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The Top 7 Catalysts of Gut Inflammation

gut inflammation

How to Take Back Control of Your Gut Health

As a gut specialist, I want to share this information with you…

Right now I want to emphasise the critical role of a healthy gut.

This actionable step is all about helping you to improve your well-being.

Actually, we want to focus on reducing the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Please take a look at this gut inflammation special report…

We will delve into the top seven catalysts of gut inflammation.

And explore actionable steps you can take to take the edge off these triggers.

Unless…you don’t want to improve your health?

But you’re here reading this because you have a reason.

You want to understand the factors which contribute to chronic inflammation…

You want to make informed choices to support your body’s natural healing.

Chronic Infections

chronic infections

Some microorganisms can evade our immune defences.

The result is persistent infections and chronic inflammation.

Examples include:


Epstein-Barr virus

Hepatitis C virus

Candida overgrowth

Seeking appropriate treatment

Today we will be addressing underlying infections.

This is crucial for reducing inflammation.

Toxic Exposures

toxic exposure

Exposure to daily toxins in air pollutants…

Including heavy metals, prescription drugs, pesticides.

There are a vast array of chemicals in everyday products.

Each one can contribute to chronic inflammation.

Minimising exposure and using natural products is a choice.

And a toxin-free lifestyle can help reduce inflammation.

Poor Quality Sleep

poor quality sleep

Inadequate sleep disrupts the body’s stress response system.

And elevates inflammatory response and molecules.

Prioritising quality sleep is often neglected.

We all need to establish a consistent sleep routine.

This creates a sleep-friendly environment.

And allows us to better manage stress which can help reduce inflammation.

Chronic Stress

chronic stress

Long exposure to psychological stressors.

We live in a demanding world.

High-demand jobs or challenging relationships can increase inflammation.

Implementing stress management techniques is crucial.

Practice meditation, exercise, and get support.

All these can positively impact inflammation levels.

Lack of Exercise

lack of  exercise
Lazy sad overweight woman lying down on the floor and doesn’t want to exercise.

Physical inactivity contributes to higher levels of inflammatory markers.

Regular daily exercise reduces inflammation.

And promotes overall health and well-being.

Aim for at least 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

Inflammatory Foods

inflammatory foods

We all know a typical Western diet is high in processed foods.

We are all eating too much refined grains, and unhealthy fats promotes inflammation.

Opt for an anti-inflammatory diet…

Eat rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins.

And healthy fats to combat inflammation.

Gut Problems

gut problems

Imbalances in gut bacteria (dysbiosis)

This compromises the gut barrier function.

And can trigger inflammation.

Supporting gut health through probiotics and lifestyle changes.

It is simple to do and can help restore gut health and reduce inflammation.


Lets consider the underlining problems.

And continue to address these seven catalyst of inflammation.

You can take a significant step right now…

This helps move you towards reducing your risk.

None of us deserves to suffer from painful chronic inflammatory diseases.

You can get a jump start on improving your overall well-being.

As a gut specialist, I encourage you to seriously get the special report.

Please think and do something about prioritising a healthy gut.

We know we all get caught up in the daily problems and dramas of life.

But you know gut health plays a crucial role in modulating inflammation.

Remember to improve sleep, manage stress, eat anti-inflammatory diet.

Every tiny step helps in supporting gut health,.

It is within reach and within your ability.

You can take back control of your gut health...

This can have a profound impact on your health outcomes.

Proactive measures relieve these painful inflammatory triggers.

And consult with a healthcare professional for personalised guidance.

Together, let’s create a healthier lifestyle by empowering ourselves.

You can get the actionable steps so you can combat inflammation…

Best Natural Remedy for Headaches?

Sudden or severe pain…got a splitting headache? Headaches at times can be continuous and extremely painful.


Millions of women suffer from headaches on a regular basis.

In fact, the numbers are staggering…45 million Americans suffering from chronic headaches and did you know 28 million suffer from migraines.

Keep reading this article if you suffer from headaches this is specifically for you…

Dear Friend,

How often have you experienced headaches…

Knowing the type of headache is the first step to being able to treat it correctly and more importantly, you’ll be much closer to relief.

Before you decide to reach for the medicine cabinet, you might want to at least find out which natural remedy is better for you and for your headache relief.

Here are the best non-drug remedies for the three most common types of headaches.

Of the three main types of headaches, tension headaches are the most common…

Tension headaches pulls on the muscles, which contracts and it feels like it is literally squeezing your head.

The pain can run from one ear to other and back around.

Tension headaches are usually caused by a lack of sleep and or stress.


Natural Remedy for Tension Headaches:

Fresh ginger can easily be made at home or found at your local grocery store.

Simply finely grate or crush no more than an inch of ginger and put it in a pot of boiling water.

This homemade remedy can help reduce inflammation and ease your headache.

Ginger tea works just as good, if not better than an aspirin and is completely natural plant based remedy.

Most health stores provide peppermint oil for around $5.

Take peppermint oil and apply it to your hairline.

The cooling sensation created helps relax muscles in your head and neck.

Women who suffer from cluster headaches often describe it as an ice pack in their head…

Cluster headache pain is very concentrated, it feels like sharp stabbing pains in the head.

Cluster headaches usually occur in a cluster of days, most common in the winter months.

Natural Remedy for Cluster Headaches:

Cayenne pepper is the main ingredient found in Capsaicin cream.

Simply add a dab on your finger and apply to inside of your nostril…

Make sure to place Capsaicin cream on the side where you are experiencing pain.

Once applied allow the cream to do its job, it works by blocking pain signals.

You can find Capsaicin cream at your local health food store for around $10.

Chlorophyll is used by plants for photosynthesis…

And in the process it turns carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen.

Chlorophyll supplements promote the flow of oxygen to cells, while protecting cells from oxidation damage, which can naturally help with cluster headaches.

Add ten drops of liquid chlorophyll concentrate on tongue several times throughout day.

Drinking water helps with these types of headaches and can provide natural energy to get you through the day.

Migraine headaches are very debilitating and can put you in bed, unable to move for extended periods of time…

Migraines cause a throbbing pain which can be primarily on one side of your head.

As a result of this pain, you get very sensitive to light and sound.

It some cases migraine headaches can even cause nausea.

The bad news is migraines can be genetic as they are found to run in certain families…


Women are three time more likely to suffer from migraine headaches.

Experts believe migraines are a result of nerve signals being misinterpreted by the brain.

Instead of interpreting normal nerve signals for what they are, they interpret them as pain.

Natural Remedy for Migraine Headaches:

Acupressure massage has been tried and proven for thousands of years.

Acupressure massage is an ancient Chinese healing method that centers around applying pressure to certain points on the body.

The pressure is applied to help relieve pain.

You can do acupressure massages on yourself, it is very easy…

First, take your finger and place it in the groove between your first and second toe.

Press firmly, applying pressure for at least three minutes.

If you can, hold for a total of 5 minutes before letting go.

If you would prefer not to do this yourself, you can always go see a massage therapist.

Feverfew herbal supplement derives from the sunflower family…

Feverfew has been tested in clinical trials with great results.

During trials, Feverfew has shown to be a very effective treatment for migraines.

Feverfew works by decreasing the amount of inflammation in areas where there is pain.

When inflammation is reduced, it eliminates pressure on nerves.

And as a result, migraine starts to subside.

You can find feverfew in capsule form for around $12.

There are many different natural remedies for various types of headaches.

What one natural remedy can be applied to all headaches no matter what type?

That remedy is to simply change your diet, because certain foods can trigger a headache.

If you start paying closer attention to the foods you eat on a daily basis you’ll see patterns.

Keep a journal and start jotting down everything you eat for at least 7 days…

Taking note and being aware is helpful so you can track any specific foods which cause you to have an adverse reaction.

Once you identify a pattern, you’ll know which foods should be eliminated.

headache types

Here are some foods which are known to trigger headaches:

• Wine
• Caffeine or lack of it (if you drinks it regularly)
• Cheese
• Cold cuts

Headaches can also be a result of skipping meals.

Anytime you skip meals your blood sugar levels drop.

The best natural remedy is proper nutrition with plenty of water for hydration.

Eat and stay healthy, make it a point to always treat your body right…eat meals on regular time frames and never allow hunger to lead to headaches.


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