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Top Tips to Stop Food Cravings

Top Tips to Stop Food Cravings by Mel Thompson

When you are feeling tired or stressed, do you notice that your mind begins conjuring up images of your favorite foods?

Do chocolates, donuts, or a slice of warm bread and butter tempt and taunt you when you are trying to keep your weight down?

If so, then you are one of many millions of people battling cravings on an almost daily basis.

According to Dr. Omar Manejwala, author of fascinating book, Craving: Why We Can’t Seem to Get Enough…

Human beings are hard-wired to crave food; he states there are powerful evolutionary, biological and social factors that create a ‘craving culture’ that overtakes our body and mind.

The good news, it is relatively easy to fight  cravings, if you take a few important steps…

stop food cravings


Simply follow these tips and you will find that losing and maintaining weight…

Or simply following a healthier, sounder nutritional regime, is far easier than you ever imagined:

  • Do something else when you’re feeling tired or stressed: Focus on positive steps you can take to stop your cravings.

Instead of asking yourself, “What do I need to stop doing?”

Ask, “What do I need to start doing?”

Often, stress occurs when we have too much pent-up energy, or when we are not getting enough exercise.

Regular physical activity (and specific exercises and activities like yoga and mindful meditation) significantly lower levels of stress hormone cortisol.

When our stress levels are down, it is much easier to battle the urge to binge or indulge in unhealthy foods.

  • Keep a journal: When you see a nutritionist, one of the first things they ask you to do is to keep a journal; jot down absolutely everything you eat, and at what time.

You may be surprised to find that you tend to indulge cravings at specific times of the day.

This makes it much easier to avoid low sugar levels that often make you crave unhealthy foods, by bringing healthier snacks to work, school or college, so you can keep  glucose levels stable throughout the day.

  • Take the time to shop: When you have cravings, you tend to desperately reach for the first food available.

It therefore helps to have a kitchen and pantry full of healthy snacks, and devoid of chips, cookies, sweets and other processed, refined foods.

Always prepare a wide range of salad ingredients and keep them in the fridge; chop and wash them beforehand, so whipping up a healthy salad takes just a few seconds.

  • Avoid tempting scenarios: If you know you can’t resist buying a cupcake from your favorite pastry shop, don’t walk past it.

Make it easier on yourself so that following a healthy eating plan doesn’t seem like torture.

It is important to build a healthy social network, to eliminate the sense of emptiness that often leads us to binge.

Thank you Mel Thompson for sharing your valued tips and insights.

Food Cravings

Women’s Weight Loss KickStart

weight loss for women

Attention: Women wanting to lose weight but don’t know how to start?

Revealed: Super Simple Secret To KickStart Your Weight Loss Journey and Live Healthy (not a “fad diet” that doesn’t work or a “dreamers plan” to lose weight)…

Did you know…

Your body weight is naturally regulated to stay within a range of 10%-20%.

Are you in the right range? 

Although natural weight loss is simple on the surface…

The typical approach is one size fits all.

But the bad news is that approach is a recipe for failure.

There are hundreds of complications which can influence weight loss.

Some research into eating healthy suggests eating whole foods.

Vegetables, fruit, protein and essential fats with moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates…

Is this the healthiest approach?

The fact is many fats and carbs are good for you.

You do need both to stay healthy.

So you need to find good sources and eat them without fear. 

One of the best ways to lose weight is to eat more often, right?

Instead of eating one, two or even three big meals a day.

Spread your food intake out…would you agree that sounds like a good weight loss plan?

Eat small meals and snacks throughout day to keep your energy up.

Get your metabolism working and keeps you feeling full…

Never go hungry, even when you are trying to lose weight.

If you keep healthy snacks nearby and keep your meal portions in control. 

The truth is there are many other hidden factors which come into play.

For example…

Genetics, hormones, health of thyroid, stress levels, vitamin intake and activity levels.

Ideal weight can be a challenge, so abolishing archaic diet myths is a good place to start…

Hi it’s Jody Leon,

So you have finally come to the decision to lose weight?

Well good for you…

If you thought it was a hard choice to make, you are going to make a few more decisions.

A few more decisions to figure out where you stand and want to go.

Because once you do have the end result in mind.

You’re on your way to living a healthy and happy lifestyle.

One of the first steps is to figure out what weight loss program fits you best.

And I highly suggest you do this step instead of going at it all willy nilly…

Best Weight Loss Diet Programs Available To You?

You want real results to your continued successful weight loss right?

Have you in the past or just recently set goals or a plan to lose weight.

Then started only to find despite hunger and frustration, you didn’t manage to lose any weight?

To lose weight can be a tough journey with relentless effort…

You starve yourself for days hoping to lose a few pounds.

Only to find yourself no better off than before…

Why Didn’t It Work?

Well, because all that really works is real nutrition and physical effort.

You need discipline, motivation to change and “know how” to get results you want.

Are you thinking why does it take forever to get into shape?

If you’ve been trying to lose weight without any or much success.

You just stumbled upon great resource to help you shed pounds for good.

All without a single day of starvation.

weight loss for women

Weight Loss Plan and Nutrition to Kickstart

Your Natural Weight Loss Journey (no fad diets or meal replacements).

Yes! This is your ticket to our ongoing women’s healthy lifestyle community.

No membership (no fad diets or meal replacements) will give you the “know how”…

weight loss for women

Weight loss kickstart is not a paid monthly membership.

It is ongoing guide designed for everyday women who’ve set a goal.

They want to natural weight loss but don’t exactly know how to start.

No matter what situation you are in..

The key to natural weight loss and real sustainable healthy success is simplicity.

Yet effective because the truth works if you have desire to implement.

Here’s exactly what you’ll get inside your free membership:

  • How to do your cardio in a way that burns double as much fat and do it in less time
  • Key to understanding nutrition, skip this and you’ll never reach weight loss goals
  • Which food sources support and work best, divided by macronutrients
  • How to quickly get results by avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls
  • Learn how to banish fad dieting and replace with a lifestyle of health…

Why It’s Important to Take Action Right Now…

Do you want to continue a diet that leaves you eating like a squirrel?

Sure, you will lose weight, but you may also lose your mind.

You want to understand which foods are filling and can accelerate weight loss.

For example sweet potato packs a vitamin punch and fills you up without calories.

Drinking water between meals helps too.

Even meal replacements, but you need something your body can really digest.

So think about healthy carbs because you need them. 

Do you crave sugar?

Maybe you shouldn’t cut it out all at once.

Do you pack in the calories late at night?

Maybe you need to understand which anti-inflammatory foods are best for you.

But to be thorough and fair this isn’t being hard on yourself…does that make sense? 

If you are wanting to lose weight naturally, quick and safely?

And don’t know where to start?

It’s important to not let anything stand in your way from doing it.

Don’t let anything stand in your way or stop you from learning simple secrets.

Remember it is about transformation.

You’ll feel better about your body while enriching your health and lifestyle enjoyment.

Can you actually put a price on your health?

Take advantage for ONLY Very Limited Time.

You get instant access to Natural Weight Loss KickStart

(A fantastic and info-packed guide) for amazingly low price of FREE (value $297)

You get access to Q&A sessions with Jody Leon.

Women’s Weight Loss Coach…

You also receive easy-to-follow information.

This is a simple course which includes modules delivered via online training.

And if you want; this course may be followed up by phone calls for follow ups.

Maybe you want to ask specific questions or need personal encouragement.

Yes, completely your choice.

It’s easily valued at $297+ per year because it is quality information.

Delivered by weight loss coaches and fitness professionals…

And for your benefit you can get this all for FREE.

What’s the catch?

That’s right, there is no catch…

This is a genuinely free offer and there are no strings attached.

In fact, it’s even better than you realise.

All you do is accept my free gift, read, absorb, apply and enjoy healthy lifestyle.

Here’s What You Need To Do Right NOW…

Get off the fence and make the decision today to get real sustainable results.

And enjoy a new level of health and quality lifestyle.

Simple to follow these super effective secrets to naturally lose weight and live healthy.

Your dream body can become a reality.

Just like so many women already by learning and applying the simple secrets in this guide.

So here’s your chance to grab your FREE membership today…

And get ready to lose weight naturally, quick and safely.

So you can start living a happier, joyful, fulfilled and healthy life.

weight loss for women

Get Instant Access Right Now. Read – Absorb – Apply! Get the results you want. Grab your exclusive lifetime free membership today and get ready to lose weight quickly and safely...start enjoying your healthy lifestyle.

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P.S. Are you getting ready to lose weight? Have you put together a viable plan that will help you reach your goals?

Before you start expecting to see weight drop off.

Put some time into deciding what you should include as a weight loss plan.

And why the Women’s Weight Loss Kickstart is for you…

Why Better Nutrition?

Did you know juicing is no longer just a fad…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

The evidence is supported by tons of studies, juice is fast becoming a way of life for the health-conscious at heart. Why?

Because diets high in fruits & vegetables helps a wide range of  ailments.

Fresh-squeezed juice liquefies the vitamins, minerals and enzymes found in fruits vegetables for a quick, convenient way to keep the doctor away.

Juice (juicing) is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.

Still not convinced?

There are many obvious reasons, and some you may never have thought of
to juice your way to better nutrition.

Get Vitamin-Specific:

Sure, you can take vitamins in pill form, you can also increase your intake
of specific vitamins and minerals in an instant with fresh juice.

Carrot juice offers beta-carotene

Blackberry juice contains potassium

Orange juice is jam-packed with vitamin C…

Improve Digestion:

Juices contain digestive enzymes that work to break down old food
debris in your digestive tract while other juice nutrients…

Regenerate the glands and organs responsible for digestion.

Juices revitalize digestive excretions, strengthen muscle action and give your body the ability to absorb nutrients more efficiently…

Improving digestion improves your overall health and gives you more energy.

Fight Deadly Diseases:

Fresh juices contain phytochemicals, substances in plants linked to good
health and prevention of certain deadly diseases.

Phytochemicals are found in fruits & vegetables…juicing is a quick way
to get a healthful dose.

Lose Weight Without Cravings:

If you’re trying to lose weight and you stay hungry all the time…

It could be because you’re lacking essential vitamins and minerals
that can be lost by cooking food.

Drinking juice replenishes those elements so you can eat less, saves
calories and lose weight.

Drinking fresh juice can also satisfy a sweet tooth, eliminate food cravings.

Rev Up Your Metabolism:

Too tired to exercise?

Get energy boost with some fresh juice, and get moving.

Increasing your activity will rev up your metabolism so you can burn more calories.

Cut the Caffeine:

Caffeine strips your body of much-needed minerals. Replace the morning cuppa with fresh juice, and get a natural eye-opener that really gets your body going.

Enjoy Healthful Sugars:

Believe it or not, there are natural healthful sugars…juices contain them.

Unlike refined sugars found in candy and desserts, these simple sugars bring energy in a nutritious way.

Proactive Protein Foods:

Who says you need fatty proteins to build muscle?

If you combine brewer’s yeast, wheat germ or whole grains with your fresh juice, you can enjoy a high-protein snack your body absorbs quickly.

What About Water?

Juicing can help you get those eight daily glasses of water that you’ve
been meaning to drink.

Fruits and vegetables contain a large percentage of water that we need to
flush out toxins and stay healthy.

Transform Eating Habits:

Once you begin to enjoy the nutritional benefits of juicing, you’ll be inspired
to transform your eating habits for a lifetime.

Life just gets better from here:)

Juicing is your answer to better nutrition for continued weight loss success, health wellness, better quality of life for women’s health.

What makes weight loss success near-guaranteed, almost struggle-free?

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