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Juice Better Healthy?

Why start juicing today?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Because juicing is a fun and simple way to consume more fresh fruit and vegetables…

Juice gives your body a hit of high quality nutrition in an easily digestible form. The juice nutrients support and maintain good health on many levels.

Treat yourself to a juice today – you’ll immediately feel the health benefits!

Effective daily nourishment:

Juices gives your body an incredible nutritional burst.

Eating 2 kilos of fruit and vegetables at one sitting would be difficult, yet we can get the same nutritional benefit by drinking their juices.

All that goodness flows easily from our digestive system into our blood stream and on to our cells.

Give your body a healthy break:

We can digest fluids more easily than solid foods.

Even a diet high in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables requires a lot of energy to digest and extract nutrients.

This energy is no longer available to heal and restore your body.

Liquid nutrition is easily absorbed, increasing energy and giving your digestive system a much needed rest.

Detox and heal:

Energy is used by our cells to repair and renew, flush wastes and detoxify.

The vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and enzymes in juices are the key to a healthy body and healing.

This is why juicing is a central thrust of many nutritional healing and detoxification programs.

Rehydrate and alkalize your body:

Drinking juices is an effective way to hydrate all our cells. Juice is rich in electrolytes helping cells absorb fluids and flush out wastes.

Enzymes provide the energy to support this process.

Alkalizing organic minerals cleanse our internal environment and enhance rejuvenation.

Which juices?

Different juices promote diverse health benefits.

Vegetable juices contain more alkaline minerals, less sugar than fruits so can be consumed more often:

* Use as much organic produce as possible.
* Cucumber juice’s potassium enhances cellular cleansing.
* The juice of leafy greens is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron. Add an extra kick with a knob of ginger or squeeze of lemon or lime.
* For a sweet lift, watermelon juice, including the seeds is rich in valuable zinc and selenium.
* Apple, pear and berry juices are antioxidant -rich but because of their sugar content they should be diluted with water.
* Minimize carrot and beetroot juice. The high sugar content of these very sweet vegetables places great strain on our pancreas’ and blood sugar levels.
* Canned or bottled juices are generally pasteurized, which destroys the vital enzymes and many of the nutrients. They also often have added sugar and preservatives, making them acid-forming.

When to drink juice:

Cucumber or watermelon juice provides a great lift in the morning, as do other diluted fruit juices.

Green vegetable juices throughout the day sweetened with cucumber or a little pear alkalize, heal and rehydrate.

Drink all you want of vegetable juices at least half an hour prior to meals or 2 hours afterwards.

Limit diluted fruit juices and drink watermelon juice only in the morning.

Juice can be consumed immediately because it loses its nutritional value quickly after juicing.

Buying a juicer:

The type of juicer affects the quality of juice extracted.

Choose a single or twin gear crushing juice extractor over a centrifugal juicer that whips or spins the juice.

The heat and electrical activity triggered by these juicers damages sensitive plant enzymes, reducing the availability of nutrients to your body.

An easy to clean juicer is a bonus, since the simpler it is to maintain, the more frequently you’re likely to use it:)

You’ll immediately notice the health benefits of more energy, stronger immune system and better weight management.

Juice…a tasty way to boost your health today!

Why Better Nutrition?

Did you know juicing is no longer just a fad…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

The evidence is supported by tons of studies, juice is fast becoming a way of life for the health-conscious at heart. Why?

Because diets high in fruits & vegetables helps a wide range of  ailments.

Fresh-squeezed juice liquefies the vitamins, minerals and enzymes found in fruits vegetables for a quick, convenient way to keep the doctor away.

Juice (juicing) is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.

Still not convinced?

There are many obvious reasons, and some you may never have thought of
to juice your way to better nutrition.

Get Vitamin-Specific:

Sure, you can take vitamins in pill form, you can also increase your intake
of specific vitamins and minerals in an instant with fresh juice.

Carrot juice offers beta-carotene

Blackberry juice contains potassium

Orange juice is jam-packed with vitamin C…

Improve Digestion:

Juices contain digestive enzymes that work to break down old food
debris in your digestive tract while other juice nutrients…

Regenerate the glands and organs responsible for digestion.

Juices revitalize digestive excretions, strengthen muscle action and give your body the ability to absorb nutrients more efficiently…

Improving digestion improves your overall health and gives you more energy.

Fight Deadly Diseases:

Fresh juices contain phytochemicals, substances in plants linked to good
health and prevention of certain deadly diseases.

Phytochemicals are found in fruits & vegetables…juicing is a quick way
to get a healthful dose.

Lose Weight Without Cravings:

If you’re trying to lose weight and you stay hungry all the time…

It could be because you’re lacking essential vitamins and minerals
that can be lost by cooking food.

Drinking juice replenishes those elements so you can eat less, saves
calories and lose weight.

Drinking fresh juice can also satisfy a sweet tooth, eliminate food cravings.

Rev Up Your Metabolism:

Too tired to exercise?

Get energy boost with some fresh juice, and get moving.

Increasing your activity will rev up your metabolism so you can burn more calories.

Cut the Caffeine:

Caffeine strips your body of much-needed minerals. Replace the morning cuppa with fresh juice, and get a natural eye-opener that really gets your body going.

Enjoy Healthful Sugars:

Believe it or not, there are natural healthful sugars…juices contain them.

Unlike refined sugars found in candy and desserts, these simple sugars bring energy in a nutritious way.

Proactive Protein Foods:

Who says you need fatty proteins to build muscle?

If you combine brewer’s yeast, wheat germ or whole grains with your fresh juice, you can enjoy a high-protein snack your body absorbs quickly.

What About Water?

Juicing can help you get those eight daily glasses of water that you’ve
been meaning to drink.

Fruits and vegetables contain a large percentage of water that we need to
flush out toxins and stay healthy.

Transform Eating Habits:

Once you begin to enjoy the nutritional benefits of juicing, you’ll be inspired
to transform your eating habits for a lifetime.

Life just gets better from here:)

Juicing is your answer to better nutrition for continued weight loss success, health wellness, better quality of life for women’s health.

What makes weight loss success near-guaranteed, almost struggle-free?

Low Calorie Food Satisfies Hunger?

Low fat recipes foods with a high satiety value help reduce the amount of food it takes to stop hunger and cravings…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Are you tired of struggling with your weight?

Sick and tired of rail thin celebrities touting the latest diet patch, diet pill or another domineering diet plan?

What low fat or low calorie food helps stop hunger and cravings while extending time between meals?

What about hunger pangs and hunger pains…

Satiety is the feeling that you are not being deprived and are full, and often satiety is the only determining factor in successful weight management.

Good news is there are many low-calorie foods can help you achieve satiety.

In general, the more water, fiber and protein a food has the longer it will keep you satisfied…

Eggs have been dubbed the perfect protein with omega-3 nutrient dense.

Eggs are a nutrient dense food that boosts brain power thanks to the choline they contain.

A 2005 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concludes that protein foods have a strong role in satiety.

In the study, women who ate a daily diet of 30 percent protein consumed 441 fewer calories than women who ate 15 percent of calories from protein.

Other low-fat, high-protein choices can give satiety, too.

Protein empties from the stomach more slowly than carbohydrates that’s why some women feel full longer, according to the Mayo Clinic.

It keeps blood sugar steady instead of spiking as some carbohydrates can.

Good protein foods include:

  • Lean meats
  • Poultry without skin
  •  Low fat or non fat low calorie dairy foods…

Fish is more satisfying on a per-calorie basis than other proteins according to the Diabetes Network.

Broth based soup can fill you up without filling you out.

Soup is a great way to start a meal and save on calories, thanks to its high water content.

Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University’s chairwoman of nutrition researched the difference between women who started meals with soup and those who began with entrees…

Rolls found that women who ate meals with soup consumed 100 fewer calories during the meal.

Complex carbohydrates high in water and fiber such as apples, oranges and grapes give you more food for fewer calories.

Also high fiber and higher fiber foods stay in your stomach longer because they’re processed slower.

This means you feel fuller for longer according to Elisa Zied spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Popcorn is a low calorie snack food that allows you to indulge your urge to munch without lots of extra calories thanks to its bulk.

Just make sure you don’t drench it in high-fat butter.

Some herbs or spices can be used to give extra pizazz to your snack without adding extra calories.

Choose popcorn over dry foods…

Including pretzels and crackers because these snacks lack fiber, water and are low in volume as recommended by Weight Watchers.

Legumes and beans truly are magical when it comes to feeling full because of their high fiber and protein contents.

Lentils and baked beans both had high marks on the Satiety Index developed by Australian researcher Dr. Susanne Holt of the University of Sydney.

Beans and lentils also have “anti” nutrients delaying their absorption and keep you feeling fuller longer.

Salad gives you the satisfying crunch factor along with fiber and water.

As with soup, women who start their meals with salad eat fewer calories than those who skip the greens according to Rolls’ research.

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