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Why Hormones Play a key Role In Fat Loss for Women?

Is it a Case of Mind Over Matter to Win the Mental Game of Stubborn Fat Loss?

We all understand the far reaching benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise, right?


Did you know as women our hormones play a key role in every aspect of our lives?

Dear Friend,

Allow me to start by being totally up front and saying I’m NOT an endocrinologist and I do NOT claim to be an expert…

You do NOT necessary have to become one either.

But the truth is unless you address your hormones in context to your nutritional plan as a key factor in weight loss, you’re most likely going to continue to gain weight and struggle.

Many so called experts don’t really cover the basics and true importance of your body’s chemical makeup on how and why hormones produce fat.

And how hormones influences how much fat your body burns and stores.

The goal is to keep this as simple as possible while providing you with sound research.

Why does it all start with hormones?

hormones and weight

Hormones don’t often get talked about, yet are vitally important.

You see, whatever body type you are it comes down to much more than just how much and what you eat or exercise.

Hormones and body muscle content play a very big role in your ability to stay lean and healthy (not talking about becoming a body builder)…

So understanding how hormones work for or against you means you can only get better control over your waistline if you know what is happening, even if it is at a very basic level.

Hormones are the driving force behind the body you see in your mirror.

If your body produces the right hormones, your body thrives.

If not, your body suffers…

There is a BIG reason why America is approaching 70% overweight.

The signals women send their body through food they eat and exercise they do is detrimental…

And yes the results do show what’s happening.

If you want to transform your body, it starts with your hormones.

And that doesn’t mean via supplementation.

You see, the best and most effective way is through living a healthy lifestyle, eating the right foods and exercising consistently.

As Weight Loss Coach, I’m often asked about hormones and how they affect us?

women's metabolism

Hormones are a complex topic, hopefully this short article explains it all in a really simple, easy to understand way…

Hormones affect the way we feeling during adolescence and continue to play a key role throughout our lives.

Hormones affect your metabolism, stress levels and reproductive system.

There are many hormones which influence your own health.

So how do these hormones affect your overall health…

A major hormone which is influenced by what you eat is called insulin.

Insulin is one of the biggest influences for many health areas.

Insulin is a hormone which is secreted by the pancreas after you eat carbohydrates.

When you eat carbohydrates, the sugars are absorbed into bloodstream, naturally causing your blood glucose levels to rise.

The pancreas secretes insulin in order to help your body process blood glucose.

Insulin helps to move glucose from blood into cells of your body so cells can use glucose for energy…


When you eat food, in particularly carbohydrates, your body releases insulin to lower the increase in blood sugar right?

You can never lose fat in the presence of insulin.

When you eat protein with carbohydrates, it slows the sharp release of insulin so you never have a spike of insulin. Try to always include some protein with every meal…

Insulin also helps to change any excess glucose your body does not immediately need into a stable form of energy called glycogen.

Glycogen is produced in the liver…

Leptin and ghrelin are hormones which tell you when to eat and when to stop eating.

Ghrelin is produced in the stomach and pancreas…

Ghrenlin alerts your brain when your stomach is empty.

Leptin is secreted by fat cells and triggers appetite suppressing hormones when you’ve eaten enough.

Both hormones are affected by sugar…

In other words, how much sugar you eat.

Eat too much sugar and the result can mean reduced leptin production, which leaves ghrelin to send out unnecessary hunger signals (pangs and cravings).

Cortisol is a stress hormone which is released from the brain into your bloodstream.

Now, in times of stress and anxiety, cortisol licks in to help accelerate your heartbeat, feeds your brain extra oxygen and releases energy from your fat and glucose stores.

Your mood and memory are partly controlled by serotonin…

Serotonin is often produced in the gut.

Serotonin is commonly known as the feel-good hormone or neurotransmitter.

Female sex hormones…

female hormones

The most important hormones made by the ovaries are known as female sex hormones and the two main ones are oestrogen and progesterone.

The ovaries produce both testosterone and estrogen…

Women’s ovaries produce a minimal amount of testosterone, which drives sexual desire, muscle strength, bone density and metabolism.

Relatively small quantities of testosterone are released into your bloodstream by the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Too little testosterone can affect a woman’s energy level, libido and mood health.

Too much testosterone in women can contribute to acne and facial hair.

fat loss for females

Oestrogen and progesterone are female sex hormones produced in the ovaries.

Oestrogen is primarily a female sex hormone…

Oestrogen enlarges breasts, widens pelvis and oestrogen is what gives women the curvy appearance.

Oestrogen stimulates a female’s instinct, increases alertness, lowers body fat levels, increases insulin sensitivity and improved glucose tolerance.

Symptoms of low oestrogen can occur at any age, more prominent in menopause.

Progesterone increases sleepiness, helps to build and maintain bones, slows digestive process, promotes appetite and helps breast tissue mature.

Progesterone stimulates production of breast milk during pregnancy.

Symptoms of low progesterone include premenstrual migraines, irregular or heavy periods and anxiety…

Hormones from PMS to menopause these are messengers of womanhood which can affect your mood, weight, food cravings and even your desire for sex.

Some women experience normal “smooth sailing” and other women metabolize hormones differently…it just might feel like a roller coaster ride at every turn of the hormonal bend…

Eat fresh, nutritionally dense foods as often as possible.

If you can, avoid food from a box or bag; especially any ingredient you can’t pronounce.

Keep ingredient lists to fewer than five recognizable ingredients and you’ll experience fat loss with fewer cravings because your body is properly nourished.

Generally white or bleached carbohydrates have a high glycemic index.

Essentially it means food is broken down quickly and your blood sugar will spike.

This results in a dump of insulin…

And as you remember, you can’t lose fat in the presence of insulin.

So do yourself a favor and eat low glycemic complex carbohydrates and you avoid the roller coaster of peaks and valleys in blood sugar.

You won’t feel crazy hungry an hour after eating…

You’ll stay full longer and it’s easier to make healthy choices if you don’t feel starved or deprived.

Fat Loss for Females

Hydration or Ugly Belly Fat?

Your body is composed of two thirds water (70%) and you simply could not survive without proper hydration…

Water intake, it’s essential for almost all bodily functions from digestion, metabolism, waste removal and muscle contraction.

Before starting any form of exercise it is important to ensure you are properly hydrated to avoid the negative effects of dehydration on the body.

Proper hydration is especially important if you are undertaking high intensity training such as boot camps…

The greater the intensity of your workout, even more important it is to ensure adequate water intake is part of your exercise regime.

Water is an essential element to healthy lifestyle and plays an important role in your body.


Benefits of hydration include:

* Aids digestion
* Regulates temperature through sweating
* Helps to remove toxins from the body
* Transportation of nutrients
* Ensures joints and tissues are lubricated
* Increases oxygen availability to the cells

Athletes particularly, need to stay well hydrated to perform at their optimum level.

Inadequate water intake has been proven to have serious implications to the bodies skin, bones, joints, brain and muscle as well as affecting aerobic and anaerobic performance.

How much water should you drink?

Water is lost each day through your breath, urine, bowel movements and perspiration.

In order for your body to stay health, perform and function at its best, it is really important to replenish the water which is lost via sweat and body processes.

Your body needs to be adequately hydrated to effectively eliminate waste products and avoid waste build up, which can lead to increased acidity levels in the blood.

As a result of this build up, losing weight can become even more difficult…

If you don’t consume enough water, it will eventually lead to dehydration resulting in headaches, migraines, constipation, lethargy and lightheadedness or dizziness.

And ultimately affect your health, quality of lifestyle and training performance.

When exercising it is important to think about how much you drink.

Exercising regularly accelerates water loss…

So it is important for to monitor and if you are feeling dizzy or weak, it’s a sure sign you are not replenishing lost fluids.

This can be further exacerbated if exercising in hot and humid conditions.

Research shows that individuals should drink before, during and after a workout and depends on a number of factors:

* Your medical history
* Your Age
* Weather conditions
* Sweat loss
* Prescribed medications
* Your body size, weight and muscle mass
* Level of workout intensity

Specific fluid recommendations vary for each and every woman…

importance of hydration

Generally speaking, its important to drink at very least 4-6 (8 oz) glasses of water per day.

Up to 1 liter of water per day is optimal especially if you’re exercising regularly.

For every hour of exercise you might need to drink 0.5 – 1 litre of extra water intake daily to avoid the effects of dehydration especially in hot weather conditions.

Below are basic guidelines to use as a starting point for women in good health.

Before exercise, it is important to drink fluids several hours before a workout to ensure sufficient fluid and electrolyte balance.

During exercise, working out at a high intensity requires greater water intake particularly if exceeding 45 minutes.

Some experts recommend drinking sports drinks…

As a better option to assist in replacing lost carbohydrates and electrolytes during a training session, suggest drinking a mixture of cinnamon, ginger, pear with spirulina.

After exercise, it is important after a workout to replace fluid lost during exercise.

It is recommended to consume water 30 minutes post workout.

How does hydration help fat loss?

As mentioned earlier adequate water intake is vital in eliminating waste from the body.

Research has shown that water has a positive effect on a woman’s metabolic rate and thus helps in improving weight loss.

Water promotes a thermogenic state which boosts your metabolism rate and increases your chances of success with losing weight.

Drinking water helps to reduce cravings for food as it works by reducing appetite.

Research has shown thirst and hunger are triggered simultaneously and if a woman is dehydrated this could be mistaken for hunger.

In actual fact, the body is actually craving fluid but because you can mistake this for hunger you’re driven to eat more food and not drink more water…

Leading to more weight gain.

If you are wanting to lose weight, you understand the benefits of drinking water and the recommended 4-6 glasses per day should be maintained.


And its a good habit to drink even more water if you are working out regularly.

Tips to staying well hydrated:

* Constantly monitor your hydration levels
* Avoid drinks such as soft drinks, tea and coffee that contain a high amount of carbohydrates (sugars) as this can prevent absorption of fluid into the bloodstream.
* Be aware of the possible symptoms of dehydration.
* Increase water intake during time of heat, humid conditions, increased training loads etc

Hydration and weight loss, health and beauty…

hydration, weight loss, health and beauty, eliminate cellulite

Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water:

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue – Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert.

As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted…

2. Promotes Weight Loss – Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger.

Hello natural appetite suppressant plus raises your metabolism and has zero calories…

3. Flushes Out Toxins – Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections).

4. Improves Skin Complexion – Moisturizes your skin, keeps it fresh, soft, glowing and smooth. Gets rid of wrinkles. It’s the best anti-aging treatment around

5. Maintains Regularity – Aids in digestion as water is essential to digest your food and prevents constipation.

6. Boosts Immune System – A water guzzler is less likely to get sick. And who wouldn’t rather feel healthy the majority of the time?

Drinking water helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments like heart attacks…

7. Natural Headache Remedy – Helps relieve and prevent headaches (migraines and back pains) which are commonly caused by dehydration.

8. Prevents Cramps & Sprains – Proper hydration helps keep joints lubricated and muscles more elastic so joint pain is less likely.

9. Puts You in a Good Mood – When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and be happy!

10. Save Money! – Water is free even if you choose bottled or filtered water, it’s STILL better and cheaper than high sugar and fat-filled latte.

Can a few extra glasses of water per day help you lose weight?

Can drinking lots of water help with weight loss?

Why is drinking water important for weight loss?

YES…water helps lose weight.

According to several studies, staying hydrated can help you lose a lot more weight.

Trust you enjoyed this article about proper hydration and tips for staying hydrated


The secret after dieting for 34 years…

The unique insights have helped tens of thousands of people.

Thanks for taking the simple quiz.

We asked you to answer 3 questions…

Okay “What do you think is your biggest obstacle to weight loss?”

The most common responses are five:

1. Unable to maintain results
2. Unable to fit a diet plan into lifestyle
3. Feeling deprived of favourite foods and drinks
4. Lack of support from family and friends
5. Unable to stay motivated

The results revealed are based on over 25%…

People think their greatest obstacle to weight loss is motivation.

14% say they struggle to achieve their goal. Why?

Because they feel deprived of their favourite food and drink.

Just 1% say their inability to lose weight and achieve their goal…

Because they are unable to fit exercise and dietary plans into their lifestyle.

Motivation is the number one perceived obstacle to weight loss. 

How to leverage motivation to lose weight fast in 3 steps…

Weight loss is simply how to breakthrough dietary habits.

But are you waiting for the perfect time to lose weight?

Do you want awesome results as quickly as possible?

Many people think they have to be perfect...

They get trapped in finding the exact diet or weight loss program.

They avoid simple choices, tasks and goals that get results.

They wait until a specific time or set of conditions feels perfect...

We may plan to start a diet on a Monday or first of the month.

Moreover it may be the first of the new year.

But the truth, there is never a perfect time...

The most important is the health transformation within you.

First, your body returns to it’s youthful vigour.

Then life is filled with joyful emotions and excitement again…

Honestly, all of this cannot be expressed in words!

But I want you to know fun with consistency is where it’s at.

We can accomplish simple goals in a fun, enjoyable way…

The only stumbling block is what?

One of the biggest reasons diets fail is because they’re too restrictive.

The most successful people think and plan long term.

They approach their nutrition and weight loss with excitement.

And always find ways to have fun and enjoy their favorite foods.

Yes, it is true…

Fewer restrictions means fastest results.

And makes your daily life a lot more exhilarating. 

You got it?

I think you do 🙂

test gut health

Why Do People Struggle With Diets and Exercise When We KNOW It Gets Results?

Because of our mindset; mental state of being, attitude and action…

Particularly in relationship to food choices, nutrition and weight loss.

This can be extremely personal, confronting and challenging, right?

In small or significant way, we want a noticeable difference in our lives.

weight loss

But there is resistance with long-held belief and behavior…

Absolutely, for most of us it can indeed be very difficult.

What if…change actually works for us?

And makes the whole transition simple, enjoyable and much more fulfilling?

The steps to change often means understanding.

Change depends on our level of awareness and readiness.

There are 5 stages and 7 elements of behavioural change…

Let’s take a moment to step back.

And examine our own feelings about change.

Then we can review the following Five Stages of Change.

This helps to identify which stage closely resembles current situation.

Stages of Change…

Stages of Change

Often it isn’t we can’t see the solution…

It is because we can’t see the problem.

Pre-contemplation is a period in which people are not yet clear.

They’re not committed to action in a reasonable time-frame.

Do you know it will happen or it can happen?

Many people may be in pre-contemplation stage in their lives.

And they’re unsure of the result or outcome in their behaviour.

This goes back to previous attempts of change which failed.

And that’s why so many people feel trapped or incapable of change.

Contemplation is the stage where we plan to make a change possible.

People in contemplation stage consider all benefit and cost of change.

And are aware of possible outcomes with consequences of their actions.

Furthermore this stage may last for an extended period of time…

Contemplation means we may not to be ready to firmly commit to change.

Preparation is the phase in which we commit to taking action.

Clearly within a time frame, for example, next week or month.

In the preparation stage…

Usually we have a plan of action to follow and guide us.

And are taking significant steps to make the plan of action reality.

Action is period in which we’ve made visible alterations to behavior.

At this point…

Modifications are significant enough to have impact on overall health.

The post-action stage actually consist of three different elements…

Continuing to move forward and actively working to stop relapse.

As time passes…

We become more confident that we can continue to change.

Relapse is a form of regression, which we re-enter earlier stage of change.

Even though we have reached the point of taking action…

Determination is the behavior modification which has been completed.

And you no longer need to actively seek to change.

stages of change

If you consider the different stages outlined above…

Can you clearly see and identify what stage of change are you in?

Why isn’t change easy?

Because outline of goal is too vague or broad, which sets up failure.

What if there’s no way to measure?

You don’t know if you’re achieving the goal, right?

How often have you or a friend said…

“I will start eating right” or “I’m going to get fit” and never actually do it?

The key to a result you desire is to set clear and specific goals…

Set a goal which is realistic and specific.

It is measurable, action-focused and time-based.

For example…

Instead of saying “I will get fit,” set a waist line or dress size goal.

weight loss

Be specific, “I will reduce my waist line by 3 inches, 8cm in six months.”

Active planning is a major part of goal setting.

And key to a starting point for a result towards meaningful change.

stages of change

Recent studies reveal that habit change is the key to transformation and change.

Real joy in your lifestyle and your body.

And it’s not hard to see why.

You know habits are self-perpetuating.

They don’t require endless amounts of grit.

Nothing has to feel like a chore or start and stop…

Instead, habits become part of your daily life.

And empower you to effortlessly eat nutritionally dense foods.

Including doing workouts with successful thinking into your everyday life.

It shouldn’t feel like a battle.

You can happily call this your “win, win, win”.

Now, think about each step…

There are activities you need to complete to reach your goal.

Use a diary or calendar where you can write steps or activities down.

Schedule and record your exercise and food intake.

Eliminate foods which tempt you relapse to your previous behavior.

Most importantly, establish a solid support network.

It’s important to find guidance from a reputable nutritional expert…

Personal trainer or women’s health coach.

You need to trust them for specific focused nutritional advice.

And for safer and effective weight lose…

Including healthier ways to maintain enjoyable and better quality of life.

Thank you for reading…

Remember to SHARE with Friends.

And Feel Free to Ask Your Biggest Questions About Weight Loss.

This Is Personal and All About Enjoying Better Quality Of Life!

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