease their calorie intake way below daily required levels, the body’s organs begin to shut down.

Burning fat requires a lot of energy.

Since there is not much energy to facilitate metabolism of fat, the body will run at a very slow pace resulting in fatigue, illness and weak immune system.

Researchers at California Polytechnic State University say the answer may rest in how your home environment supports you in your weight loss success.

The new study, appearing in The Annals of Behavioral Medicine, has found predictable factors like exercise and control over eating and over eating play a vital role…

So do factors in the home like fewer TV sets and more exercise equipment.

Researchers say people with fewer TV sets have better weight loss success.

Researchers compared people who had lost over 10 percent of their body weight and kept it off for at least five years.

They compared overweight or obese individuals who have been unsuccessful with long-term weight loss.

They found people successful at weight loss:

  • Have a strong commitment
  • Exercised more often
  • Made healthy food choices
  • Healthy eating habits
  • Healthier homes (fewer televisions)
  • More exercise equipment
  • Better quality food…

“You have to pay attention to your home environment if you want to succeed. Do you have a TV in every room? When you walk into your kitchen, do you see high-fat food or healthy food?”

Asked the study’s lead author Suzanne Phelan.

Dr. David Katz from the Yale University School of Medicine says the study proves some markers of success are self-explanatory.

For example: Exercising more and eating more sensibly.

It also highlights the importance of changing your environment to promote a healthier lifestyle rather than just having willpower.

Some health practitioners have suggested an alkaline diet for people trying to shed extra pounds.

It is based on citrus fruits, vegetables, tubers, nuts and legumes.

Remember, as your weight loss coach I’m committed to helping you get better results and enjoy a happier quality of lifestyle success.

The reality is, success weight loss stories only happen as you succeed, so that’s another reason why I’m motivated to help you every step of the way.

If you have any weight loss questions or need help with weight loss, feel free to email: hookedonfood (at) gmail.com

 Weight Loss Study of Home Environment Important For Your Success!

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