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Food Addiction – Are You a Food Addict?

If you think food is a problem, could it be food addiction?

food addiction

“Take The Food Addiction Quiz to Find Out If  You Are a Compulsive Eater or Food Addict?”

Food addiction can show itself in many different ways.

Many people blame themselves for lack of willpower or self-discipline.

Although many do use self-discipline in other areas of their lives…

For one reason or another, it’s not specific with food.

Sometimes we restrain ourselves with our eating while on a diet.

Truth is, most diets never last very long…

Some people express feelings of low self-esteem…

Fear, doubt, insecurity, shame, guilt and hopelessness.

How do you feel about your relationship with food?

Almost everyone hates to admit they have a problem.

Not everyone wants to announce they’re not “normal eaters”.

Over time there are the warning signs to become aware of…

Actually, these are symptoms of food addiction and not the root cause.

So you might be thinking, am I a food addict or addicted to food?

It is a very open, honest, important question to ask yourself right?

Take 5 question quiz and find out if you could be addicted to food…

This can help you understand yourself or improve your relationship with food.

The quiz is not a diagnosis it’s for awareness or taking it to next step. 

Is it worth while for you to discover and explore…

It is crucial for you to understand underlying causes.

And triggers of food addiction.

Please answer Yes/No for 5 questions as honestly as you can:


Food Obsession, Emotional Eating Or Binge Eating?

ATTENTION: Do you often use language associated with addiction to describe your relationships with food…

“Why Women Suffering From Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Often Get Addicted To Food…”

Carb craver, chocaholic, how many times have you heard someone describe their relationship with food…

Yes, for many women the food obsession struggle is for real.

So, is it really possible to be addicted to certain types of food?

Did you know food can trigger behaviours.

And brain responses similar to drug addiction.

Imagine you’re a full time professional chef!

And you’re struggling with binge eating or other types of eating disorder.

May be for many it would be bizarre and counter-intuitive…

How could anyone suffering from binge eating spend so much time around food?

Are obsessions with food often linked with eating disorders?

Does it highlight the complexity and effects which go beyond eating itself?

Many of us have used diets at some point in our lives…

Whether the diet is to lose weight.

Maintain weight or be healthier.

What most diets have in common is restriction.

And this type of restriction is not just behavioural.

It is not simply the restriction of not eating a biscuit or forbidden food…

The restriction starts in our brains when we tell ourselves certain foods are off limits.

And where we talk about forbidden foods which keeps popping up in conversations.

In truth, people restricting their food intake can become preoccupied with food.

The restriction and preoccupation can manifest itself in a strong desire to overeat.

Women suffering from binge eating, binging and emotional eating are often obsessed with food.

In fact, I found myself hoarding recipes, reading articles, watching cookery shows…

Always stressed out cooking for others and preparing meals they themselves would not eat.

What drives an obsession with food…

There are two reasons why those with eating disorders might be driven to obsess over food.

The first is the brain’s way of telling a starving person they need to eat.

In context from an evolutionary perspective…

This is for survival and adapting to the environment.

You see, our brain won’t let us forget we are in need of fuel.

A study conducted by American physiologist Ancel Keys after World War II…

Ancel explored effects of starvation and re-feeding.

He wanted to better understand how to help concentration camp victims.

Ancel Keys found those who were starved became obsessed with food…

They dreamed and talked about food constantly.

All other aspects of life became insignificant.

The thoughts only subsided when they regained body fat.

Three of the participants even went on to become chefs.

It illustrates how great the impact is to experience food deprivation.

And ultimately how powerful it is on their decisions and life choices.

The second reason people with eating disorders obsess over food…

Is related to the need for control.

Control is often central to the development of a disorder.

For many sufferers…

Controlling their eating is a way to feel some mastery in an otherwise emotionally chaotic world.

Many studies have shown people with eating disorders suffer from low self esteem…

And often have other mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety.

To prepare food and be strong enough not to eat it.

This reinforces their self-worth and to some extent empowers them.

Pleasure from food is gained in an almost voyeuristic manner watching others eat.

Bear in mind food obsessions is not limited just to people with eating disorders.

Anyone using a restrictive diet is more likely to experience preoccupying thoughts.

And it affects decision making and saps our brain power as well.

A study found successful dieters and those who when given free access to appealing foods…

Surprisingly did not eat much but performed badly on a simple cognitive task.

Unsuccessful dieters and those who ate lots of the food performed very well.

This suggested those who were successful at restricting their intake…

Did so at the expense of their ability to perform another task.

And when others decided to ditch the diet, they freed up their brain capacity and performed well.

So obsessing over food and trying to maintain a diet can have detrimental effects on our performance.

Learned obsessions with food goes hand in hand with our relationships with food.

This can be influenced early in life and might affect our propensity to obsess over it…

A recent long-term study found mothers who use food as a reward…

Were more likely to have children who overeat when distressed.

This is compared with children of mothers who used less controlling feeding practices.

Learning early in life that food provides a source of comfort could play a role in food obsessions later in life.

Traditional ways used for recovery from an eating disorder can be a long process…

It can take many years, be derailed by relapses and it may never completely go away.

Even for those who have recovered, food may always hold a special meaning.

Is food obsession, binge eating, food addiction eating beyond physical comfort…

Feeling out of control trying to satisfy hunger which can’t be satiated with food?

Click here if you relate to these types of behaviours or have any concerns about your eating habits…

Food Obsession

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