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Why do you want to lose weight?

Why do you really want to lose weight

“Your Experimental Secret Diet and Fat Loss Plan?”

Did “experimental secret diet and fat loss plan” grab your attention?

FACT: More than 50,000,000 desperate Americans go on a diet each year.

2009-2010 data indicates over 78 million U.S. adults are obese.

12.5 million (16.9%) children and adolescents are overweight/obese.

Less than 4% manage to actually keep their weight off.

And many not only regain their weight, they end up heavier than before!

Source: Colorado State University and The World Health Organization…

Dear Friend,

Why do you want to lose weight?

Surprisingly it’s a simple question…

It comes up a lot talking about “comfort foods” and eating habits.

Make no mistake about it…

Why is this happening? 

Destructive food choices and obesity DOES slowly kill people!

(Bloating, self-hatred, digestive upset caused by excess food is a problem).

Does binging, overeating and food cravings have you lost in self doubt?

Listen, you know binge eating makes you feels miserable.

The stress is intolerable and it’s like being tortured by cravings.

And each day binge eaters lie to themselves about their food obsessions.

How do you feel about all the contradictory “diet of the month”…

An utterly overwhelming long list of new confusing diets with restrictive rules.

You already know how emotions can confuse you to make hasty decisions.

And you know that little voice inside your head which says…

“Go ahead eat what you want we’ll start again tomorrow!”

Most women get at the point where they can’t STOP overeating.

And obsessing about food…

The desperation makes people hide their food problem.

They hate themselves for lying to family and friends (those they love most).

They’ve almost given-up on themselves…

And lost hope in achieving their health and fitness goals!

Have you been trying every self-love approach you can imagine?

how to lose weight fast

Have you got NO idea what will actually work for you?

WAS there something which worked quite well for you in the past?

The reason I ask is you these questions is to help you get clarity.

You see, each life stage has its benefits and challenges for women…

Hormones influence behavior, emotions, brain, immunity and metabolism.

If your hormones are normal and supported you look and feel your best.

What if your hormones are out of balance (imbalanced)?

Well, your life can feel depressing, stressful and miserable.

OK, so you’re now aware of the emotional hormone roller coaster…

You probably also know the food you eat plays a huge role in burning fat.

(We’re not talking about cutting calories)…

Chances are you’ve tried to lose weight in the past right?

It might have started off well for you…

However, for one reason or another you couldn’t get results you wanted.

There comes a point in your life when you say to yourself enough is enough.

Please keep reading if you’re brutally honest with yourself…

why do you really want to lose weight

Do you know the reason you’re struggling and/or given-up?

From list below is it because of one or more limiting beliefs and mistakes?

You’re making horrible food choices, over and over, again and again.

Your waistline is ballooning and health is going from bad to worse.

You feel ashamed and embarrassed by your weight.

You’ve got a family and it’s tricky when you’re trying to juggle the kids.

You work long hours and have other social engagements.

Getting to the gym and back home can be a mission in itself.

You’ve desperately tried to lose weight many times in the past.

And you still hope that one day you’ll feel guilt free.

Your self esteem and confidence is at all time low…

Losing a large amount of body fat would do you the world of good.

Your weight has been spiralling out of control for far too long.

And now it’s time to put a stop to it…

Every morning when you look in the mirror you can’t help feel ashamed.

You can’t bare it anymore to see wobbly bits bouncing around as you move.

Your body is out of shape and it’s difficult to be intimate with your partner.

You’ve so little energy you struggle to get through each day.

You know deep down you’ve been approaching it all wrong.

Maybe you like being overweight?

Maybe the way it makes you feel about yourself is comforting?

Perhaps you prefer love handles, muffin top and jelly belly?

Could it be you’ve just given up on yourself and people around you?

You might as well not bother right?

It’s just not going to work for you because there’s no other better way.

Is the way you’re thinking holding you back?

What if I lose a lot of weight only to gain it back again?

why do you really want to lose weight

Not here to judge you, discriminate based on age or any other factor.

Want help to STOP binge eating, overeating, obsessing about food…

Want to enthusiastically experience a healthier better quality of life?

Actually feel positively good about yourself and achieve fitness goals?

I believe in you and this unique proven system can get better results.

YES! Just like thousands of other women have before you.

Click here if you believe you can do this…

Listen closely because you don’t have to feel helpless any more.

What is the only reason you need right now?

Just ask yourself this ONE important question.

Click link because this weight loss solution makes ALL the difference for you.

Why do you really want to lose weight?

FREE Metabolism Guide - key to health, could be of help for menopausal women

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