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Why Yoga Relieves Stress And Body Aches?

Any situation the body perceives as dangerous or threatening triggers stress.

Also the “fight or flight” response…

This threat may be real or perceived as a physical danger or something more subtle.

For example:

Daily situations in dealing with food cravings, interpersonal conflicts, disagreement with a co-worker or financial pressures.

The body’s efforts to deal with a threatening situation cause a series of reactions.

Heart accelerates to provide maximum oxygen levels to organs and cells.

Muscles tighten and shorten to prepare for action.

You’re ready to maneuver through the situation (fight or flee from danger)…

Adrenaline flows into body heightening awareness for a quick burst of energy.

The automatic stress response serves a purpose, right?

It is there to protect you, but chronic stress can become a real problem.

Chronic stress means remaining in a stressful response state for a prolonged period of time and it takes a negative toll on the body.

It causes physical and psychological distress, which affects overall health and well-being.

Negative Effects of Stress:

• 43% of all adults suffer from health problems because of stress.
• 75% to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.
• Stress is a key contributor to heart disease, headaches, body aches, high blood pressure, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, anxiety and depression.
• The 50% prevalence of any emotional disorder is typically due to untreated stress.
• The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports stress is significant hazard in the workplace and costs over $300 billion annually…

Symptoms of chronic stress related to continuous release of stress hormones (cortisol) and elevated metabolism:

• The digestive system may experience stress as stomach aches, nausea and intestinal irritability.

• Mentally, a woman under chronic stress may experience racing thoughts, unreasonable worrying, lack of focus and disorganization and pessimism.

• A woman under chronic stress displays emotional and behavioral markers and may become irritable, experience feelings of overwhelm, depression and low self-esteem.

• Stress associated behaviors, overeating or undereating, avoidance and displaying nervous behaviors like nail biting and pacing can be symptoms of chronic stress.

• Stress related aches and pains could occur in different parts of the body. When muscles shorten or tighten to prepare for action within stress response and remain frozen that way!

This constant tension causes aches and pains in different parts of the body.

Muscular tension while under stress varies from one person to another…

Some women clench or tighten their jaw causing pain and discomfort in this area and possibly across forehead and scalp.

Other women hold tension in shoulders and neck.

Some women may find themselves experiencing chronic backaches…

Yoga and Stress Related Aches and Pain

Essentially, yoga acts as a therapeutic antidote to stress; provides physical, mental and emotional relief to women experiencing chronic stress.


Relief can happen during the actual yoga practice and the benefits often continue to present beyond sessions via yoga consistently…

Yoga poses ease stress related aches and pains due to muscular tension.

The yoga poses stretch, lengthen, strengthen, and relax tense muscles.

The meditation and breathing exercises calm the mind and nervous system.

The exercises allow relaxation, mental focus and clarity during and following practice.


The breathing and poses practised during yoga draw out a relaxation response in the body, which helps to decrease and regulate stress hormones.

It is also important to note that yoga has a profound effect on various aspects of health, including ability to lower blood pressure.

Yoga can support normal heart functions, help to regulate blood sugars in diabetes and decrease anxiety, all of which are commonly seen with chronic stress.

How To Utilize Yoga To Manage Stress

Daily yoga practice can be part of a stress management plan, consistency is key to health and well being.

Yoga provides a simple approach with progressive therapy.

Yoga poses are designed to reshape and improve health and functionality of muscle.

Support normal healthy joints and organs over a long period of time; it’s a form of fitness training where regular practice sets the stage for progression.

Fitness training which can support meditative and relaxation exercises associated with the practice of yoga.


According to Dr. Debra Fulghum Bruce, PhD, recent studies show results in 3 months of weekly yoga practice helps to relieve stress.

Stress can be related to headaches and backaches…

So its good to reduce stress, which lowers cortisol (stress hormone) secretions.

And also good to lower blood pressure which improves emotional stability and mood.

Practising yoga has been shown to relieve immediate symptoms of stress related aches, pains, mental distress and negative emotional states.

Also appears to effectively counter the fight or flight stress response by lowering cortisol levels by teaching the mind to observe (through meditation) rather than react to situations.

Women experiencing chronic stress can benefit greatly from doing yoga.

Have you thought about yoga as part of your health regimen?

You can begin with yoga by joining a class that is led by a qualified instructor.

There are also instructional programs available on DVD…

It is very important to learn proper techniques for poses and breath work to reap all the benefits yoga has to offer…


Top 7 Weight Loss Tips!

Small Steps Towards Practical Healthy Weight Loss… 

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Firstly, what are your weight loss goals for 2010?

“‘By the yard, it’s hard; by the inch it’s a cinch.”

The road to permanent weight loss  is paved with good intentions…

Make sure you give your weight loss goals realistic and fitness exercise results based purpose.

Here’s why…you can get results without actually getting caught up in all the unneccessay worrying whether or not you achieve your weight loss goal. 

Allow me to explain…

Weight loss is the process that’s important and each step you take will be a small brick in building core health which transforms your life for the better. 

Find a reason that motivates you on a soul level more than anything else.

The body you manifest will be aligned, even more beautiful and stronger if you have the right divine attitude backing you up. 

Move on from the 19th century if you think the anorexic look is attractive.

It’s not only a sad reaction to modern stress but also a leftover fantasy from when it was thought unattractive for a woman to look robustly healthy. 

Leave the smelling salts on the shelf.

If you’re feeling fainthearted ask for the emotional support you need from your:

  • Weight loss coach
  • Spiritual group
  • Family
  • Friends

Go easy for a while on vigorous exercise cycle.

Healthy eating and moderate fitness exercise such as walking are more appropriate. 

Get really honest with yourself:

If you feel you’re overweight from binge eating on fatty foods which hide unresolved emotional issues or stress…

Find help to replan your life and begin a fresh chapter. 

You’ll manifest a brand new body temple which can be an inspiration to other women. 

I remember living on a farm in the 80’s and getting up at varying times from 5:00 am in the morning to 8:00 am.

Do different combinations of exercise and meditation after a while to work out what’s right for you. 

Experiment with functioning at your own speed and rhythm in a natural setting like a beach or a park when you’re not in fitness boot camp. 

I found sometimes getting up early suited me better than others, specifically when I gave up sugar and replaced it with honey.

Being able to do a yoga handstand or push up in the morning depended on whether I’d had dessert the night before.

If I had a sugar “overdose”…there was no way I could lift off!

You might find if you’re hypoglycaemic you need healthy snacks every few hours to keep your blood sugar stable. 

 So here are the top 7 steps to weight loss success: 

  1. Set weight loss goals and objectives (use a daily plan)
  2. Imagine yourself at the ideal weight level you want
  3. Be honest with yourself
  4. Look at the weight loss alternatives if you don’t get healthy (the carrot or the stick?)
  5. Take control and feel confident for where you are now and want to go
  6. Get extra help where you need it and get a weight loss coach for weak areas
  7. Weight loss diet is a lifestyle tool to better quality of life, not a way of life… 

Feel free to share your weight loss success stories.

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