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Why Are You Addicted To food?

ATTENTION: What are the signs of being a food addict and how to overcome food addiction…

food addiction

“Is Food Addiction A Common and Very Serious Problem…”

Listen, you might be laughing at the whole idea of food addiction as a common and very serious problem…

Through research, scientists have identified when a person is battling any type of addiction.

The pleasure center in the brain undergoes natural changes.

When it comes to food addiction it is still controversial…

You see the same changes happening when a person eats hyperpalatable foods.

Find healthy eating bland or boring?

Your taste buds may need to be reset as a result of hyperpalatable foods.

Hyperpalatable foods are processed foods which are now easily and readily available everywhere.

Thanks to the power of our almighty food industry…

Over the years the food industry has changed dramatically.

And majority of foods produced in the United States are intentionally engineered.

Foods are manufactured in such a way as they surpass the reward properties of traditional foods.

Vegetables, fruits, and nuts just don’t cut it anymore…

Food chemists have engineered the ultimate food solution.

Simply by filling foods on the market with increased levels of fat, sugar, flavors and food additives.

In fact, food addiction is still not recognised as an eating disorder.

They means it can’t easily be diagnosed in clinical treatments…

However, a rapidly growing body of scientific research suggests otherwise.

And food addiction can actually exist.

Recent study of young American adult women found approximately 35% displayed addictive-like eating tendencies.

Certain foods and eating patterns can prompt behaviours…

And brain responses similar to those seen in drug addiction like cigarettes and alcohol.

These addictive-like eating behaviours could be contributing to overeating.

And as a result obesity in so many individuals.

Could it be an important piece of the obesity puzzle…

Is it food addiction, emotional eating or overeating…

Food addiction is commonly characterised using the Yale Food Addiction quiz.

The criteria used for substance addiction such as tolerance and withdrawal.

They’re comparing this to eating behaviours…

This interpretation of food addiction shares many similarities with above criteria.

It’s also being used to diagnose binge eating disorder.

Identifying loss of control and intense craving for specific foods.

So how can food addiction be set apart from other types of overeating…

Studies show there is around 50% overlap between individuals who display addictive-like eating behaviours.

And those who meet the diagnostic criteria for binge eating disorder.

These can also occur independently.

A more recent study revealed overeating should be viewed across a continuum.

Ranging from non-problematic occasional overeating to most severe and compulsive forms.

The most severe, which can be harmful to health and social life.

Is food addiction similar to drinking coffee, alcohol, tobacco or taking drugs…

It can be seen in the same spectrum with most severe drinkers labelled as alcoholics.

Food addiction may be better understood in the same way.

Representing the more severe subtypes of overeating.

The devastatingly powerful combination and affects of salt, fat and sugar…

In many human studies aimed at identifying foods associated with addictive-like eating.

The types of foods we typically self-identify as addictive are processed “junk” foods.

The foods which are engineered to be high in fat, sugar and salt.

For example in animal studies…

Using lab rats which are fed a healthy diet…

The lab rats do not show same addictive-like changes in the brain as rats fed highly palatable foods.

This suggests certain properties or ingredients may make specific foods more capable of triggering addictive-like responses.

The ingredients added to palatable foods may have properties which influence and trigger changes.

This includes a number of physiological factors.

Dopamine and hormones responsible for regulating appetite…

In simple terms very easy to eat foods because they taste so good.

And neurotransmitters in the brain produce “feel-good” chemicals.

The effects of highly processed foods mirrors those of other addictive substances.

More “engineered” or refined rapidly absorbed substances increase the rewards of addictive substances.

This is also not surprising from an evolutionary point of view…

Because potency of the rewarding ingredients is far greater in processed foods.

Much more than in naturally occurring foods.

A recent Australian survey found people with addictive-like eating tendencies…

They ate significantly higher intakesof high-kilojoule and packaged foods.

A study from the United States showed addition of rewarding ingredients such as fats and sugar…

As well as the level of processing increases addictive properties of food.

What if you think about what actually triggers an addictive eating episode…

It is difficult to separate food from the actual act of eating.

It is therefore likely both are rewarding characteristics.

The food as well as problematic eating behaviours play a role in addictive-like eating episodes.

And the increasing abundance of convenience foods in today’s food environment.

This relates to engineered or manufactured foods…

All these types of foods are easily accessible and heavily marketed.

And could be problematic for people with addictive-like eating behaviors.

Treating and targeting food addiction needs to be better understood.

In coming years, rigorous research is needed to better understand what food addiction means.

And how it can be identified and potentially treated…

Such a strategy could inform the development of better weight-loss treatments.

And more effective ways to target addictive-like foods or behaviours in certain individuals.

In addition, understanding underlying triggers (mechanisms) for addictive-like behaviours…

Could help identify new drug targets to treat obesity in some individuals.

This type of research may also inform better public health policy…

And environmental changes to help people make more informed decisions about their food.

This can decrease triggers of addictive-like eating in many individuals.

Eating an overabundance of these hyperpalatable foods causes a surplus of dopamine.

The brain chemical which makes you feel a sense of pleasure to flow is overwhelming.

This is the very same reaction which happens when a person indulges in drinking or using drugs.

The brain can’t handle excess of pleasure for a long period of time.

And it causes the body to decrease total number of dopamine receptors.

The only way to feel pleasure is when dopamine bonds with its receptor.

The result is a decrease in receptors because your own perception of pleasure has decreased.

This causes you to want more of the drug, alcohol or sugar, fat and salt.

And for so many women this is how food addiction begins…

And if food addiction runs in your family genes.

The chances of becoming addicted to food are significantly higher.

Are you constantly obsessing about food or your body image and weight?

If so, maybe you are ready to declare freedom from food addiction!

Click here if you relate to these types of behaviours or have any concerns about your eating habits…

Food Addiction

Food Obsession, Emotional Eating Or Binge Eating?

ATTENTION: Do you often use language associated with addiction to describe your relationships with food…

“Why Women Suffering From Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Often Get Addicted To Food…”

Carb craver, chocaholic, how many times have you heard someone describe their relationship with food…

Yes, for many women the food obsession struggle is for real.

So, is it really possible to be addicted to certain types of food?

Did you know food can trigger behaviours.

And brain responses similar to drug addiction.

Imagine you’re a full time professional chef!

And you’re struggling with binge eating or other types of eating disorder.

May be for many it would be bizarre and counter-intuitive…

How could anyone suffering from binge eating spend so much time around food?

Are obsessions with food often linked with eating disorders?

Does it highlight the complexity and effects which go beyond eating itself?

Many of us have used diets at some point in our lives…

Whether the diet is to lose weight.

Maintain weight or be healthier.

What most diets have in common is restriction.

And this type of restriction is not just behavioural.

It is not simply the restriction of not eating a biscuit or forbidden food…

The restriction starts in our brains when we tell ourselves certain foods are off limits.

And where we talk about forbidden foods which keeps popping up in conversations.

In truth, people restricting their food intake can become preoccupied with food.

The restriction and preoccupation can manifest itself in a strong desire to overeat.

Women suffering from binge eating, binging and emotional eating are often obsessed with food.

In fact, I found myself hoarding recipes, reading articles, watching cookery shows…

Always stressed out cooking for others and preparing meals they themselves would not eat.

What drives an obsession with food…

There are two reasons why those with eating disorders might be driven to obsess over food.

The first is the brain’s way of telling a starving person they need to eat.

In context from an evolutionary perspective…

This is for survival and adapting to the environment.

You see, our brain won’t let us forget we are in need of fuel.

A study conducted by American physiologist Ancel Keys after World War II…

Ancel explored effects of starvation and re-feeding.

He wanted to better understand how to help concentration camp victims.

Ancel Keys found those who were starved became obsessed with food…

They dreamed and talked about food constantly.

All other aspects of life became insignificant.

The thoughts only subsided when they regained body fat.

Three of the participants even went on to become chefs.

It illustrates how great the impact is to experience food deprivation.

And ultimately how powerful it is on their decisions and life choices.

The second reason people with eating disorders obsess over food…

Is related to the need for control.

Control is often central to the development of a disorder.

For many sufferers…

Controlling their eating is a way to feel some mastery in an otherwise emotionally chaotic world.

Many studies have shown people with eating disorders suffer from low self esteem…

And often have other mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety.

To prepare food and be strong enough not to eat it.

This reinforces their self-worth and to some extent empowers them.

Pleasure from food is gained in an almost voyeuristic manner watching others eat.

Bear in mind food obsessions is not limited just to people with eating disorders.

Anyone using a restrictive diet is more likely to experience preoccupying thoughts.

And it affects decision making and saps our brain power as well.

A study found successful dieters and those who when given free access to appealing foods…

Surprisingly did not eat much but performed badly on a simple cognitive task.

Unsuccessful dieters and those who ate lots of the food performed very well.

This suggested those who were successful at restricting their intake…

Did so at the expense of their ability to perform another task.

And when others decided to ditch the diet, they freed up their brain capacity and performed well.

So obsessing over food and trying to maintain a diet can have detrimental effects on our performance.

Learned obsessions with food goes hand in hand with our relationships with food.

This can be influenced early in life and might affect our propensity to obsess over it…

A recent long-term study found mothers who use food as a reward…

Were more likely to have children who overeat when distressed.

This is compared with children of mothers who used less controlling feeding practices.

Learning early in life that food provides a source of comfort could play a role in food obsessions later in life.

Traditional ways used for recovery from an eating disorder can be a long process…

It can take many years, be derailed by relapses and it may never completely go away.

Even for those who have recovered, food may always hold a special meaning.

Is food obsession, binge eating, food addiction eating beyond physical comfort…

Feeling out of control trying to satisfy hunger which can’t be satiated with food?

Click here if you relate to these types of behaviours or have any concerns about your eating habits…

Food Obsession

Loss Weight or Do You Eat What You See?

You are what you eat…have you ever been told if you increased your self-esteem you’d lose weight fast?

Jody - Weight Loss Coach

Weight Loss Coach

What is your daily calorie intake to lose weight?

Researchers at Cornell University offered a group of students a free lunch for several weeks.

Unbeknownst to the students everything they ate was measured and weighed.

Each week the amount of food served was increased.

Each week the students ate whatever was in their plate.

Portions of soup, pasta, breadsticks and ice cream increased significantly during the course of the study…

And the students simply ate what was in front of them.

The scientists concluded that portion size (food portion sizes) determines calorie intake.

Source: David A. Levitsky and Trisha Youn, “The More Food Young Adults Are Served, the More They Overeat.” Journal of Nutrition, Oct. 2004, 134(10):2546-9.

What is your calorie recommended intake?

If it’s on your plate…you will eat it. So take small portions. Plain and simple!

Listen carefully, I am a weight loss coach and the idea of any “fat women” having low self-esteem is a myth.

Every psychological test given to overweight women indicates they’re as mentally healthy (or unhealthy) as anyone in the general population.

There is nothing concrete to suggest anything solid about overeating that is associated with poor emotional health.

In fact, it is realistic to say obese people are emotionally stronger than slim people…

Many slim or lean women who were interviewed said they’d stay at home if they were obese …

They would not have the psychological fortitude to be seen in public if they were overweight or heavy.

Firstly, obesity is not a psychological disorder.

Second, obesity is not an eating disorder.

Fat women have a genetic predisposition to gain weight.

Speaking generally: If women conform to today’s celebrity ideal of slimness or good health…well, that’s their choice, right?

But if your genetics dectate you tend to gain weight easily, you must find a way to counteract those biological impulses through behavioral changes.

Our genes may give us the capacity and tendency to eat much and gain much, but it is our environment and habits that allow or influence us.

What gene that opens your mouth is responsible for overeating?

In my weight loss coach sessions, everyone who wants to lose weight does lose because we add self-development to the mix.

Small steps with self-confidence and inner strength makes it easier to stick to whatever weight loss program you decide to follow.

And it is crucial to follow a weight loss program that fits your personality.

The truth is, any healthy weight loss diet program will work if you follow it.

The challenge is building new eating patterns into your life.

New amazing and permanent weight loss, is easier to achieve when you simply follow a series of small steps and don’t think about the big picture.

You want to be adding new eating habits to your daily routine with small progressive behavioral habits that absolutely help your weight loss…

Helps you reach your weight loss goal quickly and easily.

A great start is to use some of the weight loss tips I provide which are based on the latest research so you’ll benefit.

Just get started today with your own small steps.

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