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Are Diet Plans Easy To Follow?

Are most diet plans easy-to-follow, affordable, realistic, non-restrictive and most importantly won’t leave you hungry?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Eating a balanced diet as part of your day-to-day life is critical to maintaining a long, energetic and healthy life.

A realistic diet encourages you to adopt healthy eating…

Also educates you about the importance of sensible eating through our nutritional services and diet plans.

Diet eating plans are complementary to all women currently participating in our boot camps and personal training services…

In addition to this, we also provide ongoing and up-to-date information and research to help educate you in choosing the right foods for your body.

We categorize our diet plans into three distinct areas and include:

* Low GI/low carbohydrate
* High protein
* Vegetarian

Its all about promoting women’s health, healthy eating via natural, whole foods to provide your body with all the daily nutrients it needs to achieve healthy weight loss…

YES, sustainable  energy for improved wellness and performance.

It is ideal to have smaller portions spread throughout the day…

This provide your body with a consistent supply of proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals so you can perform at an optimal level for longer.

For more information visit our top 25 healthy foods page currently recommended by health and nutrition professionals.

So What is a Healthy Diet

A good diet should provide your body with the nutrients it needs in the proper quantities.

A balanced and moderate diet is crucial to developing a healthy lifestyle.

Food provides seven essential substances your body needs: carbohydrates that provide energy; vitamins promote health; protein aids in growth and repairing the body…

Fat that protects muscles and internal systems from harmful collisions, functions as an energy storage system…

Fat helps maintain proper temperature by insulating the body; minerals to maintain body systems; fiber to assist in digestion and the processing of waste materials; and water that accounts of 70% of the human body.

Low GI/Low Carbohydrate Diet

Glycemic Index (GI) is calculated on a scale from 1 – 100 and measures the effect of food on our blood-glucose levels.

When we eat, our blood sugar levels increase leaving us full and energised.

Research has shown high GI carbohydrate foods causes our insulin to rapidly spike which results in a short energy burst before dropping, leaving you hungry and tired.

This is also damaging to our arteries, blood vessels and will result in weight gain.

Low GI carbohydrate foods on the other hand, sustain you over a longer period, leaving you feeling fuller for longer.

Eating a low GI diet means you are less likely to ‘snack’ on bad foods that are responsible for weight gain, tiredness and are generally unhealthy for you and your body.

Controlling your sugar intake is an important factor in achieving weight loss and consistent energy levels throughout the day.

The low GI/low carbohydrate diet is most recommended for women  trying to achieve maximum weight loss.

High Protein Diet

Much of our body is protein-based including our muscles, brain cells, skin, hair and nails.

A high-protein diet leaves you feeling fuller for longer and provides you with your daily energy needs.

Protein is the most important factor when exercising in order to tone.

You want to increase muscle mass as it is the key factor when it comes to building and repairing muscles.

Protein-rich foods including chicken, beef, lamb, fish and legumes release amino acids which when digested, are used to make new proteins to give us our energy sources.

We recommend this diet if you want to achieve quick weight loss and fast lean muscle gain.

Vegetarian Diet

Many people are choosing this diet as a healthy lifestyle option.

Vegetarian diets eliminate meat products and in some cases seafood and all animal by-products (vegan).

It is important when choosing to eat vegetarian, that you supplement your diet with protein and omega-rich foods including soy products, legumes, eggs, whole grains, nuts and seeds.

A well-balanced vegetarian diet has many health benefits and can reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and some types of cancer.

However if not carefully planned can have the opposite effect on the body.

Weight Loss Diet, Diet and Dieting?

Diets and dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

What are the dangers of fasting and it’s side effects?

In most cases a diet or dieting is used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight.

If you are overweight or obese, everyone tells you to get on a diet.

On the other hand, some women aspire to gain weight (usually in the form lean muscle).

Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight.

Diets used to promote weight loss are generally divided into four categories:

  1. Low-fat (low fat diet)
  2. Low-carbohydrate or low carb, (carb diet, low carb diet )
  3. Low-calorie (low calorie diet)
  4. Very low calories diet

A meta-analysis or systematic review of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between the main diet types.

Low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat with 2–4 kilogram weight loss in all studies.

 At two years mark, all calorie-reduced diet types cause equal weight loss irrespective of the macronutrients emphasized.

Different types of diets like low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diets, low-calorie diets, very low-calorie diets effects and/or influences:

  • Low carbohydrate versus low fat
  • Low glycemic index
  • Fat loss versus muscle loss
  • Energy obtained from food
  • Proper nutrition
  • How your body gets rid of fat
  • Psychological aspects of weight-loss dieting

Low-fat diets

Low-fat diets involve the reduction of the percentage of fat inyour diet as calorie consumption is reduced but not purposely so.

Low-carbohydrate diets

Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins and Protein Power are relatively high in fat and protein.
  • These types of diets are very popular in the press but are not recommended by the American Heart Association.
  • A review of 107 studies did not find that low-carbohydrate diets cause weight loss, except when calorie intake was restricted.
  • No adverse effects from low carbohydrate diets were detected.
Low carbohydrate diets do not support exercise very well due to the fact that carbohydrates are the main source of energy during anaerobic exercise.
  • Most elite athletes use carbohydrates for sprinting or resistance training as carbs supply 30% or more during aerobic exercise.

Low-calorie diets

Low-calorie diets or calorie restriction usually produce an energy deficit of 500–1,000 calories per day…
  • Which can result in a 0.5 kilogram (1.1 lb) weight loss per week.
  • They include the DASH diet and Weight Watchers among others.
The National Institutes of Health reviewed 34 randomized controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of low-calorie diets.
  • National Institutes of Health found these diets lowered total body mass by 8% over 3–12 months.

Very low-calorie diets

Very low calorie diets provide 200–800 kcal/day, maintaining protein intake but limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates.
  • These types of diets subject your body to starvation and produce an average weekly weight loss of 1.5–2.5 kilograms (3.3–5.5 lb).
  • These diets are not recommended for general use.
Very low calorie diets are associated with adverse side effects such as loss of lean muscle mass, increased risks of gout, and electrolyte imbalances.
  • People attempting very low calorie diets must be monitored closely by a physician for health complications.
As a women, you definitely want to avoid dangers of fasting with side effects because that’s not what a healthy diet and better qauility lifestyle is all about!

Weight loss diet, diet and dieting…what happens to your weight loss success?

How to Get Amazing Weight Loss Fast and Easy?

Are You Looking For Fast Weight Loss and Effective Way to Control Your Weight Easily?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Whether you’re looking to lose weight or put on a few needed healthy pounds!

You’ve seen women who have all the confidence and self-assurance in the world.

“She’s so sure of herself…I wish I could be like her.”

Haven’t you said something like that?

Now you can make it happen with inner strength and become the healthy, confident, empowered women you’re meant to be.

Diet and womens health is key because starting from today I will show you healthy weight loss.

In fact, health for women you need to know (issues you will never read about in a women’s health magazine).

Health for women: How to control your weight loss the healthy way from a woman’s perspective (and weight loss coach)…

Let’s face it, you’ve probably already read a bunch of weight loss diets books promising instant results with an easy weight loss plan.

In reality, every year millions of women find themselves jumping from one yo-yo weight loss diet to the next in a desperate effort to lose weight.

Just as important, and rarely talked about are the women who never seem able to pack on those few extra pounds they need to transform their bodies.

 Yes, women from skinny sticks to having just the right amount of curves.

If you have ever found yourself in one of these weight loss or gain weight categories, I know just how you feel (i.e, weight loss for idiots).

Several years ago; I too had a big problem with my weight.

To be perfectly honest, it was more than just a big problem.

We’re not talking about a couple of extra ‘vanity’ pounds.

Actually, I’m talking about a serious weight control issue.

Yes, I had struggled all of my life to win the weight loss war just to continue fighting-all in vain.

Even when I was a small child, I can remember having a problem with my weight.

Of course, most people just thought it was ‘baby fat’ but I hated being known as the pudgy kid.

Adults would console me by telling me I would “outgrow” it…

All that “baby fat” would just magically melt away.

Yeah right, I kept waiting and waiting for that day to happen, but it never did…

As a teen I was still ‘pudgy’ and by the time I had reached young adulthood I had just about given up hope on all that baby fat going anywhere.

It appeared it was here to stay…

Like most women who have experienced weight control issues, I tried every diet known to “woman”.

If there was a claim out there regarding weight loss, I tried it.

Some were successful-to a tiny degree.

Well, I’d lose five pounds here or ten pounds there.

Never anywhere near the amount I needed to lose and it never stayed off.

Many times when I would regain the weight I lost, it brought friends along for the ride and I would end up even heavier than I had been previously.

To say I was miserable would have been an understatement.

Look, I didn’t feel attractive, I knew I didn’t look attractive and I couldn’t do everything I wanted to do.

Even though I had a good job, I found it difficult to get everything done efficiently.

My fitness level and body mass just simply wouldn’t allow it.

Weekend activities with the family? Forget it. I was out of breath just walking downstairs from my bedroom.

I deperately longed to be thinner, to be healthy but I honestly believed there was no way it was ever going to happen.

My friends consoled me by telling me I had a great personality and beautiful face. Yeah like that was suppose to me things better?

One day I was at the gym in another of my myriad efforts at losing weight and ran into a weight loss coach (and she was disgustingly thin).

I would later find out that she had a caring and geniune great personality.

In truth, all I could see at first was the fact she didn’t seem to have a spare ounce of fat on her.

It took a few days, but we eventually began to talk.

I mean, what else is there to do while steadily pumping your legs up and down on an exercise cycle?

It turned out that she knew exactly how to help women lose weight or trying to gain weight.

She told me to work on building up my muscle and body mass.

I learned that she had always had a problem with being five to ten pounds underweight too, (her situation was the same as mine in reverse).

She assured me with self-confidence she knew of a fast and easy way to solve my weight problems and weight loss.

How can a weight loss coach  make a big difference in your life?

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