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Easy Way To Get Slim?

What if You Can Lose 30lbs in the Next 6 Weeks?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

“If you’re failing to plan…you’re planning to fail.”

Ben Franklin, “healthy, wealthy & wise” guy said  it best!

So, what’s behind the “big secret” that let’s you drop 30+ pounds in six weeks for the “beach body” you want?

The beautiful look and feel you’re after in no time flat!

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you want to keep it simple, so basically you need a plan, right?

Why? Because a weight loss plan makes your fat loss easy and almost automatic. Allow me to explain…

Health fitness is the part where you have to come up with a diet plan and unfortunately that’s tough for most women.

Lose your belly fat, flat stomach, body fat

Mom's forbidden diet secret...she lost 23% body fat in 6 weeks

Now, the good news is with your permission, I’ll guide you step by step…

By handing you the secret to this plan right here on a silver platter.

FREE? Well, maybe there’s a catch…after all there’s always one, right?

Keep reading to find out why this time the experts are wrong?

Truth is, I gave away way more information than I was planning on, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it available, so check it out right now.

Don’t wait on this…if you get a solid, proven weight loss success plan…”done for you” now, there’s still time to be lean and confident on this summer.

And this limited-time free presentation gives you everything you need to know to take the stress and “friction” out of losing weight and ugly belly fat.

The free offer is at the bottom of this page…but its not what you think, it’s way better. Why? Because I will help you to be successful.

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably had problems keeping the weight off lately…or from piling on the pounds as you’ve struggled to .

Could be your excess ‘baggage’ is all over, or maybe just in certain areas like your belly or maybe your hips or thighs, (problem areas we women…hate)!

And like anything else you’ve been struggling with time and time again, you suspect there is something out there helping, you just don’t know about yet?

After all, you already know diets just don’t work. Period!

Don’t you just want to scream!

All those meaningless hours of doing “mindless” cardio and bouncing all day doing treadmill exercises is way too boring and takes too much time, right?

And in the past, any weight you do lose ends up right back on your body as you’re forced to stop the “crazy” dieting nightmare and exercise programs!

Am I right?

Well, I know your pains and really do understand why you’re going to be happy to hear more about this unique story I just finished reading…

The facts are, a formerly overweight Iowa couple lost over 102 pounds of fat in just a few months…

By stumbling on this one little (some would say weird) trick that burns fat for 3 full days from just 15 minutes.

Sorry, that’s exactly what I thought too, it does sound amazing.

Imagine their shocking before and after pics, yet the important facts from this unusual story you’ll want to know about first:

1. They did it by enjoying delicious foods several times a day, every day, never hungry a minute…

2. They didn’t do one frightening minute of ‘cardio’ exercise, yet still lowered their resting heart rate, while enjoying near-boundless energy of youthful teenager…

3. In addition to their amazing weight loss, she lost nearly 10 inches of ugly belly fat and dropped 8 dress sizes, going from a 12 to a 4…

4. They did this all while doing almost the exact opposite of what most fitness training or fitness plan “experts” have been flogging us for years…

It’s a shame I don’t have their permission to re-post the actual full story here, but you’re probably already wondering about all the other details…

Please will you just stop worrying because you’re going to discover the truth about everything you need to know (including the inspiring before and after pics)…

I’m closely helping them get healthier, and they’re generously agreed to show you seven of the biggest mistakes you’ve probably making to lose weight…

Weight loss is a tricky game for many women, yet the little details of their fascinating, life-changing experience makes a big difference to better results.

Enjoy, you’ll thank me later because we’re here, all helping one another like a big family and community together dedicated to your continued success.

PS: Sorry, I may have to take this down anytime, so please take a closer look right now!

Weight Loss Diet, Diet and Dieting?

Diets and dieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

What are the dangers of fasting and it’s side effects?

In most cases a diet or dieting is used in combination with physical exercise to lose weight.

If you are overweight or obese, everyone tells you to get on a diet.

On the other hand, some women aspire to gain weight (usually in the form lean muscle).

Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight.

Diets used to promote weight loss are generally divided into four categories:

  1. Low-fat (low fat diet)
  2. Low-carbohydrate or low carb, (carb diet, low carb diet )
  3. Low-calorie (low calorie diet)
  4. Very low calories diet

A meta-analysis or systematic review of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between the main diet types.

Low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat with 2–4 kilogram weight loss in all studies.

 At two years mark, all calorie-reduced diet types cause equal weight loss irrespective of the macronutrients emphasized.

Different types of diets like low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diets, low-calorie diets, very low-calorie diets effects and/or influences:

  • Low carbohydrate versus low fat
  • Low glycemic index
  • Fat loss versus muscle loss
  • Energy obtained from food
  • Proper nutrition
  • How your body gets rid of fat
  • Psychological aspects of weight-loss dieting

Low-fat diets

Low-fat diets involve the reduction of the percentage of fat inyour diet as calorie consumption is reduced but not purposely so.

Low-carbohydrate diets

Low carbohydrate diets such as Atkins and Protein Power are relatively high in fat and protein.
  • These types of diets are very popular in the press but are not recommended by the American Heart Association.
  • A review of 107 studies did not find that low-carbohydrate diets cause weight loss, except when calorie intake was restricted.
  • No adverse effects from low carbohydrate diets were detected.
Low carbohydrate diets do not support exercise very well due to the fact that carbohydrates are the main source of energy during anaerobic exercise.
  • Most elite athletes use carbohydrates for sprinting or resistance training as carbs supply 30% or more during aerobic exercise.

Low-calorie diets

Low-calorie diets or calorie restriction usually produce an energy deficit of 500–1,000 calories per day…
  • Which can result in a 0.5 kilogram (1.1 lb) weight loss per week.
  • They include the DASH diet and Weight Watchers among others.
The National Institutes of Health reviewed 34 randomized controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of low-calorie diets.
  • National Institutes of Health found these diets lowered total body mass by 8% over 3–12 months.

Very low-calorie diets

Very low calorie diets provide 200–800 kcal/day, maintaining protein intake but limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates.
  • These types of diets subject your body to starvation and produce an average weekly weight loss of 1.5–2.5 kilograms (3.3–5.5 lb).
  • These diets are not recommended for general use.
Very low calorie diets are associated with adverse side effects such as loss of lean muscle mass, increased risks of gout, and electrolyte imbalances.
  • People attempting very low calorie diets must be monitored closely by a physician for health complications.
As a women, you definitely want to avoid dangers of fasting with side effects because that’s not what a healthy diet and better qauility lifestyle is all about!

Weight loss diet, diet and dieting…what happens to your weight loss success?

Weight Loss Study of Home Environment Important For Your Success

Lose weight and enhancing women’s health…what’s the secret?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

It’s a question many women deal with on a daily basis.

What’s the best way to lose weight and keep it off?

Pointers on Losing Weight Safely…

Women who want to lose weight commonly, and first of all think about reducing the amount of food they eat.

This may be a quick solution, not exactly the best choice.

In fact, depending on the amount you reduce in your food intake, it may even be dangerous to your health.

So how do you lose weight effectively and safely?

Here are some points to consider as a lose weight guide:

Beware of the Crash Diet…

Most women think trimming down calories alone can shed their unwanted excess fat.

Probably this is because of the low carb fad there is in advertising about low-calorie food products and beverages.

What a lot of women don’t know is this could be dangerous because when they decrease their calorie intake way below daily required levels, the body’s organs begin to shut down.

Burning fat requires a lot of energy.

Since there is not much energy to facilitate metabolism of fat, the body will run at a very slow pace resulting in fatigue, illness and weak immune system.

Researchers at California Polytechnic State University say the answer may rest in how your home environment supports you in your weight loss success.

The new study, appearing in The Annals of Behavioral Medicine, has found predictable factors like exercise and control over eating and over eating play a vital role…

So do factors in the home like fewer TV sets and more exercise equipment.

Researchers say people with fewer TV sets have better weight loss success.

Researchers compared people who had lost over 10 percent of their body weight and kept it off for at least five years.

They compared overweight or obese individuals who have been unsuccessful with long-term weight loss.

They found people successful at weight loss:

  • Have a strong commitment
  • Exercised more often
  • Made healthy food choices
  • Healthy eating habits
  • Healthier homes (fewer televisions)
  • More exercise equipment
  • Better quality food…

“You have to pay attention to your home environment if you want to succeed. Do you have a TV in every room? When you walk into your kitchen, do you see high-fat food or healthy food?”

Asked the study’s lead author Suzanne Phelan.

Dr. David Katz from the Yale University School of Medicine says the study proves some markers of success are self-explanatory.

For example: Exercising more and eating more sensibly.

It also highlights the importance of changing your environment to promote a healthier lifestyle rather than just having willpower.

Some health practitioners have suggested an alkaline diet for people trying to shed extra pounds.

It is based on citrus fruits, vegetables, tubers, nuts and legumes.

Remember, as your weight loss coach I’m committed to helping you get better results and enjoy a happier quality of lifestyle success.

The reality is, success weight loss stories only happen as you succeed, so that’s another reason why I’m motivated to help you every step of the way.

If you have any weight loss questions or need help with weight loss, feel free to email: hookedonfood (at) gmail.com

 Weight Loss Study of Home Environment Important For Your Success!

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