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Easy Way To Get Slim?

What if You Can Lose 30lbs in the Next 6 Weeks?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

“If you’re failing to plan…you’re planning to fail.”

Ben Franklin, “healthy, wealthy & wise” guy said  it best!

So, what’s behind the “big secret” that let’s you drop 30+ pounds in six weeks for the “beach body” you want?

The beautiful look and feel you’re after in no time flat!

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you want to keep it simple, so basically you need a plan, right?

Why? Because a weight loss plan makes your fat loss easy and almost automatic. Allow me to explain…

Health fitness is the part where you have to come up with a diet plan and unfortunately that’s tough for most women.

Lose your belly fat, flat stomach, body fat

Mom's forbidden diet secret...she lost 23% body fat in 6 weeks

Now, the good news is with your permission, I’ll guide you step by step…

By handing you the secret to this plan right here on a silver platter.

FREE? Well, maybe there’s a catch…after all there’s always one, right?

Keep reading to find out why this time the experts are wrong?

Truth is, I gave away way more information than I was planning on, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep it available, so check it out right now.

Don’t wait on this…if you get a solid, proven weight loss success plan…”done for you” now, there’s still time to be lean and confident on this summer.

And this limited-time free presentation gives you everything you need to know to take the stress and “friction” out of losing weight and ugly belly fat.

The free offer is at the bottom of this page…but its not what you think, it’s way better. Why? Because I will help you to be successful.

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably had problems keeping the weight off lately…or from piling on the pounds as you’ve struggled to .

Could be your excess ‘baggage’ is all over, or maybe just in certain areas like your belly or maybe your hips or thighs, (problem areas we women…hate)!

And like anything else you’ve been struggling with time and time again, you suspect there is something out there helping, you just don’t know about yet?

After all, you already know diets just don’t work. Period!

Don’t you just want to scream!

All those meaningless hours of doing “mindless” cardio and bouncing all day doing treadmill exercises is way too boring and takes too much time, right?

And in the past, any weight you do lose ends up right back on your body as you’re forced to stop the “crazy” dieting nightmare and exercise programs!

Am I right?

Well, I know your pains and really do understand why you’re going to be happy to hear more about this unique story I just finished reading…

The facts are, a formerly overweight Iowa couple lost over 102 pounds of fat in just a few months…

By stumbling on this one little (some would say weird) trick that burns fat for 3 full days from just 15 minutes.

Sorry, that’s exactly what I thought too, it does sound amazing.

Imagine their shocking before and after pics, yet the important facts from this unusual story you’ll want to know about first:

1. They did it by enjoying delicious foods several times a day, every day, never hungry a minute…

2. They didn’t do one frightening minute of ‘cardio’ exercise, yet still lowered their resting heart rate, while enjoying near-boundless energy of youthful teenager…

3. In addition to their amazing weight loss, she lost nearly 10 inches of ugly belly fat and dropped 8 dress sizes, going from a 12 to a 4…

4. They did this all while doing almost the exact opposite of what most fitness training or fitness plan “experts” have been flogging us for years…

It’s a shame I don’t have their permission to re-post the actual full story here, but you’re probably already wondering about all the other details…

Please will you just stop worrying because you’re going to discover the truth about everything you need to know (including the inspiring before and after pics)…

I’m closely helping them get healthier, and they’re generously agreed to show you seven of the biggest mistakes you’ve probably making to lose weight…

Weight loss is a tricky game for many women, yet the little details of their fascinating, life-changing experience makes a big difference to better results.

Enjoy, you’ll thank me later because we’re here, all helping one another like a big family and community together dedicated to your continued success.

PS: Sorry, I may have to take this down anytime, so please take a closer look right now!

Top 7 Foods for Better Sex

If you want to put some sizzle back into your sex life, food can help you set the mood and fuel your fire…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

What female wouldn’t want to eat food or foods that are good for women’s health?

Fast food or health food?

Is there nothing better than a romantic candle lit, home-cooked dinner for your libido?

Healthy food with food recipes to indulge your R-rated senses helping you to turn-up the heat…

“There’s a growing body of evidence that some of the vitamins and components in foods can enhance sexual function and sexual experience,” says Jennifer R. Berman, MD, the director of the Berman Women’s Wellness Center, in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Here are some of the aphrodisiac foods (and my own favorite food recipes) that have been major players for our “female libido“.

Arugula has been heralded as an arousal aid since the first century.

Today, research reveals the trace minerals and antioxidants packed into dark, leafy greens are essential for women libido

As well as health because they help block absorption of some of the environmental contaminants thought to negatively impact our libido.

The Aztecs referred to avocados as, ahem, testicles, because of their physical shape.

But the scientific reason why avocados make sense as an aphrodisiac is they’re rich in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fat, making them good for your heart and arteries.

Anything that keeps the heart beating strong helps keep blood flowing to all the right places.

Topping my list of feisty foods, almonds have long been linked to increased passion, act as a sexual stimulant, and aid with fertility.

Like asparagus (another one of my favorite sexy foods), almonds are nutrient-dense and rich in several trace minerals important for sexual health and reproduction.

Almonds contain zinc, selenium and vitamin E.

“Zinc helps enhance libido and sexual desire,” says Dr. Berman. “We don’t really understand the mechanisms behind it, but we know it works.”

Figs are funny-shaped fruits with a long history of being a fertility booster, and they make an excellent aphrodisiac because they’re packed with soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

Why is this important for your heart health?

High-fiber foods help fill you up, not out, so it’s easier to get abs with sexy bottom line or flat belly.

Strawberries say it all with the color red which is known to help stoke the fire!

A 2008 study found that men find women sexier if they’re wearing red, as opposed to cool colors such as blue or green.

Strawberries are also an excellent source of folic acid, a B vitamin that helps ward off birth defects in women.

According to a University of California, Berkley study, may be tied to high sperm counts in men.

Why not eat some dark-chocolate-dipped strawberries?

While we’re on the subject, there’s a reason we give chocolate on Valentine’s Day because chocolate is full of libido boosting methylxanthines.

Seafood, despite their slippery texture, oysters may be one of the most well-known aphrodisiac.

Oysters are also one of the best sources of libido-boosting zinc.

But other types of seafood can also act as aphrodisiacs. Oily fish like wild salmon and herring contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for a healthy heart.

Citrus or any member of this tropical fruit family is super-rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and folic acid—all of which are essential.

Enjoy a romantic salad that mixes-it-up with citrus, like pink grapefruit or mandarin oranges, and why not use a dressing made with lemon and lime?

Hope you enjoy my top 7 foods for better sex…indulge but don’t be shy!

Weight Loss and Exercise!

Fitness Exercise and Strength Training For Women’s Health…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

When you are losing weight you think about how many calories you are taking in each day.

Well, what about getting the right weight loss exercise for toning your muscles?

Many women forget about their muscles when it is a major consideration.

Here’s why…did you know strength training exercise  means more lean muscle?

Yes! You actually get to burn more calories in any given day…

When you get your weight off you want to reveal muscle tone and you can easily do it with strength training exercise.

You may not have thought about strength training exercise because you are a woman.

Many women don’t give it a second thought because they think a strength training exercise will give them a manly torso and hulking arms.

You don’t have to worry about this, and this is no reason to avoid the weights. You’ll not bulk up like a man unless you take supplements to aid in this process.

The most that will happen is you will lose weight faster, have a more feminine body tone and you will look amazing at the end of your weight loss journey.

Look better, feel better and enjoy more femininity…that doesn’t sound so bad now does it?

You can find out which strength training exercise is better for you by visiting your local gym. Most gyms have personal trainers to help out their clients, and they can show you any number of simple steps that helps you get results.

You may need to add simple weight routines to your exercise program to get the results you are looking for.

You don’t have to lay down on a weight bench to get the benefits of exercise which is all part of a good strength training exercise program.

It is much simpler than you think.

You may also find a good strength training exercise by looking online, hint, hint. Just remember what when you work with any sort of weight you want to make sure you have proper form and breathing.

They are just as important than the actual strength training exercise. If you don’t not work with weights properly you can hurt yourself.

It is easy to learn proper form and breathing, however, so don’t stop yourself from looking into this because you fear it will be too complicated.

If you already do aerobics you already have the breathing part down anyway.

You only need to do this type of exercise for about twenty minutes two to three times a week to get the results you are looking for…

What’s next?

“Amazing Secrets of Natural and Lasting Weight Loss!

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