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Best Natural Remedy for Headaches?

Sudden or severe pain…got a splitting headache? Headaches at times can be continuous and extremely painful.


Millions of women suffer from headaches on a regular basis.

In fact, the numbers are staggering…45 million Americans suffering from chronic headaches and did you know 28 million suffer from migraines.

Keep reading this article if you suffer from headaches this is specifically for you…

Dear Friend,

How often have you experienced headaches…

Knowing the type of headache is the first step to being able to treat it correctly and more importantly, you’ll be much closer to relief.

Before you decide to reach for the medicine cabinet, you might want to at least find out which natural remedy is better for you and for your headache relief.

Here are the best non-drug remedies for the three most common types of headaches.

Of the three main types of headaches, tension headaches are the most common…

Tension headaches pulls on the muscles, which contracts and it feels like it is literally squeezing your head.

The pain can run from one ear to other and back around.

Tension headaches are usually caused by a lack of sleep and or stress.


Natural Remedy for Tension Headaches:

Fresh ginger can easily be made at home or found at your local grocery store.

Simply finely grate or crush no more than an inch of ginger and put it in a pot of boiling water.

This homemade remedy can help reduce inflammation and ease your headache.

Ginger tea works just as good, if not better than an aspirin and is completely natural plant based remedy.

Most health stores provide peppermint oil for around $5.

Take peppermint oil and apply it to your hairline.

The cooling sensation created helps relax muscles in your head and neck.

Women who suffer from cluster headaches often describe it as an ice pack in their head…

Cluster headache pain is very concentrated, it feels like sharp stabbing pains in the head.

Cluster headaches usually occur in a cluster of days, most common in the winter months.

Natural Remedy for Cluster Headaches:

Cayenne pepper is the main ingredient found in Capsaicin cream.

Simply add a dab on your finger and apply to inside of your nostril…

Make sure to place Capsaicin cream on the side where you are experiencing pain.

Once applied allow the cream to do its job, it works by blocking pain signals.

You can find Capsaicin cream at your local health food store for around $10.

Chlorophyll is used by plants for photosynthesis…

And in the process it turns carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen.

Chlorophyll supplements promote the flow of oxygen to cells, while protecting cells from oxidation damage, which can naturally help with cluster headaches.

Add ten drops of liquid chlorophyll concentrate on tongue several times throughout day.

Drinking water helps with these types of headaches and can provide natural energy to get you through the day.

Migraine headaches are very debilitating and can put you in bed, unable to move for extended periods of time…

Migraines cause a throbbing pain which can be primarily on one side of your head.

As a result of this pain, you get very sensitive to light and sound.

It some cases migraine headaches can even cause nausea.

The bad news is migraines can be genetic as they are found to run in certain families…


Women are three time more likely to suffer from migraine headaches.

Experts believe migraines are a result of nerve signals being misinterpreted by the brain.

Instead of interpreting normal nerve signals for what they are, they interpret them as pain.

Natural Remedy for Migraine Headaches:

Acupressure massage has been tried and proven for thousands of years.

Acupressure massage is an ancient Chinese healing method that centers around applying pressure to certain points on the body.

The pressure is applied to help relieve pain.

You can do acupressure massages on yourself, it is very easy…

First, take your finger and place it in the groove between your first and second toe.

Press firmly, applying pressure for at least three minutes.

If you can, hold for a total of 5 minutes before letting go.

If you would prefer not to do this yourself, you can always go see a massage therapist.

Feverfew herbal supplement derives from the sunflower family…

Feverfew has been tested in clinical trials with great results.

During trials, Feverfew has shown to be a very effective treatment for migraines.

Feverfew works by decreasing the amount of inflammation in areas where there is pain.

When inflammation is reduced, it eliminates pressure on nerves.

And as a result, migraine starts to subside.

You can find feverfew in capsule form for around $12.

There are many different natural remedies for various types of headaches.

What one natural remedy can be applied to all headaches no matter what type?

That remedy is to simply change your diet, because certain foods can trigger a headache.

If you start paying closer attention to the foods you eat on a daily basis you’ll see patterns.

Keep a journal and start jotting down everything you eat for at least 7 days…

Taking note and being aware is helpful so you can track any specific foods which cause you to have an adverse reaction.

Once you identify a pattern, you’ll know which foods should be eliminated.

headache types

Here are some foods which are known to trigger headaches:

• Wine
• Caffeine or lack of it (if you drinks it regularly)
• Cheese
• Cold cuts

Headaches can also be a result of skipping meals.

Anytime you skip meals your blood sugar levels drop.

The best natural remedy is proper nutrition with plenty of water for hydration.

Eat and stay healthy, make it a point to always treat your body right…eat meals on regular time frames and never allow hunger to lead to headaches.


Why Nutrition Plays a Key Role In Fat Loss and Elevating Mood?

Why is nutrition important?

Eating the right foods with good nutrition is vital for good health and wellbeing…

Food provides energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly.

We need a wide variety of different foods with high quality nutrition in order to provide the right amounts of nutrients to support normal levels of health and fat loss if that’s your goal.

Key hormones for fat Loss:

a. Insulin (nutrient transport) – stimulated by glucose (carbohydrates)
b. Ghrelin (hunger hormone) – regulated by healthy leptin levels
c. Testosterone (energy and labido) – stimulated by fat ingestion, quality rest and short duration exercise for more fat loss
d. Growth hormone (lean muscle growth) – stimulated by quality rest, healthy ghrelin levels
e. Leptin (fat burning) – stimulated by healthy levels of testosterone and insulin sensitivity (lower insulin levels)…

Can certain types of foods actually help you feel happy?

why nutrition is important

Can depression be offset when nutrition consists of healthy foods?

  1. Nutrition is the science that interprets interaction of nutrients and other substances in food (e.g. phytonutrients, anthocyanins, tannins, etc.) in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism.

In fact, certain foods are not just good for you physically; certain types of foods also helps enhance and improve mental as well as emotional states…

There are many causes of depression and of course, if you feel that depression is a problem you should consult a licensed medical professional to get proper medical advice.

One of the, if not the most important considerations when planning a healthy lifestyle is nutrition.

If you think about it, food is basic fuel for your body’s livelihood and substance, health and well being greatly depends on what you eat.

weight loss for women

Your physical state is highly affected by food, nutrition and what you eat, so it makes sense that your brain and emotional state is influenced as well.

The More Colorful The Plate – The Better the Mood

Remember – “The More Colorful the Plate, the Lower the Weight.” That statement and nutritional adage refers to getting rid of the burden of depression too.

While an unhealthy diet consisting of processed foods or sugar puts on weight, it apparently extends to how one feels or their emotional health.

You Are What You Eat

Evidently, you are what you eat and the more healthy the diet, the lower the incidences of mood swings or depressive episodes.

why nutrition is important

Studies and research show diets are not packed with certain vitamins or minerals not only accelerate ageing process, also cause shortages in mood-enhancing chemicals, such as serotonin.

The Key to Reducing Stress and Elevating Mood…

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter as well as a mood stabilizer and plays an important role in reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

The following short list of foods can help increase the amount of serotonin which is produced in the bloodstream…enhancing overall outlook and mood.

• One of the less-known types of serotonin-producing foods, fruits like pineapple, sour cherries, plums and bananas are all good foods to eat to improve one’s mood.

In addition, cherries contain melatonin, which is a natural sleep aid.

• Protein. Eating turkey, which contains tryptophan, increases the manufacture of
serotonin in the brain. In turn, the food promotes feelings that are more positive.

Other proteins aid in serotonin production include seafood, eggs, whey protein and beef.

Choose animal products that are not raised with hormones and grass fed or pasture raised products.

Another serotonin-boosting protein food is nuts.

Nuts boost the manufacture of selenium, which is found to be lacking in patients suffering from depression. Lean meats and legumes contain selenium too.

why nutrition is important

Because sugar-rich snacks can slow production of serotonin…

It is better to replace sugary or processed snacks with more natural foods and whole foods like nuts or fruits and lean protein.

Carbohydrates help to boost the level of serotonin and reduces depression. Cooking and recipes like pasta, whole grain bread and white potatoes to the menu.

Dairy products make people feel happier too. Try such dairy foods as cheese
and milk, each of which contain mood-boosting chemicals or produce an increase in serotonin.

Nutrients That Help Ward Off Depression

Beta Carotene is also helpful in relieving depression.

Some of the foods in this group include cantaloupe, carrots, broccoli, and apricots.

Vitamin C – rich foods are helpful in fighting depression too. These foods are made up of citrus  fruits, such as limes, oranges, and grapefruit.

Vitamin E – not only plays a role in immune system functioning but contributes to nerve health as well, ameliorating any episodes of depression.

Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils and wheat germ are all foods which contain vitamin E.

Change the Way You Eat and Increase Your Level of Activity

Reducing depression via nutrition means healthy mix of complex carbohydrates combined with fruits and vegetables which helps alleviate mood swings and depression in general.

Make sure to avoid most pre-packaged, processed snacks like chips, packaged cookies, best to remove them from your shelves and focus more on eating fresh produce and fish.

Once you start eating healthier, you will feel like you can exercise more, which can further elevate mood and stave off depression…

In fact, when you take part in an exercise activity like walking, jogging or running, your body produces more of the mood-enhancing hormones called endorphins.

In fact, after a while, your mood will improve just by eating healthier and exercising more.

Research shows this kind of healthy approach helps your body to function at normal levels with less dependency to take on mood-enhancing drugs or anti-depressants.

Supports behavioral changes to make healthy eating and regular exercise a daily practice.

Resources: 1 Felsing, NANCY E., J. A. Brasel, and D. M. Cooper. “Effect of low and high intensity exercise on circulating growth hormone in men.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 75.1 (1992): 157-162.2 Tjønna, Arnt Erik, et al. “Aerobic Interval Training Versus Continuous Moderate Exercise as a Treatment for the Metabolic Syndrome A Pilot Study.” Circulation 118.4 (2008): 346-354.13 Davis, et. al. Concurrent training enhances athletes’ strength, muscle endurance, and other measures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008;22(5):1487-1502.4 Scott, et al. Misconceptions about aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure.. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2005;2:32-37.5Boudou, P., et al. “Absence of exercise-induced variations in adiponectin levels despite decreased abdominal adiposity and improved insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic men.” European Journal of Endocrinology 149.5 (2003): 421-424.6 Schuenke, et al. Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: Implications for body mass management European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2002;86:411-417.7 Scott, et al. Misconceptions about aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure.. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2005;2:32-37.8Bogdanis, G. C., et al. “Short-term high-intensity interval exercise training attenuates oxidative stress responses and improves antioxidant status in healthy humans.” Food and Chemical Toxicology 61 (2013): 171-177.9Ottosson, Malin, et al. “Effects of Cortisol and Growth Hormone on Lipolysis in Human Adipose Tissue 1.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 85.2 (2000): 799-803.10 Pedersen, B. K., et al. “The metabolic role of IL-6 produced during exercise: is IL-6 an exercise factor?” Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 63.02 (2004): 263-267.11 Ahtiainen, Juha P., et al. “Heavy resistance exercise training and skeletal muscle androgen receptor expression in younger and older men.” Steroids 76.1 (2011): 183-192.12Trapp, E. G., et al. “The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women.” International journal of obesity 32.4 (2008): 684-691.13Edwards, Andrew M., et al. “Self-pacing in interval training: A teleoanticipatory approach.” Psychophysiology 48.1 (2011): 136-141.
14 Winter, Bernward, et al. “High impact running improves learning.” Neurobiology of learning and memory 87.4 (2007): 597-609.
15 Wisløff, Ulrik, et al. “Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients a randomized study.” Circulation 115.24 (2007): 3086-3094.16 Heyn, Patricia, Beatriz C. Abreu, and Kenneth J. Ottenbacher. “The effects of exercise training on elderly persons with cognitive impairment and dementia: a meta-analysis.” Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 85.10 (2004): 1694-1704.17 Chwalbinska-Moneta, Jolanta, et al. “Threshold increases in plasma growth hormone in relation to plasma catecholamine and blood lactate concentrations during progressive exercise in endurance-trained athletes.” European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 73.1-2 (1996): 117-120.18 Lee-Young, Robert S., et al. “Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is central to skeletal muscle metabolic regulation and enzymatic signaling during exercise in vivo.” American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 298.5 (2010): R1399-R1408.19 Pedersen, Bente Klarlund, et al. “Role of myokines in exercise and metabolism.” Journal of applied physiology 103.3 (2007): 1093-1098.20 Nielsen, Anders Rinnov, et al. “Expression of interleukin-15 in human skeletal muscle–effect of exercise and muscle fibre type composition.” The Journal of physiology 584.1 (2007): 305-312.

Why Is Nutrition Important

Emotional Eating?

Have you been struggling with your weight this year?

You’re doing a lot of exercises yet you still haven’t been losing weight?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Maybe you’ve added belly fat, some extra  pounds/kgs!

Well, at least you’ve come to understand its all about consciously making decisions in your life…

Choices that revolve around making healthy decisions.

This week your healthy diet challenge is focused around developing strategies to cope with emotional eating.

Maybe it’s a forbidden topic? Do you feel this problem is an issue that you’ve dealt with at one time or another?

Well, I know I’ve had my fair share of struggling with emotional eating. Why?

Because life is full of surprises mixed in with boredom, stress and anxiety.

Allow me to explain…

I’d like to take this opportunity to share strategies and more importantly to ask you how you’re able to handle these issues or problems?

Are your eating habits holding you back and making you feel angry?

After a while it becomes second nature to sabotage your appetite in an unhealthy fashion.

Let’s talk about how to answer these questions with basic guidelines/rules that have helped in the past:

  • Eat when you start to feel a little bit hungry…
  • Don’t wait until you are starving because when you’re famished you run the risk of overeating and eating too quickly.
  • Take your time eating, eat slow, thoroughly chew and enjoy your food
  • Eat small portions…

Your biggest challenge will most likely be about portion size and control…

What if you’re unsure about what “food portion size” means for you?

Don’t worry, we’ll be spending time on this and going over it in more detail.

The strategy is simple…you want to finish eating feeling light and satisfied.

If you feel heavy, too full or tired you have most likely eaten too much.

If you give your body too much food, it will start to store it as extra weight.

First and formeost, learn to listen to your body.

So called diet experts tell you this and that…their diet book has the answer, but what helps you is getting back in tune with what your body is telling you.

Are you listening?

Are you paying attention to the signals?

Are you aware of the little call from your brain every 2-3 hours that you need to eat something because you’re a little bit hungry?

Really, that’s how simple it really is to get back in control…

If you’re not paying attention, you’ll miss it, so it’s important to develop this basic body awareness.

Truly, I believe your body is more than capable of telling you when and how much you want to be eating, the trick is learning to listen.

As you begin to pick-up on your body signals, you get more intune with those distractions…

Yes, in other ways that avoid you feeling like dealing with your feelings by turning to food.

Now, you may have tried all sorts of diets in the past…

Some of the most common distractions include watching t.v, reading your favourite glossy magazine or even going out shopping.

All of these distractions work of course, and I’ve done them a million times to distract myself from emotional eating.

We all go through daily ups and downs, we have our own personal stories full of life’s various hurts and disappointments.

Unfortunately some of which still may continue to haunt you.

Remember those profoundly negative experiences and dramatic changes?

Overall, all these experiences cahnge your attitude and direction in life.

The question is how you deal with or handle it all for positive and enriching life, instead of moving from one empty distraction to another…

What if you focused on building, creating and learning.

The greatest joy of learning is having an open mind to what areas you feel passionate about in your own life.

Once your focus is on developing yourself, you can make much better decisions in every area of your life…including your diet.

This leads to the importance of treating yourself with respect.

What if your best friend was upset that they were having a tough time dealing with emotional eating?

Honestly would you beat them up even more with harsh words and a judgmental attitude?

You’d be caring, supportive and kind, yet how many times have you stood in front of the mirror berating yourself angrily for slipping on your diet?

You want to learn to treat yourself as if you were your own best friends!

That means caring and nurturing your soul with loving kindness.

Nothing is gained when you add your own insults and self criticisms…often playing like a broken record in your head.

This is a difficult habit to break…perhaps the most important lesson of all.

Please will you treat yourself well and affirm the positives? If you slip, then get back on track and resolve to be stronger the next time.

Refocus on your goals and continue to move forward.

You may repeat this process a hundred times and each time you get back up on your feet you’ll be a little bit stronger.

Eventually new healthier habits will form and you’ll reach a breakthrough ready for new diet and exercise challenges 🙂

Talk with you soon…Jody

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