Home » Why Most Women Don’t Know They Are Binge Eaters?

Why Most Women Don’t Know They Are Binge Eaters?

ATTENTION: Live happier, healthier, energetic life, conquer your binge eating, food addictions, cravings and food obsessions

“Here’s Exactly How to Break Free from Emotional Overeating, Breakthrough Fear of Weight Gains, Binging Isolation from Friends and Family…Finally Conquer Binge Eating In 30 Days or Less

why do you really want to lose weight

Dear Friend, 

The simple guide to binge eating disappearing forever…

What you’re about to discover saves years of wasted efforts, pain and misery.

Are you using willpower or self-control to stop binge and emotional eating?

How do you help from relapsing if you keep blaming yourself for it?

You want to remove what’s causing the root cause of problems.

Because you don’t keep stacking more band-aids on top of them.

Does binge eating mean living with excessive guilt and shame…

The cold hard truth, it’s time to stop treating life like a diet.

What would you do if this happened to you…

Over fifteen years, you keep overeating, ignoring warning signs.

Then in a moment, you decide to give up and eat yourself to death.

Overeating and binge eating is a yo-yo roller coaster ride…

The whole binge eating way of life is scary and overwhelming.

Some women have unhealthy reluctance to give up eating junk foods.

Especially all the addictive sweet foods made with refined flour and sugar.

You know what, nine years ago I was desperate for a gastric band operation.

At what age or period did you experience the hardest time…

How much longer are you willing to put you and your family health on hold?

How much longer are you going to trial and error your way of life?

How much longer praying to someday hitting your weight loss goals?

How much more money are you going to waste on diet products?

Are you fed up with your food choices, cravings and obsessions?

Have you battled compulsive eating and weight gains all your life?

Frankly, I had to put on weight in order to stand up to my dad.

You see, binge eating is a seriously out of control problem for me too.

Imagine a powerful way to break free and breakthrough!

I’m writing to you about a subject I don’t normally discuss...

It’s a subject nobody wants to talk or even think about.

And yet, we all have to become more aware…

In fact, I really need to get my story and message out.

If more people knew binging existed, they’d say no more. 

I know this because it’s exactly what happened to me.

People say; “I heard you’ve got an eating disorder”…

I can’t tell you how hurtful it is what they said about me.

People wouldn’t be so quick to judge and point fingers…

If they understood and had to live with the consequences.

Well, I had to do something about my unusual eating problem.

Read my story, you don’t have to believe any of this…

Just be open minded and see if you can resonate with it.

Every word is based on my personal food struggles.

And I don’t expect you to carefully read every single word.

For the most part, all problems are caused by the way we think.

Your mind and way of thinking is a trigger for survival… 

The brain’s job is to forecast and protect you from unknown future

As a result, your mind is driven by survival and 100% fear-based.

Therefore, as a defensive measure it’s always looking for what’s wrong.

And for some reason what could go wrong in any given situation.

Keep reading, you’ll see and get a better understanding of fear itself.

And how you can use it as one of your most powerful drivers of success.

Have you ever experienced this…

I’m hungry, angry, lonely, tired and desperate to end nighttime binges.

I feel helpless, powerless and dominated by irresistible hunger urges.

Life is shattered and broken like millions of tiny glass fragments.

Brutal, gut-wrenching, unforgiving mistakes, subtle as it is sinful…

Are you tired of the little voice in your head dictating every move you make?

Are you ready to take full control of your life?

Want to show your mind who’s boss, once and for all?

Your mind is your greatest asset.

And also your greatest liability.

You’re able to consciously accept or reject what it’s telling you.

The invisible “sneaky” thoughts were the tip of a giant iceberg…

binge eater

Yes, I’ve been listening to negative self-talk, sabotaging my life for years.

I battle daily conflicts, avoidance, punishing indecisiveness and anxiety.

Nightmares held me back from ever deeply enjoying the life I’d dreamed of.

More days than I’d like to admit where I simply didn’t want to get out of bed.

All the years I sat on the sidelines missing out on more life than I needed to.

Emotional conflicts and food choices with feeding frenzy habits…

The fears, stress, pain and suffering with uncertainty affects us deeply.

I feel as if I am constantly fighting with my body to not put on weight.

It is a struggle for survival, feeling I’m not good enough until I lose weight.

Right now, can barely type one sentence without my brain screaming at me.

Emotional food obsession demands all your thoughts and energy…

So, whenever I feel emotional, anxious and upset I’d use food for comfort.

I’ll eat massive quantity of unhealthy junk foods, chocolate, ice cream, chips.

Candy bars, donuts, cookies, cakes, pizza, sugary, fatty and carb-rich foods.

Buying and hiding food so I can eat in isolation from loved ones…

Yes, shovel food into my mouth as fast and as uncontrollably as possible.

Helpless food addiction followed by feeling sad and angry about weight gains.

I live with chronic pain, suffer from migraines, I can’t get much work done.

I feel so tortured by diets, fast foods and junk foods (hyperpalatable foods).

stop binge eating

I am as a matter of fact, actually starving and undernourished…

It’s all happening because I am “trying to lose weight to help my body”.

Overeating negatively affects how clearly you think and your energy levels.

Everything you eat becomes painful for digestion followed by more fatigue.

Can you see how I’ve been destroying my body without ever seeing it?

Can you see how I’ve been putting myself in danger?

Your whole being and body struggles to keep up or recover…

You are always compromising your health and immune system.

And you’re more vulnerable and susceptible to common diseases.

Daily, I feel totally exhausted with little energy left to lose weight.

Does the term “psychological torture” resonate with you…

I feel so much pressure being negatively judged more frequently.

Not only that, jokes, judgements are more hurtful and painful.

Isn’t it funny how it works?

Not able to see your own habits, weakness and self-sabotage…

All these years friends and family would chuckle at me.

Feeling lost, alone, I felt rejection, more depressed than ever before.

People question your character, intelligence, beliefs, decisions…

People judge your preferences which causes guilt and shame.

Nothing kills confidence or motivation faster than rejection.

bing eater

Binging imprints terrible thoughts throughout my mind…

I feel trapped which continues to spiral out of control.

A compulsive eater with severe episodes of binge eating.

It is carved deeply into my mind and subconscious.

And just when you have almost nothing left to give.

I want to share with you the secret to stop binge eating…

If you want a new solution, you want a new way to solve that problem.

I believe this could be one of the most important steps in your entire life.

If you want more joy, freedom, happiness, peace, less stress.

You see, just a handful of facts is simply not enough proof.

Not for you to accept what you believe to be true about yourself.

What it means is stopping binge eating can be really hard…

And actually, it did get harder for me the longer time passed.

Yes, finding root causes or deep seated problems is hard work.

Sometimes it’s even harder when you’re trying to do it all yourself.

So I want to give you real life daily experiences…

And share with you key insights to help you better understand.

Can you imagine how it makes a tangible difference in your life?

Because most of my life was spent trying to prove myself to others.

Fifteen years to finally break free from emotional eating…

Experiencing how it tears apart your life, sanity and happiness.

All while I continued binging and denying it’s happening.

Unfortunately, I thought everything was all going to fall apart.

binge eater

Do you have a food obsessions blindfold covering your eyes…

Ask yourself if you believe it’s true.

Are you compulsively acting the same way over and over and over?

Experts say obsession with food is linked to an eating disorder.

It highlights complexity and effects which go beyond eating itself.

Do thoughts of not stopping continue to terrify and overwhelm you?

The next step is vital, you’re on the verge of a major turning point.

Are you going to allow binge eating and binging to control you…

If it sounds mysterious, I assure you it’s powerful and accessible.

I’m inviting you to discover a new breakthrough way to break free.

Ultimately this is all about you and your self discovery…

You’ll also see how core life skills and habits help you stay in control.

From heartache to feeling empowered and experiencing joyful happiness.

There are no extensive video trainings you need to take notes on…

Most training gives you some ideas and wishes you luck.

This actually lets you see the good, bad, ugly to overcome self-doubt.

That way, what you eat quickly becomes personalized to your lifestyle.

Instead of following diets you’re literally seeing better results…

There are no modules to study and skills you need to practice over and over.

Yes it’s simple, yet highly effective solution to a difficult problem.

Simply follow the proven power of this unique system.

And overcome negative thoughts so you can defeat cravings for life.

You wouldn’t tolerate it everyday suffering on your own…

Get refocused, reenergized, revitalized and reinvigorated.

And you will feel in control, satisfied and amazing!

Feel and do so much better because failure is no longer an option.

Truly words pale in comparison to how this system helps improve your life.

binge eater

What will you do now to transform any regrets you feel into action?

What is the difference between a mistake and a learning experience?

Matter of fact, save yourself so much grief and stressful meltdowns:

  • Break free from self-doubt and trust yourself
  • Never struggle with self-sabotage again
  • Completely forget what binge eating is
  • Experience unstoppable confidence
  • Life lived without regrets is a life worth living

You’re curious right now aren’t you?

binge eater

How to stop and get off the binge eating roller coaster ride…

What if you try doing something you don’t think you can do quite yet?

Because what if you can?

May I ask you one question, please be honest when answering…

Do you constantly use food to comfort yourself or as a fix?

If you do, you deprive yourself of your personal power and self-trust.

Do you feel binge eating is depriving and holding you back in life?

If you do, you can’t stop on your own, because you feel trapped and afraid.

There’s physiology and psychology…would you agree?

How confident are you of stopping or never binge eating again?

I’m not going to say you can’t stop on your own because it’s true…you can.

The problem is most women focus their thoughts and efforts the wrong way.

Even under the best circumstances controlling food urges is a real challenge.

compulsive eating

Maybe it’s the same for ALL “binge eaters”…

Click here to check out this informative article about food addiction

Sometimes it helps you determine if you’re addicted to food.

Because it’s not always just a matter of what you do know.

Moreover, what you actually DON’T know could hurt long term success.

Look, you’ve already come this far so you want to take advantage…

Because you’re serious about improving your mental and physical health.

I’ll help you through small incremental adjustments to get results you want.

Want to achieve, experience meaningful, profound, lasting change?

Tell me what is your one biggest challenge and binge eating frustrations?

The best feeling ever is taking the weight of the world off your shoulders.

Purge negativity and restrictive unhappy thoughts.

Enjoy counting your blessings and not empty calories…

It is time to get a new perspective on unlimited health?

See how to use a powerful diagnostic tool for better results today!

Simple to apply and anyone of any ability can use it immediately.

This isn’t goodbye it’s more of a see you on the other side…

Look forward to helping you unlock your secrets to lifelong health.

There’s always a solution much easier than you think or believe right?

So back to you now, how YOU can use my experiences…

You can start experiencing your own transformation.

Imagine a real noticeable transformation in 30 days.

It would be truly inspirational and remarkable would you agree?

Share your thoughts, need help, reach out, ask questions:

      We will never sell or share your information with anyone else.

    The toughest choice you will ever make happens every day…

    A choice and difference between life worth living or living a regret-fee life.

    Let me know what you think and together we will problem solve it for you!

    P.S. Many women are gaining more freedom with confidence and are taking control of their food obsessions, binge eating and personal lives. When empowerment and inner strength collide the sky is your limit.

    If you have any unanswered questions, please use above to email me directly and let me know how I can help. I’d be interested in getting your feedback which is strictly confidential. Remember to include your telephone number and a time to call you, thanks…

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