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What to Expect from Sourdough?

Sourdough… it is not what you are thinking.

But there is something real about how sourdough rises.

sourdough bread
Yes, Sourdough bread naturally rises and there’s a reason

Diet, Gut Health, Weight Loss.

The connection between sourdough and your mood...

Including the hidden secret to gut health and weight loss.

10-15% of people worldwide suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Commonly referred to as IBS.

But only half of people who experience pain, fatigue of IBS are diagnosed.

It;s the most important pieces of the missing puzzle.

The gut communicates with your brain.

Is obesity linked to poor gut health?

The stomach releases a hormone called ghrelin.

Ghrelin stimulates appetite by telling our brain it is time for food.

The gut is a major gateway to the rest of the body.

And it’s more than a supporting role in health and well-being.

  • 1 in 7 people are linked to poor gut health
  • The gut plays an essential role in health and wellbeing
  • Poor food choices can upset the gut microbiome

Have you experienced any of these three gut health symptoms?


Why people are using natural remedies…

And to better their lives in ways no other path can do for them.

Sustained energy

Increased energy, not the ups and downs of blood sugar.

No more feeling tired in the morning and wired at night

Renewed desire

Confidence knowing what are good anti-inflammatory foods to eat.

Clarity about what’s good for you with less cravings for bad food.

Less aches and pain

Relief from body pain and aches associated with inflammation.

Zest for life

Healthy brain and gut connection by addressing gut health without brain fog.

And I’m here to help you improve your gut health for a healthier life.

Let me tell you a story behind Sourdough

It might be the greatest UNTOLD sourdough story.

This came to mind when I received a phone call today.

It was from someone who wanted advice about sourough.

Sure, I said…”what IS your story?”

Tell me about the moment you knew you’re overwhelmed?

As you know, there’s so much that goes on from day-to-day.

And it’s so easy to get lost in the forest...

This short article helps you to focus.

You’ll take ONE action, which is the most important first.

So you can make a choice with the most impact…

gut health

What is sourdough bread?

Glad you asked…

Sourdough is a leavened bread.

And the dough naturally rises as a result.

“Naturally rises as a result”…

Please keep this in mind as you keep reading.

Now here’s the #1 question that people ask…

“Is sourdough sour.”

So why would someone want to eat sour bread?

Maybe there is a hidden and deeper meaning.

Is life going to be a bitter, sweet or sour?

Because fear of the unknown is a limiter…

What does limit mean?

It’s a point beyond where someone cannot or is not permitted to go.

And it’s worse than you imagine.

Fear always gets in the way of change...

It’s got less to do with fear of failure.

And also fear of success.

Actually, it’s fear of both.

Let me explain…

Let’s say you want to go on a diet to lose weight.

But what if it doesn’t work?

You spend money on a product.

You may struggle, suffer and starve…

Only to gain ten more pounds in the end.

And feel like a loser.

But what if it all works for you?

You lose all the weight you want...

And then some.

But now you have another problem.

Do people actually like you or your appearance?

Maybe before you didn’t get much attention in social situations.

And now you’re overwhelmed with attention…

Some of it far more aggressive than you can stomach.

That’s also scary.

And you don’t know which direction it’s going, right?

So that uncertainty is scary, too.


fast food

Real change happens when you can get past fear...

And what is the ultimate fear killer?


Loving the idea of new possibilities.

Love who you’ll become.

As you go about experiencing self discovery…

Love of the curiosity.

And love of fascination.

You’re able to face and open up to the real you.

Listen, the goal isn’t to avoid or get rid of fear...

You just have to love ringing a bell so much louder.

So the noise of fear is harder to hear.

And it’s not as simple as feeling the fear...

To be uncomfortable and do it anyway.

It’s you feeling, taking care and nurturing love.

And action happens without fear.

Because sourdough naturally rises as a result

And extra credit if you love who you are right now.

Especially to encourage love for the future you.

You’re ready to finally put an end to discomfort.

Remember life is your personal sourdough journey...

You’re declaring you have risen.

And deserve to enjoy a new life.

To love you, feel good, energised and empowered.

POWERFUL is your love and I am so excited for you…


We want to know how to improve our health.

Especially knowing how to reduce the risk of disease.

Today choose to upgrade your quality of life...

And the lives of those you deeply love.

Remember sourdough naturally rises as a result.

In the last couple of decades…

Science confirms inflammation causes damage.

And the cause for most of our health problems.

Food is integral in the fight against inflammation in our body.

Food is an important part of our lifestyle…

And diet is only one tool in the box.

There are numerous nutrients and natural remedies.

Including foods which are critical in reducing inflammation.

All foods we choose to eat can increase inflammation…

Or they can combat the effects of inflammation.

In fact, research shows some foods are as effective as medicine.

We all want to reduce inflammation in our body…

But without unwanted and often detrimental side effects.

May I ask… do you want to recharge your gut health?

You’ll need to figure out which foods are ideal for digestion.

Which brings us to the Gut Health Guide...

Your gut health is serious, really important and a priority.

What if you want to move forward with confidence?

Click here for foods you love to boost gut health and digestion.

About Jody

Hi, my name is Jody Leon. Yes, I am a weight loss coach, very grateful and excited to meet you. I'm sure you're passionate to love the New You. Your empowered way to healthier living. It is true empowerment, priceless and fulfilling, because health and wellness opens many unlocked doors to love, confidence, happiness and freedom. You get more out of life everyday! Please reach out, I'd love to hear from you. I focus on helping women maximize health, food, lifestyle. Enjoy living in your own skin, healthier, happier, confident in all your relationships beyond food and body...
FREE Metabolism Guide - key to health, could be of help for menopausal women

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