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Are Diet Plans Easy To Follow?

Are most diet plans easy-to-follow, affordable, realistic, non-restrictive and most importantly won’t leave you hungry?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Eating a balanced diet as part of your day-to-day life is critical to maintaining a long, energetic and healthy life.

A realistic diet encourages you to adopt healthy eating…

Also educates you about the importance of sensible eating through our nutritional services and diet plans.

Diet eating plans are complementary to all women currently participating in our boot camps and personal training services…

In addition to this, we also provide ongoing and up-to-date information and research to help educate you in choosing the right foods for your body.

We categorize our diet plans into three distinct areas and include:

* Low GI/low carbohydrate
* High protein
* Vegetarian

Its all about promoting women’s health, healthy eating via natural, whole foods to provide your body with all the daily nutrients it needs to achieve healthy weight loss…

YES, sustainable  energy for improved wellness and performance.

It is ideal to have smaller portions spread throughout the day…

This provide your body with a consistent supply of proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals so you can perform at an optimal level for longer.

For more information visit our top 25 healthy foods page currently recommended by health and nutrition professionals.

So What is a Healthy Diet

A good diet should provide your body with the nutrients it needs in the proper quantities.

A balanced and moderate diet is crucial to developing a healthy lifestyle.

Food provides seven essential substances your body needs: carbohydrates that provide energy; vitamins promote health; protein aids in growth and repairing the body…

Fat that protects muscles and internal systems from harmful collisions, functions as an energy storage system…

Fat helps maintain proper temperature by insulating the body; minerals to maintain body systems; fiber to assist in digestion and the processing of waste materials; and water that accounts of 70% of the human body.

Low GI/Low Carbohydrate Diet

Glycemic Index (GI) is calculated on a scale from 1 – 100 and measures the effect of food on our blood-glucose levels.

When we eat, our blood sugar levels increase leaving us full and energised.

Research has shown high GI carbohydrate foods causes our insulin to rapidly spike which results in a short energy burst before dropping, leaving you hungry and tired.

This is also damaging to our arteries, blood vessels and will result in weight gain.

Low GI carbohydrate foods on the other hand, sustain you over a longer period, leaving you feeling fuller for longer.

Eating a low GI diet means you are less likely to ‘snack’ on bad foods that are responsible for weight gain, tiredness and are generally unhealthy for you and your body.

Controlling your sugar intake is an important factor in achieving weight loss and consistent energy levels throughout the day.

The low GI/low carbohydrate diet is most recommended for women  trying to achieve maximum weight loss.

High Protein Diet

Much of our body is protein-based including our muscles, brain cells, skin, hair and nails.

A high-protein diet leaves you feeling fuller for longer and provides you with your daily energy needs.

Protein is the most important factor when exercising in order to tone.

You want to increase muscle mass as it is the key factor when it comes to building and repairing muscles.

Protein-rich foods including chicken, beef, lamb, fish and legumes release amino acids which when digested, are used to make new proteins to give us our energy sources.

We recommend this diet if you want to achieve quick weight loss and fast lean muscle gain.

Vegetarian Diet

Many people are choosing this diet as a healthy lifestyle option.

Vegetarian diets eliminate meat products and in some cases seafood and all animal by-products (vegan).

It is important when choosing to eat vegetarian, that you supplement your diet with protein and omega-rich foods including soy products, legumes, eggs, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

A well-balanced vegetarian diet has many health benefits and can reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and some types of cancer.

However if not carefully planned can have the opposite effect on the body.

Weight Loss Study of Home Environment Important For Your Success

Lose weight and enhancing women’s health…what’s the secret?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

It’s a question many women deal with on a daily basis.

What’s the best way to lose weight and keep it off?

Pointers on Losing Weight Safely…

Women who want to lose weight commonly, and first of all think about reducing the amount of food they eat.

This may be a quick solution, not exactly the best choice.

In fact, depending on the amount you reduce in your food intake, it may even be dangerous to your health.

So how do you lose weight effectively and safely?

Here are some points to consider as a lose weight guide:

Beware of the Crash Diet…

Most women think trimming down calories alone can shed their unwanted excess fat.

Probably this is because of the low carb fad there is in advertising about low-calorie food products and beverages.

What a lot of women don’t know is this could be dangerous because when they decrease their calorie intake way below daily required levels, the body’s organs begin to shut down.

Burning fat requires a lot of energy.

Since there is not much energy to facilitate metabolism of fat, the body will run at a very slow pace resulting in fatigue, illness and weak immune system.

Researchers at California Polytechnic State University say the answer may rest in how your home environment supports you in your weight loss success.

The new study, appearing in The Annals of Behavioral Medicine, has found predictable factors like exercise and control over eating and over eating play a vital role…

So do factors in the home like fewer TV sets and more exercise equipment.

Researchers say people with fewer TV sets have better weight loss success.

Researchers compared people who had lost over 10 percent of their body weight and kept it off for at least five years.

They compared overweight or obese individuals who have been unsuccessful with long-term weight loss.

They found people successful at weight loss:

  • Have a strong commitment
  • Exercised more often
  • Made healthy food choices
  • Healthy eating habits
  • Healthier homes (fewer televisions)
  • More exercise equipment
  • Better quality food…

“You have to pay attention to your home environment if you want to succeed. Do you have a TV in every room? When you walk into your kitchen, do you see high-fat food or healthy food?”

Asked the study’s lead author Suzanne Phelan.

Dr. David Katz from the Yale University School of Medicine says the study proves some markers of success are self-explanatory.

For example: Exercising more and eating more sensibly.

It also highlights the importance of changing your environment to promote a healthier lifestyle rather than just having willpower.

Some health practitioners have suggested an alkaline diet for people trying to shed extra pounds.

It is based on citrus fruits, vegetables, tubers, nuts and legumes.

Remember, as your weight loss coach I’m committed to helping you get better results and enjoy a happier quality of lifestyle success.

The reality is, success weight loss stories only happen as you succeed, so that’s another reason why I’m motivated to help you every step of the way.

If you have any weight loss questions or need help with weight loss, feel free to email: hookedonfood (at) gmail.com

 Weight Loss Study of Home Environment Important For Your Success!

Top 7 Weight Loss Tips!

Small Steps Towards Practical Healthy Weight Loss… 

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Firstly, what are your weight loss goals for 2010?

“‘By the yard, it’s hard; by the inch it’s a cinch.”

The road to permanent weight loss  is paved with good intentions…

Make sure you give your weight loss goals realistic and fitness exercise results based purpose.

Here’s why…you can get results without actually getting caught up in all the unneccessay worrying whether or not you achieve your weight loss goal. 

Allow me to explain…

Weight loss is the process that’s important and each step you take will be a small brick in building core health which transforms your life for the better. 

Find a reason that motivates you on a soul level more than anything else.

The body you manifest will be aligned, even more beautiful and stronger if you have the right divine attitude backing you up. 

Move on from the 19th century if you think the anorexic look is attractive.

It’s not only a sad reaction to modern stress but also a leftover fantasy from when it was thought unattractive for a woman to look robustly healthy. 

Leave the smelling salts on the shelf.

If you’re feeling fainthearted ask for the emotional support you need from your:

  • Weight loss coach
  • Spiritual group
  • Family
  • Friends

Go easy for a while on vigorous exercise cycle.

Healthy eating and moderate fitness exercise such as walking are more appropriate. 

Get really honest with yourself:

If you feel you’re overweight from binge eating on fatty foods which hide unresolved emotional issues or stress…

Find help to replan your life and begin a fresh chapter. 

You’ll manifest a brand new body temple which can be an inspiration to other women. 

I remember living on a farm in the 80’s and getting up at varying times from 5:00 am in the morning to 8:00 am.

Do different combinations of exercise and meditation after a while to work out what’s right for you. 

Experiment with functioning at your own speed and rhythm in a natural setting like a beach or a park when you’re not in fitness boot camp. 

I found sometimes getting up early suited me better than others, specifically when I gave up sugar and replaced it with honey.

Being able to do a yoga handstand or push up in the morning depended on whether I’d had dessert the night before.

If I had a sugar “overdose”…there was no way I could lift off!

You might find if you’re hypoglycaemic you need healthy snacks every few hours to keep your blood sugar stable. 

 So here are the top 7 steps to weight loss success: 

  1. Set weight loss goals and objectives (use a daily plan)
  2. Imagine yourself at the ideal weight level you want
  3. Be honest with yourself
  4. Look at the weight loss alternatives if you don’t get healthy (the carrot or the stick?)
  5. Take control and feel confident for where you are now and want to go
  6. Get extra help where you need it and get a weight loss coach for weak areas
  7. Weight loss diet is a lifestyle tool to better quality of life, not a way of life… 

Feel free to share your weight loss success stories.

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