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Why Hormones Play a key Role In Fat Loss for Women?

Is it a Case of Mind Over Matter to Win the Mental Game of Stubborn Fat Loss?

We all understand the far reaching benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise, right?


Did you know as women our hormones play a key role in every aspect of our lives?

Dear Friend,

Allow me to start by being totally up front and saying I’m NOT an endocrinologist and I do NOT claim to be an expert…

You do NOT necessary have to become one either.

But the truth is unless you address your hormones in context to your nutritional plan as a key factor in weight loss, you’re most likely going to continue to gain weight and struggle.

Many so called experts don’t really cover the basics and true importance of your body’s chemical makeup on how and why hormones produce fat.

And how hormones influences how much fat your body burns and stores.

The goal is to keep this as simple as possible while providing you with sound research.

Why does it all start with hormones?

hormones and weight

Hormones don’t often get talked about, yet are vitally important.

You see, whatever body type you are it comes down to much more than just how much and what you eat or exercise.

Hormones and body muscle content play a very big role in your ability to stay lean and healthy (not talking about becoming a body builder)…

So understanding how hormones work for or against you means you can only get better control over your waistline if you know what is happening, even if it is at a very basic level.

Hormones are the driving force behind the body you see in your mirror.

If your body produces the right hormones, your body thrives.

If not, your body suffers…

There is a BIG reason why America is approaching 70% overweight.

The signals women send their body through food they eat and exercise they do is detrimental…

And yes the results do show what’s happening.

If you want to transform your body, it starts with your hormones.

And that doesn’t mean via supplementation.

You see, the best and most effective way is through living a healthy lifestyle, eating the right foods and exercising consistently.

As Weight Loss Coach, I’m often asked about hormones and how they affect us?

women's metabolism

Hormones are a complex topic, hopefully this short article explains it all in a really simple, easy to understand way…

Hormones affect the way we feeling during adolescence and continue to play a key role throughout our lives.

Hormones affect your metabolism, stress levels and reproductive system.

There are many hormones which influence your own health.

So how do these hormones affect your overall health…

A major hormone which is influenced by what you eat is called insulin.

Insulin is one of the biggest influences for many health areas.

Insulin is a hormone which is secreted by the pancreas after you eat carbohydrates.

When you eat carbohydrates, the sugars are absorbed into bloodstream, naturally causing your blood glucose levels to rise.

The pancreas secretes insulin in order to help your body process blood glucose.

Insulin helps to move glucose from blood into cells of your body so cells can use glucose for energy…


When you eat food, in particularly carbohydrates, your body releases insulin to lower the increase in blood sugar right?

You can never lose fat in the presence of insulin.

When you eat protein with carbohydrates, it slows the sharp release of insulin so you never have a spike of insulin. Try to always include some protein with every meal…

Insulin also helps to change any excess glucose your body does not immediately need into a stable form of energy called glycogen.

Glycogen is produced in the liver…

Leptin and ghrelin are hormones which tell you when to eat and when to stop eating.

Ghrelin is produced in the stomach and pancreas…

Ghrenlin alerts your brain when your stomach is empty.

Leptin is secreted by fat cells and triggers appetite suppressing hormones when you’ve eaten enough.

Both hormones are affected by sugar…

In other words, how much sugar you eat.

Eat too much sugar and the result can mean reduced leptin production, which leaves ghrelin to send out unnecessary hunger signals (pangs and cravings).

Cortisol is a stress hormone which is released from the brain into your bloodstream.

Now, in times of stress and anxiety, cortisol licks in to help accelerate your heartbeat, feeds your brain extra oxygen and releases energy from your fat and glucose stores.

Your mood and memory are partly controlled by serotonin…

Serotonin is often produced in the gut.

Serotonin is commonly known as the feel-good hormone or neurotransmitter.

Female sex hormones…

female hormones

The most important hormones made by the ovaries are known as female sex hormones and the two main ones are oestrogen and progesterone.

The ovaries produce both testosterone and estrogen…

Women’s ovaries produce a minimal amount of testosterone, which drives sexual desire, muscle strength, bone density and metabolism.

Relatively small quantities of testosterone are released into your bloodstream by the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Too little testosterone can affect a woman’s energy level, libido and mood health.

Too much testosterone in women can contribute to acne and facial hair.

fat loss for females

Oestrogen and progesterone are female sex hormones produced in the ovaries.

Oestrogen is primarily a female sex hormone…

Oestrogen enlarges breasts, widens pelvis and oestrogen is what gives women the curvy appearance.

Oestrogen stimulates a female’s instinct, increases alertness, lowers body fat levels, increases insulin sensitivity and improved glucose tolerance.

Symptoms of low oestrogen can occur at any age, more prominent in menopause.

Progesterone increases sleepiness, helps to build and maintain bones, slows digestive process, promotes appetite and helps breast tissue mature.

Progesterone stimulates production of breast milk during pregnancy.

Symptoms of low progesterone include premenstrual migraines, irregular or heavy periods and anxiety…

Hormones from PMS to menopause these are messengers of womanhood which can affect your mood, weight, food cravings and even your desire for sex.

Some women experience normal “smooth sailing” and other women metabolize hormones differently…it just might feel like a roller coaster ride at every turn of the hormonal bend…

Eat fresh, nutritionally dense foods as often as possible.

If you can, avoid food from a box or bag; especially any ingredient you can’t pronounce.

Keep ingredient lists to fewer than five recognizable ingredients and you’ll experience fat loss with fewer cravings because your body is properly nourished.

Generally white or bleached carbohydrates have a high glycemic index.

Essentially it means food is broken down quickly and your blood sugar will spike.

This results in a dump of insulin…

And as you remember, you can’t lose fat in the presence of insulin.

So do yourself a favor and eat low glycemic complex carbohydrates and you avoid the roller coaster of peaks and valleys in blood sugar.

You won’t feel crazy hungry an hour after eating…

You’ll stay full longer and it’s easier to make healthy choices if you don’t feel starved or deprived.

Fat Loss for Females

How to Boost Your Metabolism in 2 Weeks or Less

Do You Think High-Fiber Foods Slow Your Metabolism?

Want your fat-burning metabolism to be fast and effective? After all, a fast metabolism working for you 24/7 is automatically burning calories day and night…

That means achieving and maintaining your ideal body becomes almost effortless.

Unfortunately, your metabolism is more likely slow and sluggish causing your belly to expand, while making it almost impossible for you to lose weight…yet alone keep it off.

The good news:

In just a moment I’m going to show you exactly how you can overcome your sluggish metabolism with real science.

Including our #1 research-backed metabolism-boosting trick for a flat belly…

Now before I reveal the secret, you need to understand 3 pitfalls directly responsible for the painfully slow speed of your run-down metabolism.

#1: It’s got to do with something you may have done a lot of…

And if this sounds familiar it is because of “crash diets” where calories are severely restricted in a futile attempt to lose weight quickly.

And “chronic dieting” where calories are restricted for extended periods of time.

Yes, crash dieting and chronic dieting can and does wreak havoc on your metabolic rate.

Demonstrated in numerous studies published by prestigious research journal Metabolism

For example:

In a study conducted at Rockefeller University by world-renowned obesity researcher Dr. Rudolph Leibel…

The metabolisms of individuals who had lost weight via long-term chronic dieting and/or various “crash dieting” techniques were compared to individuals who typically maintained a normal weight.

As expected, the metabolisms of those in the “dieter” group were 25% lower than those who had not gained or lost significant weight in the past.

The dieter group had accrued so much damage to their metabolisms over the years their now battered metabolic rates were slower than those of normal-weight individuals two-thirds their size.

Other studies show significantly decreased levels of important metabolic, fat-burning hormones with crash dieting, such as the Metabolism study performed by Dr. Campbell at the University of Vienna.

Study showed thyroid levels dropped by a massive 38% after just 2 weeks of consuming a very low calorie diet.

And yet another Metabolism study conducted by Dr. Gloria Dubuc and the nutrition research team at the University of California – Davis…

Showed a 50% reduction in body’s #1 fat-burning hormone just seven short days of following a severely reduced calorie diet.

The second major cause of dramatically slowed metabolic rates is the relatively inactive lifestyle that most of us live today.

Unlike our hunter and gatherer ancestors, we spend majority of day sitting or lying down.

Sitting on the way to work, while at work, drive home, at dinner table, on couch relaxing, and then laying down to sleep at night.

Of course, drastically reduced levels of activity comes significantly slower metabolisms.

The third major pitfall of declining metabolic rates is the overconsumption of whole grains, even foods praised as being high in fiber such as:

  • 100% Whole Wheat Bread
  • Whole Grain Pasta
  • Bran flakes
  • Wheat-based “Fiber” Cereals
  • Whole Wheat Tortillas
  • Wraps

Despite having more fiber than their “white” counterparts, these 4 high-fiber foods destroy your blood sugar and give rapid rise to fat-storing hormone insulin.

In fact, just 2 slices of whole wheat bread raise blood sugar far higher than a can of sugar-sweetened soda or even a sugary candy bar. Why?

Simply because today’s wheat is genetically modified by the food industry, mutated, and exposed to industrial toxins and radiation to force unnatural higher yields.

And at the expense of your health…

These harmful wheat products, although praised by food manufacturers as healthy for their fiber and “whole grain” content, are a major cause of the raging obesity epidemic.

This is seen across the board in western society today…

And because these foods are so rapidly digested, you get virtually no metabolic benefit during digestion, resulting in less than optimal metabolic rates.

And you’re already seeing ever expanding bellies worldwide…

What if there is a simple, practical and fast solution to boost your fat-burning metabolism, both during day and even while you sleep?

One solution which has shown in peer-reviewed research to result in nearly 4 times faster women’s weight loss?

What if you could take advantage of this scientifically-backed, simple solution in less time than it takes for you to brush your teeth each day?

Would you be interested?

You see, this simple “solution” involves a synergistic combination of several brand new fat-fighting, metabolism-igniting, natural ingredients researchers have discovered.

This is able to directly target fat cells and dramatically boost body fat metabolism, producing significant, measurable fat-burning results in as little as 2 weeks.

Let me quickly tell you about each.

The ingredient is a patent-pending combination of two exotic plant extracts; Sphaeranthus Indicus and Garcina Mangostana

This is supported by undeniable fat-burning research, incredibly unique and potent blend based on human trials.

Each study conducted via highly metabolic complex was set up based on gold standard of research (randomized, double-blind, and placebo controlled)

This means neither researchers or study participants knew which subjects received actual ingredients or the placebo (a simple sugar pill), so there could be no bias.

Let’s take a look at what happened:

In the first peer-reviewed clinical trial, conducted by Dr. Judith Stern and the nutrition research team at the University of California Davis…

Published in highly respected peer-reviewed journal Obesity, 60 subjects were randomly assigned to consume either 400mg twice daily or a placebo for a period of 8 weeks.6

All participants consumed a rather standard 2,000 calorie diet, and were instructed to walk a moderate 30 minutes per day.

Within the first 2 weeks, group a had experienced 3.3 times greater weight loss compared to placebo group, while shedding nearly 2 inches off their waist…all within 2 weeks.

By the end of the 8 week trial, group a had 3.79 times greater weight loss over placebo group, and an unprecedented 4.66 inches lost around waistline.

Group a shed weight around belly and hips (where it matters most) as demonstrated by a 2.2 times greater reduction in waist and hip size over placebo group.

Would you say that is extraordinary effective?

Dr. Stern and team at UC Davis performed another identical study with 40 additional participants to further validate incredible results seen in first clinical trial.

The outcome?

Nearly identical results to first study with even slightly greater weight loss seen at the end of the 2nd 8-week trial.7

The results of this study solidified the prestigious Platinum Standard of research, when two or more “gold standard” studies are successfully executed with same study protocol.

Both delivering statistically significant and similar findings.

To see such profound results in not one, but two peer-reviewed published studies of identical design spanning a total of 100 participants is exceptionally rare.

boost metabolism

Does this substantiate the unparalleled effectiveness and potency of metabolism boosting foods:

  • Blueberries
  • Almonds
  • Whey Protein
  • Salmon
  • Psyllium Husk
  • Spinach
  • Turkey

Antioxidant seems to be the new buzzword, but what about nature’s miracle foods and metabolism boosting foods?


Cinnamon Spice Of Life Helps Burn Abdominal Fat?

Want to lose belly fat or get rid belly fat?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

So what is this miracle spice that can rid belly fat or banish ugly abdominal fat?

Well, how to lose belly fat… some call it a miracle belly-fat spice for fat burning!

Obviously cinnamon does not directly increase fat burning (i,e. increase metabolic rate), it can essentially help you to burn abdominal fat.

You simply get healthier lifestyle and leaner in an indirect way.


Because cinnamon is one of the most overlooked, yet healthiest spices in the world. Yes, it can help you win the battle against the bulge by using it daily.

Allow me to explain…

Firstly, here are five benefits of eating cinnamon:

* Controls blood sugar levels
* Maintain insulin sensitivity
* Very powerful antioxidant
* Antibacterial properties
* Anti-fungal properties
* Dozens of other benefits…

Here’s how Cinnamon works…

Although cinnamon has many health benefits, you get leaner through it’s strong effect on controlling blood sugar levels in your body.

In a study published in 2003 from the medical journal Diabetes Care, one group was split in two, first group ate 1 – 6 grams of cinnamon per day in capsule form (approx 1/4th to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon).

The results of the study showed that cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 18-29% after 40 days.

Cinnamon also increases insulin sensitivity, which means your body control blood sugar while simultaneously producing less insulin.

Chronically high insulin levels can make your body pack on the fat.

How to harness cinnamon and lose stubborn belly fat… add cinnamon daily for breakfast or meals, sprinkle in yogurt or cottage cheese, in smoothies, oatmeal, etc…

Also, you could take a daily dose (cinnamon capsule) before each of your meals.

This helps control blood sugar and insulin response from eating foods and thereby controlling your appetite and cravings throughout the day…

In other words you’re helping to lose body fat more effectively over time.

Now you can see why cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant that helps you stay youthful longer, this spice of life helps you to control blood sugar and get a leaner sexier body too!

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