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Want to Lose Weight?

 To lose weight there are a few factors to consider for any weight loss program to be effective. 
Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

If you remember the following formulas…

You can discover how to lose weight, healthy weight loss and keep it off!

Formula #1:

Calories out is greater than Calories in = Weight Loss

This formula is as basic as weight loss gets.

If you exercise and burn more calories than you eat…at the end of the day you will lose weight. Plain and simple!

To lose weight fast is all about calorie intake or creating  “calorie deficiency.”

At the end of a day that does not mean you have to starve yourself.

In fact, decreasing your calories too much can have the opposite effect on your body causing shut down or “starvation” mode.

The human body is built for survival…

When you consume too few calories and not enough water, your body can actually shut down your metabolism to a point where you’ll not burn fat.

Actually your body will store water (called water retention).

So, you definietly will not lose weight and you could in fact gain weight by increasing water retention.

This is where Formula #2 comes into play:

Water + Oxygen = Fat burning

When you breathe, you move the rivers and streams of internal water within your body.

Your physical body is over 70% water and your blood is 90% water.

This water is filled with electro-conductive metals such as sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, etc.

This is how bio-electricity is conducted through your physical body.

Basically, your body needs water with increased oxygen to burn fat as an energy source.

Water intake can be anywhere from 1/2 gallon for women.

As you drink water, your body will be able to use the retained water for excretion or detox (elimination of toxins) prompting healthy weight loss.

This is not the same as sitting in a sauna and sweating which actually dehydrates your system.

Drinking water will rehydrate your system and enable your body to burn more fat.

As long as you increase your oxygen intake by doing some form of exercise:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Jogging
  • Calisthenics
  • Gardening
  • Lifting weights can help with fat loss and working your cardiovascular system…

Here are some sample calorie expenditures (calories burned) for a variety of exercises for women who weigh 130 – 190 lbs.

If you weigh more than 190 lbs you will actually burn calories, more calories at a faster rate than a lighter woman:

Aerobics:  130 lbs – 300 Calories Per Hour
                     190 lbs – 500 Calories Per Hour

Basketball:   130 lbs – 475 Calories Per Hour  
                        190 lbs – 675 Calories Per Hour

Pushups:  130 lbs – 480 Calories Per Hour  
                   190 lbs – 690 Calories Per Hour

Child Care:  130 lbs – 210 Calories Per Hour  
                       190 lbs – 300 Calories Per Hour

Gardening:  130 lbs – 290 Calories Per Hour  
                        190 lbs – 400 Calories Per Hour

Jogging:  130 lbs – 410 Calories Per Hour  
                  190 lbs – 600 Calories Per Hour

Pushing Stroller:  130 lbs – 150 Calories Per Hour  
                                   190 lbs – 210 Calories Per Hour

Jumping Jacks or Rope:  130 lbs – 450 Calories Per Hour  
                                                  190 lbs – 650 Calories Per Hour

Swimming:    130 lbs – 550 Calories Per Hour  
                          190 lbs – 890 Calories Per Hour

Tennis:   130 lbs – 400 Calories Per Hour  
                  190 lbs – 600 Calories Per Hour

Walking 3 mph:  130 lbs – 250 Calories Per Hour  
                                 190 lbs – 350 Calories Per Hour

These are just a few of the popular exercises you can use to burn calories.

In fact, everything you do (breathing, sitting, standing) burns calories even while sleeping!

As you can see from the above exercise list, any activity that help you burn calaories more are the most rigorous or can be done for several hours.

Take a look at my other health related articles for information on calories as part of the weight loss equation.

It is never a good idea to limit your calories under 1500 calories per day.

In fact, you should consult a nutritionist or dietician if you plan to go under 1500 calories.

The main reason is you can lose weight but become unhealthy due to lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from a lower calorie diet.

Remember, the key to lose weight with any weight loss program is drinking water.

You want to eat health food and drink water while developing a fitness plan that helps you add oxygen to burn calories, fat or excess fat.

This will produce the “caloric deficiency” needed if you want to lose weight.

Weight Loss Diet, Diet and Dieting?

Diets and dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

What are the dangers of fasting and it’s side effects?

In most cases a diet or dieting is used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight.

If you are overweight or obese, everyone tells you to get on a diet.

On the other hand, some women aspire to gain weight (usually in the form lean muscle).

Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight.

Diets used to promote weight loss are generally divided into four categories:

  1. Low-fat (low fat diet)
  2. Low-carbohydrate or low carb, (carb diet, low carb diet )
  3. Low-calorie (low calorie diet)
  4. Very low calories diet

A meta-analysis or systematic review of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between the main diet types.

Low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat with 2–4 kilogram weight loss in all studies.

 At two years mark, all calorie-reduced diet types cause equal weight loss irrespective of the macronutrients emphasized.

Different types of diets like low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diets, low-calorie diets, very low-calorie diets effects and/or influences:

  • Low carbohydrate versus low fat
  • Low glycemic index
  • Fat loss versus muscle loss
  • Energy obtained from food
  • Proper nutrition
  • How your body gets rid of fat
  • Psychological aspects of weight-loss dieting

Low-fat diets

Low-fat diets involve the reduction of the percentage of fat inyour diet as calorie consumption is reduced but not purposely so.

Low-carbohydrate diets

Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins and Protein Power are relatively high in fat and protein.
  • These types of diets are very popular in the press but are not recommended by the American Heart Association.
  • A review of 107 studies did not find that low-carbohydrate diets cause weight loss, except when calorie intake was restricted.
  • No adverse effects from low carbohydrate diets were detected.
Low carbohydrate diets do not support exercise very well due to the fact that carbohydrates are the main source of energy during anaerobic exercise.
  • Most elite athletes use carbohydrates for sprinting or resistance training as carbs supply 30% or more during aerobic exercise.

Low-calorie diets

Low-calorie diets or calorie restriction usually produce an energy deficit of 500–1,000 calories per day…
  • Which can result in a 0.5 kilogram (1.1 lb) weight loss per week.
  • They include the DASH diet and Weight Watchers among others.
The National Institutes of Health reviewed 34 randomized controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of low-calorie diets.
  • National Institutes of Health found these diets lowered total body mass by 8% over 3–12 months.

Very low-calorie diets

Very low calorie diets provide 200–800 kcal/day, maintaining protein intake but limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates.
  • These types of diets subject your body to starvation and produce an average weekly weight loss of 1.5–2.5 kilograms (3.3–5.5 lb).
  • These diets are not recommended for general use.
Very low calorie diets are associated with adverse side effects such as loss of lean muscle mass, increased risks of gout, and electrolyte imbalances.
  • People attempting very low calorie diets must be monitored closely by a physician for health complications.
As a women, you definitely want to avoid dangers of fasting with side effects because that’s not what a healthy diet and better qauility lifestyle is all about!

Weight loss diet, diet and dieting…what happens to your weight loss success?

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