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Thigh Toning Exercises?

Let’s face it…as a woman you’re sensitive to your body (the way you look).

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Do you want to get rid of a “pear-shaped” body?

Do you carry around extra pounds that bulges over your hips with “Jodhpur thighs”?

Well… not exactly exciting or appealing is it?

Unfortunately for so many women this is exactly where fat is more than likely to build up and accumulate.

The result is often with the “Orange-Peel” effect of cellulite.

This problem needs to solved on two fronts, the first being the foods and diet.

Second being exercises that tone muscles, lengthen and strengthen (as apposed to bulking-up).

You simply do gentle leg stretches, you feel your muscles gently being pulled out to its full extent, all the way from the hip socket to the pointed toes.

Although spot reduction isn’t really achievable, combining specific thigh toning exercises with a healthy diet can help you lose stubborn body fat.

YES, from both the inner and outer thighs.

A well planned and easy to follow fitness program composed of these thigh trimmers can help you carve out elongated thigh.

Read on…if you’re interested?

Weight Loss Program using Weight Training?

What’s the real health benefits of Weight training for women?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

 Many women ask lots of questions about weight loss programs and the reasons for women weight training?

Here’s why, women are not sure about whether or not weight lifting is the right kind of women’s workout?

In fact, could fitness training for a woman wanting to lose weight and to get healthy be a better option?

Frankly, for women’s health, many women still think that weight lifting for women is the same as weight lifting for men.

In reality, most women will find it very difficult to “bulk up”, it is a big myth, yet 97% of womn will avoid weight training all together…

If you’re a health conscious women, a workout using weight lifting has many health benefits!

The truth about weight training for women is this:

While you workout using an exercise program that incorporates weight training…

Your body releases a hormone called hormone is testosterone.

Now, testosterone in a woman is tiny compared to a man, and so in many if not all cases, women are not physically capable of building large muscles.

 As a woman, you need a substantial level of testosterone if you want to bulk up…

In fact, because muscles require less room than fat does, when women strength train, they tend to actually lose inches rather than gain.

So not only are there a number of physical benefits such as an increase in the metabolism and a decrease in the risk of osteoporosis…

There is also an increase in strength, so a weight training program can actually help women to slim down as well.

Women are much more likely to actually tone up from the process of strength training than to bulk up.

Research has shown for a long time now that women can add at least 30% more lean muscle to their bodies.

You can get thinner, feel attractive and look much firmer than ever before.

You could add 30% more lean muscle to your body while looking beautiful and feminine.

Our society and the pop culture in our country associates training with weights, even women weight training to having oversized muscles.

But really, for women,  it takes significantly more testosterone to achieve big  muscles than simply training using weights.

Weight training is the foundation for strong bodies and muscles, not bulk.

Still, there are many women that do have an intense fear of resistance training and weight lifting exercises, even if weight training is good for you.

Not only does lifting weight for women improve your overall health…

A weight workout improves your metabolism and helps you burn more calories more quickly.

It improves your heart as well and could extend your life and vitality.

Weight training for women is indeed a safe women’s workout with obvious health benefits.

Lose weight, be health and get better results with your weight loss program, the reasons to explore weight lifting for women are stacked up in your favor.

Training with a weight loss program using weight training…get started today.

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