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Weight Loss Tips?

Women are so busy these days and for reasons of time, cost and scheduling many find it very difficult to break free from the horrific dieting roller coaster…

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

1. Set a goal.

Identify your ideal weight and set up a plan to start reaching your goal.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask for and get help.

You’re not going to lose weight alone so tell you family.

Get support…

3. Vitamins can be good for you.

The American diet lacks essential vitamins and minerals. Balance your health with the best supplements.

4. Walk the Walk.

You burn calories when you walk, did you know that? Keep happily fit and active by balancing nutrition, health food and diet with regular exercise.

5. Sleep it off.

To be efficient at fat-burning, your body needs at least eight hours of sleep.

If you think you‘re doing yourself a favor by sleeping less, you‘re very much mistaken…

Before and After…Loss Weight Fast and Easy!

Watch this video below and see with your own eyes how fast and easy it is for some women to lose weight…without exercise or regardless of what they eat.

Is Weight Loss A Simple Phone Call Away?

Many women wanting to improve their weight loss results and eating habits may not be able to go see a dietitian or nutritionist for individual counseling.

Well, what about telephone counseling?

For women’s health, it’s becoming increasingly popular…these days!

Latest studies have reported it’s an effective strategy for behavior change.

A research study in the August 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association indicates counseling over the phone does indeed work.

Although uncontrolled, this telephone-counseling intervention over 3 months with a total of 8 phone calls to each participant…

This revealed even short periods of counseling can produce healthy weight loss with dietary changes.

Specifically, adults (97 people, mostly women) who were eating fewer than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily…

Women were encouraged to increase their intake of fresh:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Beans, legumes
  • Fiber

Plasma carotenoids (antioxidants) were measured in 41 randomly selected people as a way of assessing their actual intake of vegetables and fruits.

Results of this study revealed those receiving the telephone intervention consumed significantly more vegetables (67 percent), fruits (71 percent increase)…

Whole grains and beans (40 percent) as indicated by significant increases in their total plasma carotenoids…than did those not receiving the telephone counseling.

Why does telephone weight loss counseling work?

In my opinion, the telephone allowed the coach to give expert advice consistently.

And it created a sense of accountability on the part of the participants, both of which paid off in more healthy eating choices.

Also, the subjects’ intake of fat significantly decreased as more fruits and vegetables were consumed.

Since fat contains more than twice the calories of carbohydrates or protein, the caloric intake of their meals naturally decreased.

This means not only did it increase their chances for weight loss, but also decreased their risk for heart disease.

While the ideal will always be to see a dietitian or health care provider face-to-face…

This research suggests other options are out there that might result in significant dietary changes.

The American Dietetic Association (ADA) has a directory of dietitians in all 50 states.

You can find one within a short distance of your home or office.

You can even specify the particular area of nutrition counseling you’d like to receive, including weight management.

Just go to the ADA Web site, click on “Find a Nutrition Professional Near You,” and enter your zip code.

Some of the dietitians may do phone consultations or even make house calls!

About Jody

Hi, my name is Jody Leon. Yes, I am a weight loss coach, very grateful and excited to meet you. I'm sure you're passionate to love the New You. Your empowered way to healthier living. It is true empowerment, priceless and fulfilling, because health and wellness opens many unlocked doors to love, confidence, happiness and freedom. You get more out of life everyday! Please reach out, I'd love to hear from you. I focus on helping women maximize health, food, lifestyle. Enjoy living in your own skin, healthier, happier, confident in all your relationships beyond food and body...
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