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Looking for a Winning Weight Loss Plan?

Everyone wants to lose weight fast and easy nowadays…there are plenty of crash diet plans out there and almost all of these types of diet plans will crush your metabolism.

Does fast and easy weight loss mean you’re setting yourself up for rebound weight gains?

There’s a saying that goes like this: “don’t let the turkeys get you down”

Do you know who to trust online?

There are a few simple rules to keep in mind so you know who to avoid and who to trust.

Actually by the time you’re done reading this short report, 1 of 2 things is going to happen.

1) You’re going to love me
2) You’re going to hate me

Guess we’ll find out…

Well, I’m about to unveil a truth to you that you’ve most likely never thought about before.

Do hormones play a significant role in your fat loss success?

I’m always up for talking about them because success can be difficult at best.

And stop choosing the wrong fat burning diet plan…

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Get ready for some hard facts…only 2 stand up in this study.

More than 60 percent of Americans have tried to lose weight at least once.

And yet, two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese.

Many women, it seems aren’t winning this losing game.

Why? The reason could be due, in part to methods they’re using to drop excess pounds.

Some weight loss plan rely heavily on precise compliance, so there is very strict and zero tolerance for how to go about following the diet…

weight loss plan for women

It’s certainly not for everyone…

According to new research in Annals of Internal Medicine…

Only 2 of the commercial rated weight-loss programs studied delivered results better than or equal to those seen via weight-loss coach or provided by healthcare professionals.

And those 2 programs come with limitations that could make them poor choices.

About the study conducted by researchers that wanted to find out how much weight women lost on various commercial diets, in both the short and long terms.

To do that, the researchers looked through previously published research articles.

Most participants of these studies were women and between 37 and 57 years of age.

Researchers examined 11 different diets and split results into 3 separate groups:

1 – Market leaders including Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem.
2 – Very-low-calorie programs like Medifast and OPTIFAST.
3 – Self-directed programs including Atkins, SlimFast and eDiets.

To determine how effective these programs were…

The team of researchers compared weight-loss results of those following the programs with what they could expect to lose through traditional weight-loss counseling.

The results are only 2 programs came out ahead…

Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig.

Both can deliver weight-loss results, researchers said and those losses tend to stick.

It’s NOT clear if results are better than those people might see with traditional counseling.

Some diets were clear losers…

Meal-replacement diets like Medifast may help people to lose more than they might lose with counseling, researchers said.

These types of diets come with health related risks such as gallstones.

And since most of the studies on these weight loss plans for women didn’t exceed one full year, so researchers had no real evidence the weight lost really stayed off?

While the results of Atkins and SlimFast looked good on paper, researchers suggested they weren’t applicable to the real world…

NOTE: Study participants on these weight loss plans often received advice from dietitians and that means most consumers wouldn’t typically receive this professional guidance.

Another reason results of studies of commercial programs raise doubts?

Those participating in the studies didn’t have to pay for them.

And if any specific methods or tricks were used to manipulate the fat burning hormones to make sure someone is always in the highest state of fat burning.

female fat loss

The reality is commercial weight-loss plans can be incredibly expensive…

People who have to pay for meal replacements, counseling sessions and more might drop out a lot quicker than those getting the same for free.

That difference may suggest the results seen in these studies would be less likely to stick for average consumers.

The take-home message is there are tons of weight management options out there and not all of them work, but it doesn’t mean losing weight is impossible.

You’ll just need to use caution when researching and planning your weight-loss strategy.

The best weight loss plans, according to the National Institutes of Health, gives you more than a quick fix.

The results come through counseling, education and support…

These programs may help you understand how to change your eating habits and your lifestyle to lose weight slowly and keep it off.

Your doctor may be able to help, but most are clueless so before you dive in to the losing game, make an appointment.

Do your homework, be prepared and ask questions.

Then open up further dialogue by discussing your goals, expectations and overall health.

The key to a weight loss plan is an enhanced metabolism…  

Unfortunately, too many women develop nutritional deficiencies while dieting because they’re limiting their intake of calories with crucial nutrients.  

Proper nutrition is critical to maintaining normal as well as supporting a faster metabolism. 

If you want to save yourself pain, frustration, disappointment and heartbreak of wasting both time and money, it’s important to be able to spot winners and avoid turkeys.

You can find the right weight loss plan and measure progress so you lose weight safely and effectively which includes the word permanently in there for enjoying a great lifestyle.

Weight Loss Plan

About Jody

Hi, my name is Jody Leon. Yes, I am a weight loss coach, very grateful and excited to meet you. I'm sure you're passionate to love the New You. Your empowered way to healthier living. It is true empowerment, priceless and fulfilling, because health and wellness opens many unlocked doors to love, confidence, happiness and freedom. You get more out of life everyday! Please reach out, I'd love to hear from you. I focus on helping women maximize health, food, lifestyle. Enjoy living in your own skin, healthier, happier, confident in all your relationships beyond food and body...
FREE Metabolism Guide - key to health, could be of help for menopausal women

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